Middle East Veteran Hate Thread

>Have a buddy in high school
>spoiled, upper-middle class white guy raised on action movies and Call of Duty
>joins Army at 20 even though he has a 4-year degree thanks to some program at his private school
>Goes in as a grunt because he's an impulsive dipshit and blah blah blah respect, etc.
>does all of this because he says he wants to be a mercenary but it's really about making his dad proud
>Gets sent to Iraq, works in an armory, basically a glorified gun librarian
>He comes back home
>I can't fucking stand my friend now

>Wears his uniform out to bars to get free drinks and hearty handshakes
>Diagnosed with PTSD somehow even though he worked in a fucking warehouse
>Hates muslims now and rants about them loudly
>yesterday I finally snap and tell him that if he hates muslims so much why the fuck did you get on a plane and take a 30 hour flight to go hang out with all of them
>He gets really enraged and starts talking about how he was defending my freedom and this and that
>Say that the Taliban has no fucking air force and no navy and that Bush was full of shit
>Basically tell him he just did it because he didn't want to be seen as a rich bitch anymore but now he's more whiny and spoiled than ever
>he short circuits and flips over the table, spills my beer all over me which is a shame because I was just getting to the part about Israel

I get that our men in uniform are extremely well-trained, but personality-wise, this has to be the worst generation of soldiers this country has ever seen. They join for all the wrong reasons, have zero critical thinking skills, and it seems like their training has actually made them literally retarded, as in dumbed-down.

I hate how my douche friend walks around with a completely undeserved sense of accomplishment and self-righteousness. It used to be you had to get a fucking purple heart to be called a hero and now all these dumb faggots are war heroes the second they sign up.

The US military is seriously a fucking cult.

As an 0311 in the USMC(reserves) I find these retards to be insufferable. Had a bunch of guys claim partial hearing loss and irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the war. Believe it or not, actual combat veterans do not act like this. This kid screams POG. At least the Coast Guard guys in Boston are cool. I never hear them circle jerk about the military and them guys like to party.

Veterans, especially US ones, are insufferable cunts who can't stop rambling about their useless service.

your friend sounds like a douche but you sound like a cunt.
and a douche too. douchecunt

You also sound like a faggot but that's a given because OP.

>Goes in as a grunt because he's an impulsive dipshit and blah blah blah respect, etc.
This is dumb, if you have a degree and decent grades you're pretty much a shoe in to be an officer
>Gets sent to Iraq, works in an armory, basically a glorified gun librarian
Cool job, and necessary he gets a respect boost from me for that.
>Wears his uniform out to bars to get free drinks and hearty handshakes
And you wouldn't? That just makes you stupid. A man should maximize any advantage in life.
>Diagnosed with PTSD somehow even though he worked in a fucking warehouse
Could be bullshit, I know people like this, but could also be legit. He may have had friends lost to IED or seen some shit himself. Also in warehouses you can have horrible accidents. Most soldiers die from accidents, not enemy action. It's working with really dangerous shit in unusual conditions, often expected to pull inhuman hours to get shit done.
>Hates muslims now and rants about them loudly
You would too if you went there. You don't already? What are you, some kind of dhimmi cuck?
>yesterday I finally snap and tell him that if he hates muslims so much why the fuck did you get on a plane and take a 30 hour flight to go hang out with all of them
Are you stupid?
1. He went there to kill them, or support the operation that is killing them, not to be their friends.
2.You said earlier that he hates muslims *now*, in other words he didn't before. QED, he hates muslims because of his experiences with them, he did not hate them before he underwent that experience. Unless you're talking about a separate time he returned to iraq voluntarily to visit muslims he met there, you've hanged yourself with your own words. Nevertheless he your friend sounds like a faggot, I think the best course of action is to go shooting with him and try to trigger his PTSD.

Your friend sounds dumb, true heroes work in intelligence. At least he fought for you freedumb.

see as an example. Here come the_donald vets to brag about how badass they are being a Jew pawn.

