White boys BTFO

50 cent says "niggers have superior genes" and that "Conor McGregor is a good fighter... for a white boy"


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It's true though. Hip hop went mainstream and now the fashion is accepted by rich black men that are held in high esteem. Those blue jeans 50 cent is wearing in your picture probably cost a few hundred dollars. Most white people just buy wranglers or levis at Sears. I don't see what the issue is.

EXACTLY, white boys CAN'T fight

a white man and his brother ruled the heavyweight boxing ring for 10 years (klitchko's) all i heard from black people was crickets...

50 cent is pretty smart honestly, for a nigger. But you know, white people have superior genes for that kind of shit. You know, niggers had to make black panther to pretend they could hold a civilization, you know what I mean? They had to invent that shit but it's too much work for niggers in reality, its just how it is.

It's kind of like comparing a chimp to a human. Chimps have better genes when it comes to physical strength...not so much in the brains department. Same for nigs

Ya lets just forget all those years blacked dominated that division...

That's why Black Panther is the highest grossing film this year? Is that why black people have the best culture and everyone copies us.

Niggers have such a inferiority complex it's not even funny. Niggers are so fucking insecure and hate themselves so much, that's why they're always trying to up whitey to mask those dreadful feelings. Fuckin' niggers

Look at Sup Forums, its fool of crackas who are upset they sister is fucking a nigga. When will white boys realiize they are low test and no woman wants them


that was funny af tbqh. you could tell he was just joking too because he was having trouble keeping a straight face the whole way through

stop being so sensitive Sup Forumssmokers

Blacks have the best culture now? Pretty sure you guys only produce the worst jew-funded crap.

Also, Nigger Panther being popular doesn't mean shit, it just means all niggers and SJWs go see it.

Nobody copies you. I don't understand why black people think this. As long as we don't listen to rap music and wear cloths that are too big for us we're pretty much in the clear when it comes to stealing black "culture".

Looks like its blacks that are colonizing europe now

Thats why white sorority sisters fuck the nigga athletes? Or why the kardashians only fuck black guys? Women are attracted to men.

a nigger celebrity said something

let's shill it - who else, but a mutt

The nigger is so cringe inducing he's probably on his bbc rules all tumblr page right now crying why white girls don't fuck ugly untalented niggers it's quite simple....YOUR UNDESIRABLE

I'm looking around my house and I can't literally can't find one thing that was influenced by black culture. This goes for most whites. Wiggers and coal burners are seen as low class outcasts. Non of my books were written by blacks or anything. My cloths are what you would call preppy. I have absolutely no fucking clue what you people are referring to when you say such things.

>is a wrestler
or w/e the fuck he do
>lose against a boxer by boxing

"Copy" the culture. His watch in that photo is swiss. His belt is from Italy. He raps about European cars. He buys his wife Hermes and Louis Vuitton.

From the article
>Broadly, the genomic analysis found that on an average the African American genome was 73.2 percent African, 24 percent European and 0.8 percent Native American.

>With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.

That's my favorite bit. The average nigger is almost 25% white because after cucking your race with slavery, we properly cucked you genetically by raping your women while you cried in the corner.

You're 25% white yet still a nigger.

Nigger please

what happened to Martin Lawrence. he was huge 15+ years ago then all of a sudden he just disappeared

Look at the top 100

>Can't look into the camera...

the absolute state of this beta male.

White supremacists tried to make him wear dresses and made him crazy



I hate wigger McGregor, but I'd love to see this monkey say that to him in the octagon.

Bro it doesnt matter where it made, most white people cothes are made in china sold n walmart. Its how you wear it.

Now the roles are reversed, and now white people are being colonized by superior bbc. Look at who white wowmen choose

Superior nigger engineering.

But Floyd would never step into his ring. He wouldn't even use lighter gloves cause he was scared.

Yeah, they're so superior, that's why the heavyweight boxing champions are usually always white, even though whites are 8% of the world population.

