This is a thread for the purpose of discussing
the possibility of unifiying black/white nationalist movements against our common globalist multiculturalist enemies who are trying to destroy and subvert our unique cultures and societies for profit and power.
As you can see in the old thread, this triggers shills, so expect extreme butthurt and COINTELPRO bullshit from them.

We have two people, one WN and a black muslim, willing to make a video/speech about the issue and need ppl willing to write/edit the video as well as memes, slogans and info to spread and further illuminate the issue. The more digestible they are to normies, the better. Pic kinda related, I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:



Farrakhan triggering adl and naming the juden


dont forget us too

Our ally Farrakhan n why kikes hate jews




that pic

GLR approved


the first bump is on the house, but the next one'll cost ya.
if your memes reach black twitter-tier, we'll consider it ;)

What the fuck...that is so bizarre that it made me laugh irl.

how do we redpill black community to jewish question?

How do we redpill right wing hapas and other anti-heros to stop being spergs and insecure.


If jews are gassed and everyone returns back to their homeland then it is a good idea. But I doubt that will be the case and when Shlomo is out of the picture a race war will begin due to the power vacuum.

This is a good question.
They live off the free money that the jew provides.

once u learn about divide and conquer tactics pushed by kikes picture becomes very clear and everyone knows what to do next .

post creed and rocky handshake if u have

Here is a meme idea that will make the normie blacks like this:
Rejecting white women and raising a black family like in Black Panther. There where no interacial relationships in that movie. But I'm sure the qt nerd is going to bang bucky.

Also, is there actual proof that most slave owners where jews?

would intro redpilling through Minister Farrakhan be sufficient?

a few points which may help your cause:

>Man evolved to live in ethno-States: it's natural
>Civic Nationalism results in the genocide of all races via miscegenation
>All races deserve to exist and thrive in their own homeland
>Ethno-Nationalism allows each race to appreciate the others which eliminates racism
>Japan is the most successful example of a modern ethno-State

Alliance between black nationalists + white nationalists to subvert the divide and conquer tactics of globalist/communist Jews.

The only way to wake our people up and keep them from fighting is to stand together for the ideal that we should be allowed to stand apart.

>50 years ago
>When Malcolm X was asked whether the Black Muslims are anti-Semitic, he replied: “Many Jews have guilt feelings when people talk about ‘exploitation.’ This is because they know that they control 90 percent of the businesses in black communities, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. And they benefit more from black buying power than blacks do from other parts of the white community. So they feel guilty about it.” He also complained that Jews can be found on the boards of such organizations as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, but, he continued, “the same Jews won’t let you become president of B’nai B’rith, or any of their other organizations.” Although Malcolm X denied that his organization is anti-Semitic, his comments left many wondering if that is genuinely true.

Read more: forward.com/culture/looking-back/177636/malcolm-x-and-the-jews/

Normie blacks love to Ooga booga about white womenz though.

What the fuck, can someone confirm this? Literal Talcum X-tier..

If you migrated from the other thread, you should have noted we had a Muslim OG present who can certainly spread information to that side and will be percieved as credible. NOI members spoke on the issue, although I think it would be smart to directly adress the BLM community as most of them already seem to have very nationalist/racist tendencies on their own (and aren't attacked for displaying them) as

Are the Badasses from tenessee still with us?

Drug trade, slavery, destroying the black family's, many already are redpilled.

Yes I'm still here brother, my bro had to run by he's down for the cause, he's out in cali at the moment. I'm in east tn in the mountains.

as far as I know they're called coons or race traitors

I wonder where some the other guys went like the self hating nip, Drumpf posting Ukrainian and the Australian behind every BLACKED thread.

If he calls out the nose instead of wypipo then yes that may work.

This is absolutely what nationalism needs. Ultimately we all want the same thing, and have the same enemies. Nationalists of all races should fight together.

It's a shame honestly. Whites may think my women are ugly but they aren't for them desu.


thats what we want ,defeat the enemy and live in peace
im op from last thread
good points

Oh, guys, btw, keep David Spencer out of this shit.

I was wondering how long before the (((Alt-Right))) tried to co-opt OP's thread.

Calm your shit, man. Those black guys are frowned upon within black communities, atleast here in France. Dunno about USA, though.