(((intelligence))) aka doing absolutely nothing.Vets should get the rope for signing up. Imagine if nobody signed up for the US military. ZOG would crumble in a week.

Sounds like you are suffering from jealousy because you were too much of a scared fag to join the military.

>Say that the Taliban has no fucking air force and no navy and that Bush was full of shit

hilarious cause true, have a (you) user kek

lol shut the fuck up

Lol going to school in America is more life threatening than "fighting" in our "war" on terror

I've seen plenty of this. I know this is cliche but the guys who didn't come home deserve the respect

>You wake up tomorrow morning to the sound of construction equipment
>Look outside
>It's ISIS
>They've chosen your town for the location of a military base and they say they're an occupation force
>3 guys point AK-47s at you and tell you to get the fuck back inside in broken english
>You go back inside and shitpost on Sup Forums about it and it turns out some Canadians flew a plane into a mosque last night
>ISIS is now invading the United States and Britain
>You grab your AR-15 because after all, your country's leadership has been warning you about this for awhile now
>You scream something about Jesus and not treading on you and you shoot the shit out of one of them
>The ISIS commander uses his satellite phone to call in a flying robot to come and level your house
>Your entire town is disarmed and ISIS guys kick down doors and arrest your family members
>They get sexually abused in an ISIS prison
>Eventually people are getting so desperate and pissed off that teenagers from the local suburban high school are building homemade bombs and blowing themselves up to kill Arabs

>two years later, one of the ISIS guys who pointed an AK at you is back in Syria with his wives
>He receives a pension every month for his brave service in ISIS
>He feels super sorry for himself and fucking hates Americans to this day for shooting at his mates while he was trying to build that military compound across the street from your house
>How could those burgers be so ungrateful
>All he was trying to do is bring sharia law to the US and he doesn't get why you would do such a thing
>You probably hate him for his freedoms
>He cries over his dead buddy that you blew away with your AR

How could you traumatize that guy from ISIS who came to your town with a gun and took away your guns and started telling you what to do

How could you do that, Sup Forums you fucking terrorist

>spills my beer all over me which is a shame because I was just getting to the part about Israel
Should've kept going.

OP, you hate your friend because you lack his capacity and you're jealous of him. You hate his comfortable upbringing and the fact that he still went into the service (which is something you deeply admire but don't have the courage to do). You want to play the working class hero card over your well-to-do friend, but can't -- because he already knows what a hard days work looks like. I was in the Marines, I'm from a similiar upbringing as your buddy, and I had to deal with backstabbing NEETs like you when I got out of the service.

Fuck you OP

>Act like a cringelord to a vet
>Get fucking rekt
>Now asshurt about le welfare troopers

Fuck off niggerlover. The military is the only reason we still have a Right-wing in America.

right here user. like half of my family are veterans as are most of my friends. like 80% of them don't have a V device, meaning they were payed to jack off in Japan, Korea, Germany and wherever we decided we need world's most expensive mall cops. of the 10% who actually did tours in Iraq or Afghanistan majority were payed to jack off in Kandahar or Helmand province bases serving as world's most expensive mall cops. the few that actually saw combat NEVER FUCKING SHUT UP ABOUT IT, even though their big story is and I more or less quote it now:
>so we're out on patrol outside the wire and the Taliban attack us from this ridge about three quarters of a mile ahead. So we duck behind this compound's walls and Lt. is on the radio screaming to those useless helo fuckers and wouldn't you know it, 20 minutes later the whole ridge is on fire, hooo rahh

every time I hear it, and I hear it about once a month (twice during Thanksgiving) I cringe so fucking bad.

So you're the same as OP. Another guy who didn't go who's got people in his life that have. Also, like OP, you don't list any of your personal success because there isn't any. You're a fucking neet that wishes he had done what his friends had done.

Nice rebel flag, faggot.

I understand about the ibs, though. Them MRE's will destroy your colon. Once while in the field we had a contest on who can go the longest without defecation. Three days, in I could no longer sneak a fart past a log. I left the tank, with a shovel and a paper.