The problem is gonna be after, when the whites decide it's time to fight, may God have mercy on their enemies


Boxing isn't fighting.

>niggers have superior genes

How about all your sistas that fuck elsewhere?

You wanna talk about them too or it'll be fine? Don't try to be smart for a nigger, you're not on 50 cent level.

50 unironcially fucked up.

Connor has always been on the fence about race, he shows hints of it here or there but hes either really good at hiding it or not redpilled on the race topic.

But 50 straight out trying to insult him for it will awaken something that Connor didnt know he had. Ive always felt like Connor will the man too lead the white race in our crusades and ill gladly die behind Connor on the battlefield.

Black people arent colonizing shit. They're coming in and turning european cities into shitholes just like they did here in America. Did you know that as a collective blacks are a 400 billion dollar net loss on America? 7 out of 10 blacks are on welfare and when you factor in bogus disabilty claims it's 8 out of 10. Keep in mind we're not counting prisons where we have to lock them up to keep them from killing and robbing people. Dude, I would leave this place immediately unless you want your black inferiority complex even worse than it already is. Pol will leave you feeling like a droopy eyed armless bewildered stepchild. Get out now andsave yourself.

Shut up white boi

What is this proving? The catastrophic state that music ended up at? That money destroys cultures? Thats Jews employ their nigger slaves to do the dirty work?

>implying boxing is fighting

>ooga booga da white boiz can't fight

ahahahahha I'm guessing he hasn't looked at too many iq studies

It seems to me like we can fight pretty well

Colonizing implies building shit and not destroying shit
I can walk for miles everyday without seeing a single african. All your brothers are at cnn but not here

yeah but he made it with his own shit


try again sweetie

Was that the fight where the black guy turtled all match, turning his back to get the beating to stop, and then knocked out whitey when he was tired?
It was a good use of the rules, but that's when I found out that I apparently don't like the rules of Boxing
The black guy won, but boxing allows for shit fights

No shit. Doesn't he unerstand who controls the music industry? Kikes have been shoving nigger music down our throats for years. Nobody, I say nobody I know listens to jungle music.

they were boxing. If grappling and jujitsu was allowed this fight wouldn't have ever gone past one round. McGreggor fought with out even half of his ability allowed and still almost won.

>caring about what a nigger who raps about crack sales says

fucking treacherous savages
and then they wonder why they were oppressed
it's because they NEED to be oppressed otherwise they will engage in dishonorable, evil behavior
they are WICKED.

slavs are the masterrace when it comes to fighting

This fucking jew. Lmao.

Now let's see how Mayweather handles himself in the octagon.

The superior race doesn't care what the inferior race says. Did 50 cents words hurt you? Does "nigger" hurt them?

Easy work

>Looks like its blacks that are colonizing europe now
But they're filthy animals being herded by jewish policies. They have no say and beg like pathetic worms to enter these countries.

Connor once said “I’m black from the waist down”. I doubt it.


He won't be able to walk for a couple months after getting kicked in those skinny little chicken legs.

>Bro it doesnt matter where it made,
>Americans get shit from china
So... Does it matter or not?


white kid ingests too much ZOG nigger media, starts talking like a nigger. many such cases, SAD!

In all fairness, that map was from a long time ago. The verb "can," part of "can't," is present tense.

for 18 years huwhite pypo hold the heavyweight title in the UFC
and this is the best of all time

>non-mma fighter calling other fighters weak


Conor McGregor would fuck 50 cent up like he was nothing.
I'm not even a fanboy.

>niggers have superior genes
Depends on what you're doing. They're generally more likely to be lean, and fast runners. They have shorter torsos and longer legs. Whites are more likely to be thick and strong, better swimmers. Also: there's that pesky Iq thing we never get around to properly discussing.