Last thread that got archieved



from wikipedia:
>Jacek Aleksander Hugo-Bader (born 9 March 1957[1] in Sochaczew) is a Polish reporter and journalist fascinated by Russia and the former Soviet Republics. Since 1990 he has worked for the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper.

>He also used to work as a teacher, train loader, scale operator at a pig market, head of a distribution company, a part of the underground structure of Solidarity and a shopkeeper.

he did,check the video


I'm down. I always thought this was the go to solution. After ((they)) are taking care of, Ethno states for everyone where visitors from other states we'll be a loud to vacation to enjoy eachothers cultures.

A problem with farrakhan is, that some think that he actually got Malcolm X killed, when it was CIA that set that up.

This, Ironically I had certain experiences with ritalin/benzos which led me down the rabbit hole, the current downer crisis especially in north america enrages me deeply for this reason. It is a huge source of revenue for them, and keeps people miserable and docile.
Very good, I appreciate that, I'm getting into the beer and I wanted to be sure this information gets where it needs to be, although discussing it in ze pooblic space is important as well.

Thank you goys, we need everyone we can get on this as it could be the craziest but most worthwhile endeavor Sup Forums ever got involved with.


sounds like utopia

huge potential. please dont get co-opted by jews and shabbos goys.

Black lives matter in the black nationalist community is seen as a feminist front pushed by liberals
Many in that community believe that their movement has been corrupted by gay right activists and feminist issues and hispanic issues

This a meme version of Obamas portrait, what is this from?

he kinda confuses ''white'' elite with jews, with infographs and redpilling he could be shown the ultimate truth .

this, it has potential to make lethal blow to kike propoganda , kinda what trump does now, allying with ex enemies to defeat the greater evil .


rolf they on to him

kek, I knew kangz wouldn't approve of his faggotry
See, this is what I believed as well, but it's not about giving that dude more power, but rather redpilling the kang community using quotes by someone they see as representing their interests, I would focus on malcolm as well though, he is respected by most and scares the hell out of progressives..


>A recent controversy involving anti-Semitic firebrand Louis Farrakhan and leaders of the Women’s March has revealed a perplexing division. Last week, Women’s March organizer Tamika Mallory came under fire for attending an event led by Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan and later posing for a photo with him. In true fashion, Farrakhan made several anti-Semitic statements during the speech, which Mallory did not repudiate.

When she came under fire for her associations, she wrote a rather problematic tweet, which didn’t help her case: see related pic

Even the black women are joining in.

its easy to spot cia niggers like Spencer ,they prefer to ignore such threads

Looks fake af desu

We need to have a serious conversation about which states will be black clay.

> Liberia already exists

Not an option. Negroes have been here since before there was a legal here. They're 13% of the pop; 13% of the country is theirs and only theirs.

Where is Black States of America?

pic unrelated, but still funny

prbly is but still is a nice image :3

lel all we need do is put Israel on that couch. when the people look at israel like they do weinstein we will win.

We need to reinforce this idea.

The audacity of kikes, they literally subverted yet another movement called black nationalism.
They killed the leaders and THEN co-opted the movements with pushing gays liberals & hispanics to a ''''common struggle'''''' the blacks have been in america as long as whites

south maybe ,georgia and alabama for exmaple ?

>please dont get co-opted by jews and shabbos goys

We're a amorphous blob of hateful, anti-social and possibly mentally ill individuals. If they wanna come stick their huge noses into that, they are free to do so, but I'm afraid they won't find anything to co-opt. Ocean of piss, remember? I don't know you, you don't know me and if a spook offered me money I wouldn't know what info to give him except that I hate him and his overlords with the intensity of a billion supernovas. He can buy that if he wants.

I'm glad we agree on the potential, do you thing we could get this issue on /bybs/ or even warski? that would be yuuuuge.

Races naturally have an in group preference and that shouldn't be shamed.
How do we push this?

Ruh roh... our servants are turning on us.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Good points. This can be related to what they did to Rockwell and illustrate our real common struggle.

nicely said

maybe,wasnt warski censored by youtube ?