What came out of my asshole, would make a San Franciscan ass fetish homo, balk in fear.

After that I had to notch up my LBE, and I felt noticeably lighter. I think the chalk like crackers are what causes the bowels to dry.

>You would too if you went there.

But why the fuck would you even go there in the first place you dumb little nigger

That's like going out and standing in a snowstorm for five hours to prove how tough you are, blaming the fucking snow because you're cold, and then ranting about how we should nuke the polar ice caps because they trigger you so hard

>He went there to kill them

but you whine when they try to kill you back with substantially shittier weapons?

I bet if you played checkers with my five-year-old nephew and he took one of your pieces, you'd chimp out and punch him in the face

>You said earlier that he hates muslims *now*

He started hating them in basic training, before he even went over there. His trainers were all unapologetic in their use of slurs to condition their troops beforehand

I look back every day and kick myself for spending my early twenties having sex with co-eds and smoking weed instead of hanging out with a bunch of dudes in the desert getting my leg blown off for Israel's benefit

I guess I'll never be all I can be

I disagree. I think they're just as fucking stupid and they threw their lives away for a sign-on bonus and respect.

In ancient Rome, troops used to invade places and bring back some nice shit. These niggers should have been bringing back barrels of crude oil for us, but they didn't. Gas prices went up and so did our national debt that we now have to pay back. GEE THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE, BOYS.

America and Great Britain have literally not benefited from these wars one fucking bit and the only people on earth gaining anything are the Saudis and the Israelis.

Now Europe is fucked and the US is fucked, all because our nation's stupidest retarded teenagers had to get all hopped up on propaganda and go stroke each other's egos

Anyone who volunteers to go fight in the middle east is a dumb fuck and i want to punch you right in your fucking homo mouth for being Israel's little bitch

Sounds like you're a cuck and probably a fat retard

He should have beat the fuck out of you lmao


>>Wears his uniform out to bars to get free drinks and hearty handshakes

I heard, Delta Airlines give you a free soda. I would rather keep my service private, though. ANyway, who drinks soda?

I joined for the school desu, and can’t stand most people in

You're a shit and you're not his friend.

This is now a Support Our Troops general.

Pussy talking shit about veterans over the internet. Real tough. Ps. Fuck Muslims.

OP is buttthurt that nobody shakes his hand for getting a faggy useless degree. He's bitter that his friend went and did something cool with his life.

>a 0400 jarhead buttmad someone called him out over his useless *service* he signed up for because a recruiter promised him he'll be getting laid all the time

Shit, I could go on Craigslist right now and find a night security job which would require more skill and dedication than 90% of these guys. I'd trade a 100 of these professional fappers for a park ranger any day.

>You're a fucking neet that wishes he had done what his friends had done.
ironically since 90% of our fine veteran's have lifestyles similar to your average NEET. mommy makes tendies every day and you fap and do nothing useful the entire day, every day.

>Also, like OP, you don't list any of your personal success because there isn't any.
if I was living in a dumpster behind the local Costco I'd be a less of a burden to our nation's budget. shit I might see a mugging take place and get called up to witness it in a court of law. that alone would make me a bigger contributor to our society than any of these fuckers

>get fucking rekt
Nah seems like his idiot friend got rekt. Hit him with the classic “TANK ME FOR UR FREEDUMMM”

There really is something pathetic about willing to be another man's attack dog. I mean if you're in the military of some non-aggressive country and all you do is train to defend your homeland then god bless but NATO soldiers literally and unironically murder and die for Israel.

Okay, so you're a useless neet.

Here faggot. Here's me:
>property owner at 23
>undergrad complete
>law school student

What are you doing again? Kys. Stop hating veterans

>Diagnosed with PTSD somehow even though he worked in a fucking warehouse
that's right survive the sandbox in any capacity and uncle sam will pay you to BREATHE AIR it's fucking glorious. stay mad boys

Ibs is basically psychological

You’re welcome for my tax dollars

Army here.

