Why are conservatives suddenly against free trade?

Why are conservatives suddenly against free trade?

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There is a difference between free trade and the abuse that is going on today.

Free trade is when [a country's] companies can produce things in their home country and sell to other countries.

What we have now is [a country's] companies moving out to have cheap labor and resell back to their home countries.

>Why are conservatives suddenly against free trade?

They aren't. Plenty top Repubs are bitching about the tariffs. There are no true conservatives on Sup Forums. Every topic on here is about identity politics and actual economic threads are few and far between.


You're thinking of neocons. Try NRO for a stimulating debate on the merits of free trade.

A way bigger question is what happened to libs being for free speech and opposed to war mongering against Russia?

Because free trade isn't conservative, you're just a fucking retard who likes to suck the british empire's dick even if it fucks over our workers

You are not a conservative, fuck off and kill yourself

>You are not a conservative, fuck off and kill yourself

Tell me more about myself, user.

Perhaps they finally realized that capitalist jews sold out their country like theyre trying to do with every western nation

Playing by the rules only gets you so far when you’re the only one playing by the rules.

Fuck the entire rest of the world and all the shitskins, in and outside the US. White america is getting tired of (((their))) shit.

Heil hitler.

t, former libertarian, now ethno nationalist.

because it doesnt benefit us anymore. name a single thing we cant produce for ourselves in great quantity? ill wait.

Free Trade only works when ALL parties involved do not place limitations on trade. Want Free rade? Get ALL the governments of the world to drop trade restrictions. Can't do that? STFU Shill.

Someone must feed you. Conservative culture, by definition, is protectionism. Please get someone to help you formulate your next post.

Conservatives have always been against it. You're thinking of the Neolibs in red ties that call themselves "Conservative" .

Delete that nasty thing

Trade hasn't been free since you fags made trading people illegal.


Problem is, the words conservative and liberal have been so bastardized and intermingled with identity politics, people don't even know what either of them mean any more.

Baka only the US practices free trade or at least whats closest to the definition, every nation or bloc uses a form of protectionism, sometimes necessarily like with Asian countries and Rice, but sometimes just to push out competition unfairly, and if you want to go further there are some nations out there that perform abuse through subsidized production so that nobody can compete at all.


This is how you pay for the tax cuts. Compare historical government revenue from tariffs as opposed to income tax.


The U.S. market place is worth a 10% tariff. Countries drool over selling stuff to the U.S.

Not sure how it is for your country but conservative parties in the US have always been in favor of protectionist policies.