Examples of jidf controled spread of hate on pol to further divide whites and blacks

You did none of that, in that copypasta.
And that mammy is destroyed as much as the opioid addicted white woman and man

>when the people look at israel like they do weinstein we will win
archive.is/iJCuj go win some then, it is pretty effective on feminists, that's for sure.

This is exactly what we need the black community in america to see and I think now that they got their own ethnostate movie with an all-black cast they might feel more inclined to listen to that message.

That is why you can’t have an avenger like team up with lesser races, they are plagued by inferiority complexes and will backstab you at every possible opportunity

Reminder that our emperor was the first man to be endorsed by both the KKK and Nation of Islam lol

This is inevitable. So many interests in common. We celebrate diversity by uniting as one against the feminist commie zombie apocalypse.

piss off cia nigger

>our first /nut/
Kek'd hard

good source thanks

That’s what an arguing subhuman low IQ person looks like

both good questions

Last thread an user made a good point brothers, outreach. We need to make alliances.

Whoever has Twitter needs to tweet people with a lot of followers like Farrakhan, doesn't have to be him but anyone that outreach will draw a lot of attention.

Worldstarhiphop, Twitter, we can start the fire brothers. Any and every place we can preach the good word.

Ignore trolls.


You people are no better than T_D You have to go back.

lmfao look at the damage control from the juden

Farrakhan, nation of Islam . Well spoken.
Did he say Satan's spawn ?

They prefer the warmer weather, and whites generally prefer to see snow. Give them Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississipi, Alabama. That's probably a little more than 13%, but Florida is going to be underwater soon anyway.

>civic nationalism
>niggers and mussies will definitely leave

this is the best OP Sup Forums has made in a while. cant wait to see how it turns out.

for too long the divide and conquer shills have disrupted Sup Forums. The best way to achieve an ethnostate is to make the other ethnicities leave by themselves.

yes he called them the synagogue of satan , seems like aware men .

The Jew fears this video.

This is a Black professor who names the Jews very insidiously. He proves Jews brought the slave ships over, got MLKJr and Malcom killed, etc etc. If this were spread to World Star hip hop and the like, then the blacks would wake up finally.

Also, use the "LGBTQ" angle. Blacks are VERY homophobic and according to Wikipedia, Jews represent fags/trans by a HUGE margin.

Whatever portion of the South we have to give them to support their population sufficiently.

This ain't civic nat, fag. We're talking working together to form separate nations. You can send pakistanis home; American blacks are home. They were here before the irish, Italians, poles, beaners, and chinks. They deserve their own SEPARATE part of this land mass.



Not yet, but his and JF's last streams were boring as fuck due to lack of good debaters/friction. We would need a full globalist/neocon/neolib shill willing to risk losing his head though. Or do you think the Vee/Sargon homo couple would be down for another pounding?
I can dig up some more if you like, I need a lill time to sip and smoke tho.
Are you the same nazi LARPer I verbally spanked in the last thread?
Your posts say a lot more about yourself than black people desu, you could use crime statistics or something factual, but it's all low energy garbage aimed at getting a reaction.
If I were an enlightened liberalist like Don Sargone, I would go so far as to call you a nigger.

>trolls I.e a white person who says something that triggers the nigger subhuman brain

>trolls i.e people who use free speech but you don’t like what they have to say

>Behind the violence lay decades of uneasy coexistence between local blacks and members of the Lubavitcher sect, who established their world headquarters there in 1940. Lubavitcher Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky claims that ”Crown Heights is a model community of integration where whites and blacks live in peace together.” But blacks describe a different atmosphere. ”The Hasidim set up an apartheid situation in Crown Heights,” says Dr. Vernal Cave, a black dermatologist who has lived in the area for 36 years. Cave claims that the Lubavitchers have long received preferential treatment from police and city authorities. In particular, he says, the sect caused resentment in the past by pressuring Jewish shopkeepers in the neighborhood to close their doors on Saturday and by prevailing on police to block off the streets near their synagogues during the Sabbath. Said another local black man: ”You’ve got to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know about the problems here with the Hasidim.”


It’s just other shitskins like you

You can’t argue any of this. It was always you subhumans

Yes, please.

You can't even make an argument.
Who are you, Mr splitcock himself?

Well said brother

You’re a subhuman shitskin that is hiding behind a white flag.

Fucking tell in your OP that you’re a subhuman nigger