You're not wrong. POGs act like civillians in uniform, a lot of the infrantry I run into act like your friend, but with a /fit/ mentality, but don't care at all about actual soldiering. At least that's how it was in basic, anyway.

I went in as an 18X. A good 95% of the 18X's I went to OSUT were still mentally in high school and didn't actually care at all about doing the right thing. It was basically like dealing with high schoool kids with a grade school mentality.

They were great at PT, but as far as everything else went that required them to actually function as soldiers they were more concerned with their own melodramatic glory than anything else. In a real knock down, drag out war like some kind of WW2 or WW3 shit they'd get the shit kicked out of them. Those people can't fight on the level of a soldier who engages another world power.

There's nothing worse than someone constantly trying to cash in on the whole "I'm a true patriot, I'm a veteran" thing. Those that do are an embarrassment. Most of us have perfectly functional civilian lives afterwards, cunts like that make me cringe.

I'm a veteran and I've never seen other veterans act like this at any bar I've been to. We usually just want to drink our beer and be left alone.

Oh, you're welcome nigger.

I bet you were dying to blurt that out didn't you.

>property owner at 23
nigga my family owns a 42 acre tract of land.
so what was your MOS. were you a Food service specialist or a Maintenance specialist? a Paper pusher specialist?
>undergrad complete
impressive af
>law school student
impressive af

sure showed me. I love useless drags on society now. we should allocate more funds to Military and VA, 20% of the budget isn't enough, not by a long shot. I hear sandniggers are deploying next generation of Infantry Fighting Goats (IFG)

>basically a glorified gun librarian
I laughed. Seriously though your friend will have no problem finding a job despite his main skill being cleaning guns and putting them on a rack because the government gives free money (tax breaks) to companies that employ veterans. It's completely unsustainable how hard the federal government financially jerks off people who sign up to do a job in camo colored uniforms for four years that other people do in jeans and t-shirts but that's how it goes when you need to maintain a global hegemony.

>OP, you hate your friend because you lack his capacity and you're jealous of him
>You hate gay people so you must secretly want to fuck them

Holy shit, I knew marines were the most conceited people in America but this is beyond me. I'm surprised they didn't put you in PsyOps because of your innate ability to psychoanalyze people you've never met. You're right, I must be super jealous of my friend for being the dumbest, angriest, most narcissistic prick I think I've ever met.

He gets no respect from his fellow soldiers, and he gets no respect from me because I grew up poor and I probably wouldn't go fight in an unnecessary war to go prove I'm tough if I had his upbringing. Nobody likes him, and he doesn't deserve to be liked because he loves the smell of his own farts so much. Hey, wait a minute, that's probably why nobody likes you!

You don't have to "deal" with backstabbing hippies, you have to fucking answer to us for the ILLEGAL WARS YOU KEEP ENCOURAGING and the BULLETS YOU EXPECT US TO PAY FOR.


Your military service benefited nobody but you. If anything, you going over there and pissing off an entire religion actually made this country far less safe and people were paralyzed with fear in the early 2000s. If you ask me, 9/11 is more on you guys than anyone because you wouldn't stop building bases on their holy land to threaten Russia and Iran.

Here's a story for you. One time my mom took my car without asking and ran it through the car wash with the antenna up and she ruined my radio. When I came home and got mad about it, she called me ungrateful and said she was trying to do me a favor. She refused to pay to get it fixed and it's still broken today.

That's basically your average marine. Doing America "favors" that make our lives shittier whether we want you to or not and then calling me a traitor when I don't lick your nuts and thank you for it.

Good comeback kid

I respect vets, but yeah those ones who think they are John Mullins because they went to Afcrapistan and shot someone.

Lmao at american and their military worship

>a man should maximize any advantage in his life
>reee affirmative action

The veteran worship thing mostly seems to come from white Boomers/old people. Nonwhites and younger people in general are a lot more cynical about vets and their "accomplishments" (ie, if they did such a great job, why are Afghanistan/Iraq still shitholes, and why did they use up so much money to do such a lackluster job). There are going to be a lot of changes - socially and culturally - as the Boomers die off.