>White supremacists
...except the jews are the ones who run hollywood. Idiot.

pillowpunching isnt fighting tbqh

He didn't even knock him out. Ref called the fight because McGregor was gassed and not defending himself well enough for his liking.


This is what happens when a boxer fights an mma fighter on the mma fighter's terms.
I don't know if you're familiar with James Toney, but he's one of the slickest boxers who ever lived. but

White women do not choose black men. You sir, are delusional. All a mediocre white guy has to do is make a dting profile and he can get all the black pussy he wants. It's so easy that it's seen as a copout. White men turn down black women all the time, because we don't want white women to think we're gross and white men to lose respect for us. The fact that black women aren't hot at all obviously makes this very easy. If I learned that a girl that I was with was into black guys I would lose all attraction for her. I wouldn't say anything, I would just not respond to her calls. White men let each other know if someone is a coal burner. We'll use all kinds of codes like night rider, mudshark, coal burner, nigger lover, etc to let each other know a girl is trash.

wow i wonder if he'll be ostracized for this like Jimmy the Greek


50 cent is a thespian nigga. he went to drama school with dr dre. mr greenberg manages his "portfolio", whatever that is


>Blacks. Fucking. Dominate.

He was a Hillary supporter and Mayweather was a Trump supporter

Stop bumping the shill threads....

user white people invented the black panther. They couldnt even do that themselves.

Blacks are horrible at pure fighting
Look at mma

read my melanin filled brother
>for 18 years huwhite pypo hold the heavyweight title in the UFC
and this is the best of all time
>slavs are the masterrace when it comes to fighting

i have seen someone say slavs are honorary niggers and thats the only argument you can make to win this discussion kek

He called Trump an idiot, didnt really say he supported Hilary. Hes smart about his personal image. A white guy openly saying he likes Trump and he would have got lambasted by the media. An illiterate nigger can say it because nobody cares what the illiterate nigger thinks anyways.

I wonder how much dick 2 Quarters sucked in prison...

Isn't it funny when you hear these rappers talk and they sound like stroke victims? It just proves the genius of Jews and how they can take anybody andmake them a star.

Shills are out in force today boys.

Remember what goes in all fields?

Yes, and this is why American blacks have an average IQ of 85 while Africans have an average of 65.

we cant have one fucking thread to talk about McGregor killing this nigger?

Fuck off.

In a street fight McGregor would kick both of their asses. The only reason (((They))) allowed this publicity stunt is they knew that the only way their narrative passes is if Connor has a hand and 2 legs tied behind his back.

>runs away form animals for millions year
>never invent anything
>Never evolves
>Survives into modern by mass-breeding
>OOOOOGGGABBOO WE Have superior genes and sheet

Just a reminder that Mcgregor is the greatest fighter of all time

Not BOXING. Boxing is not real fighting. IRL you do not put on headgaurds, gloves, and soft shoes and promise each other not to kick ))::::: no elbows )))::::: no be in g mEan )))):::::::

No. Real fighting.
He was so good, that out of every black MMA fighter in the WORLD, HE was champion of TWO (2) WEIGHT CLASSES AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME.

He was probably the one getting his Dick sucked

Best fighters period are probably slavs.

Igor Vovchanchyn ran 59/10/1 in MMA and 61/2 in kickboxing
Fedor Emelianenko ran 36/5/1 in MMA
Alexander Shlemenko ran 56/10/1 in MMA
Alexander Sarnavskiy ran 35/6/0 in MMA
Oleksiy Oliynik ran 55/11/1 in MMA

Suck on that niggers.

50 literally wouldn't even know what hit him. Would be one punch like the Aldo fight. Or maybe MacGregor would play with him and tear him up for a while just to make him suffer a little.

Pic related
>superior genes

>losing to nate fucking diaz hahahaha
for sure my guy
the best ever

fucking casuals smfh



Diaz was over 200 pounds for that fight, McGregor was around 170.

Either way McGregor got the last laugh.

Show the next panel where he is counting millions of dollars