Underrated post. Fucking gold

>starts talking about how he was defending my freedom
really hate how these retards still cling to that shit.

Hearing loss is pretty easy to get.

>Them MRE's will destroy your colon. Once while in the field we had a contest on who can go the longest without defecation. Three days, in I could no longer sneak a fart past a log. I left the tank, with a shovel and a paper.

>What came out of my asshole, would make a San Franciscan ass fetish homo, balk in fear.

>After that I had to notch up my LBE, and I felt noticeably lighter. I think the chalk like crackers are what causes the bowels to dry.

Can't wait to see you on a History Channel documentary in 50 years telling this war story as an old man

Does your History Channel actually show documentaries?

Ours is non-stop Pawn Stars and that other one where they drive around buying garbage to resell.

I wish I was joking.


>had to deal with backstabbing NEETs like you when I got out of the service

Same. It was like some “friends” knew my girlfriend at the time was doing shady shit but wouldn’t tell me, secretly wanted it to fail, didn’t want to get involved or all of the above. When it came out afterwards, it was like jokes on me.

Over the years I’ve found out who my friends are and those whom I just socialize with

Forged in Fire is pretty cool

fucking kek

>Joined Army for adventure
>jump out of planes and hooah
>went off to war and did some shit
>saw some shit
>came home and got an Army job not doing much shit
>became a Drill Sergeant, that was cool shit with funny stories
>got a different Army job in the Guard doing much cooler shit than all the shit before
>Don't talk about the shit unless my sons ask and then it is a short conversation.
>Retirement is nice, but after all that shit I got 20% disability because I didn't claim to have shit wrong with me.

I know the kind of guy you are talking about OP, they are full of shit.

Does anyone have the link to that Niger ambush?

>property owner at 23
You're welcome. Thank the taxpayers. So glad our society is set up so that one HAS to be in the military to buy property at a young age.
He still can't shut the fuck up about it. It's a feather in your cap everywhere but ITT, nobody's going to kiss your ass here except for the other vets here circlejerking each other.
>undergrad complete
Once again, you're welcome for the money for that GI bill
>law school student
Well how could they turn you down when you virtue signal so much about fighting for all the freedome?

I bet you unironically oppose affirmative action but expect special treatment for being a veteran.

>Kys. Stop hating veterans


I don't give a fuck about whiney American citizens who complain about veterans. After 9/11 citizens were all about killing rag heads and shit they got what they wanted and paid for. You're taking shit out on veterans because most of you are too lazy or too cowardly to go after the politicians. I went to a metal concert and they were beating effigies of Muslims with sticks now the faggots cry foul about wars in the middle east.

>if a veteran is loud and obnoxious about their service, I will know they’re a veteran.
>if a veteran doesn’t talk about their service, I won’t know they’re a veteran.
>therefor, even though I know there are both loud mouthed and quiet people in the world, I will stereotype all veterans as the former, because I have no way of identifying the status of the later.

Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies

There are loud and obnoxious civilians that have a false sense of entitlement and you cry about a veteran.


OP sounds like a biggety bitch to me.

Your friend sounds like a moron. That being said, the son of a family friend lost seven feet of intestines and has bladder problems now after being hit by mortar shrapnel on the tarmac on his first day in Afghanistan. Just being there is a risk, so props to him for that.

don't forget, they will make a movie about how sad their soldier's felt about killing innocent people

>After 9/11 citizens were all about killing rag heads and shit they got what they wanted and paid for.
the towers didn't even come crashing down and most of the rational people in the country knew it would be used to waste a trillion dollars doing fuck all. conspiracy theories aside, if we were so gung ho about durrr Ben Laidman, why didn't we bring hell unto KSA? or UAE, or other countries that funded him and whose nationals carried out the attacks? Why didn't we fuck Pakistan up for harboring him all along? We went to Afghanistan to fight Alkaid Ayrabs and then they came to Ayraq and so we had to fight Alkaid Ayrabs there, then they turned up in Niger so we had Nigger Ayrabs we need to deal with, and so on and so forth.

Our military needs to return to Eisenhower days, subs, bombers and missiles, plus a bit of elite units for use abroad. Everything else has got to go (apart from Coasties and NG)

your country is controlled by corporations and powerful people. They don't give a fuck who caused 9/11, the actions show proof. All the hijackers were Saudi yet they are best friends with the U.S/west lmao. I just can't fucking tolerate it or imagine it. Are people this fucking retarted??? we have the internet now, yet still people question this???

i assumed u were American btw

It's what these retards get for invading fine nations and helping Israel.

This actually.

I never tell people I'm a veteran (except anonymously on a message board) because I don't want a million fucking dumbass questions like "did you ever kill anyone?" (yes I did) and when I try to explain it to them they don't understand or think I'm a murderer for simply defending myself.

Assuming you ain't bullshitting tell drill sergeant stories

We know but attacking veterans as the cause is stupid. I'm saying all these people complaining should be directing it at the politicians.

Wait he has PTSD but wasn’t on the front lines?

My friend asked me that the other day I hate it.

that's what I dislike the notion of "support the troops" of all Americans seem to have. I find this fucking bullshit. Name me a single war that you had for the good of the world? Most nations haven't had a single war that was "righteous" since WW2. Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan? Admit it, fuck the army, acting all righteous. The last true veteran served before you're lifetime you cunt.

>His trainers were all unapologetic in their use of slurs to condition their troops beforehand

Can any army annon verify this?

Seems like itd be counter productive with all the minorities, and actual muslims in the forces. Also naive white kids who joined because they thought theyd be helping the oppressed natives...my friend was one.

>Wears his uniform out to bars to get free drinks and hearty handshakes
No he doesn't. I'm a veteran and I hate us too. But you're a fucking fat mouth and a liar and that's worse.

I went to college with a huge army base nearby. There are some good guy there but most of them are degenerates who beat up women and marry naive 18 year old girls for an extra $3k a year

Since when does having a V device qualify you as a veteran? When I deployed with the Army, a solid majority of people KIA or WIA were not combat arms. They were on the wrong road at the wrong time. So fuck you.

My grandma was killed by a drunk driver, kids are killed in schools, and some people board planes flown into buildings. Being alive is a risk.

people that fight in israels wars are sub human

fuck israel

Actually made me think


what makes you a vet? every war you fought was fucking bullshit

>oh yeah? Well my old man owns a farm!

What a Fucking faggot.

Former 19K (Armor Crewman) here. You're spot on the money.

The kids are 95% a joke... and all the females of any age, 98%. Maturity counts for a lot in operations.

Yeah tell that to the British troops there while you're at it.

Statements like this from a fucking Brit is why I leaving this thread right now. Total fucking bait from some fat neckbeard who is letting his country go to hell in a hand basket.

topkek plz screenshot for muh valor threads

I have, and they have aplogised to me for the bs lies that Blair made up. (Tony Blair for you Americans)

Hello and what is this implement called?

Damn you were one badass smoking weed and having sex , damn you were cool , what a hard man . I can translate what you just said 'i look back every day and kick myself for spending my early twenties locked in my bedroom being a socially awkward retard and being too scared to approach a female let alone have sex with them' fucking pussy.

What gives you the right to ridicule them? They volunteered, the deployed and they are or were soldiers just like you. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Wait guys the British guys need to pray to Allah before they go on patrol.

My next door neighbor does not have legs. Both of them. Gone. Airborne.

This guy is a clown and you're right to smack his shit.

WWII wasn't righteous either.


Nah ours is like that most of the time but there is like ww2 stuff galore cycled in every year or so. Theyll do marathons of ww2 in hd. Super comfy stuff.
Also lots of ancient aliens.

The trash pickers show is ok. The skinny dude is a douche who mogs his short fat friend when around anything with a vagina but gets all buddy buddy back in th van. Not that the dude isnt fat and a bit odd but theyve obviously been friends at least a decade and thats not cool.

Mine plow