I don't see the future if women rights won't be removed. They eat all the leaftie ideas. How do we achieve it?

I don't see the future if women rights won't be removed. They eat all the leaftie ideas. How do we achieve it?

Other urls found in this thread:


>software engineer at Facebook

collapse and rebuilding of society, or a literal god emperor playing politics. One's more likely though

Removed? Nah, women are people.
Having their rights scaled back to be equal to that of minors? Abso-fucking-lutely.

> inb4 white women vite trump
Trump is not a right wing radical, he is a centrist. Women almost never join far right movements.

There don't seem to be collapse anywhere soon, just a slow decay.

id love to be insulted and humiliated by these Stacy's. They might even spit on me if im lucky

"Rights" is just a buzzword. You shouldn't have the right to damage society.


What does that even mean in relation to what I said you paki piece of shit?
Your OP post made little sense either.

I assume the second from the left is Jenna, the software engineer at Facebook, 23 years of age, 22 miles away?

>Average women
Are you a boomer, or just ugly?

>Fresh out of college and probably making critical decisions at FB because strong women in tech
I wonder how many men with better grades and more relevant experience were passed up for her.

I don't know how to feel about that. I'm conflicted. A huge part of me wants these stronk wymyn to destroy kikebook from within. Just by being their stronk selves.

The absolute state of PHP

Monopoly can do whatever it wants.
They've switched from it, didn't they?

Surprising how you don't read stories about people getting abducted and killed off Tinder. Not even one.

Are you afraid of sexy thots because they get attention and free shit OP?

You should start working out.

Isn't this tinder? Come on dude can't say that is representative of women. I refuse to believe there is a single woman on that thing that is even close to wife material.
>disgusting college Marxist drone, whose bio looks like the list of ingredients in some junk food, so crazy that they have to use a dating app to find someone who can stand them
>extremely overweight black woman that you can't tell if she's duckfacing or her fat fuck face just looks like that
>white woman holding a brown baby with "PLEASE SUPPORT ME FINANCIALLY" in the bio
>tanned skank bimbo like in OP's pic whose bio lists predictable millennial female hobbies. Acts like she's trying to find a partner, will probable get fucked by a couple a guys before settling on one
>The middle-aged divorced single mom "show me the manager" cunt. Bio has a 100% chance of her liking wine being mentioned.
>The strong independent educated or business woman who spent her life achieving those things and now that her pussy is 90% dried up (and rapidly continuing) she's ready to "settle down"

So much seething in this thread. Intimidated by a smart healthy woman who is paid well?

Stay mediocre neck beards, later.

>Are you afraid of sexy thots because they get attention and free shit OP?
>You should start working out.

the patricians opinions

You’re using Tinder. You’re just as much a part of the degeneracy as they are.

I bet she does all programming job on a lap

t. mexican intellectual

Lou Dobbs crushes pussy without mercy

>rights is a buzzword
This is why we left you.

middle-left is Jenna?

>software engineer
so this is what womenin stem looks like

Must be, if they dont explicitly say who they are, it means they're the uglier one in the group
Also her face doesn't look normal, I think its her nose being too high on her face?

If it's one thing that women are good at it's turning on their own. Bitches hate each other.
So we're not going to remove any of these female cancers on society on our own, we need to redpill some heroic women and let them take down the feminist scum.
All we can do is support them in their fight.
Let the best women get the best men.
Let the feminists get dykes and soyboys.

That only works if non-shit women are in the majority, they are social, so they can just group up and shame the others into following suit
But what happens when the majority of women are shit?

I have never see a tinder group photo where I did't say, "Okay, she's the fat one."

All 4 of those women are fuckable.

>tfw no Vampira gf

2nd from the left.

I know her.

It's Larkin Love. The vid is as close as I've ever come to a Vampira porn. :'(

Because of the Filipino flag in the bio I was thought it would the which ever one of them is asian, but non of them look even remotely like they could be part Filipino.

Prove it faggot. Post her nudes if you have them.

She's not a software engineer, really. She's a front end coder. And she sucks at it too. She's basically there because she went to some college and barely squeaked by and is a diversity hire. Her grandma is filippino but her mom is half and her dad is white. That's why she doesn't look filippino.

Don't bother with that idiot, Leaf from
is a lying cuck
She's asian, she has some pictures naked but she's looking the other way



Fuck. I meant 2nd from the right. Obviously it wouldn't be that fucking gigantic surfboard bitch.

>le women are all left wing xD

She likes to show off dem titties.

what's her instagram?

Tell me her surname then, you mong, otherwise stfu
Yes she does


Incoming excuse about why he can't/won't give surname

holly shit, she has an amazing ass
this bitch is a software engineer for one of the most important digital corporations?

Would you like some water, user?

And we can't remove their rights anymore, we fucked up in the past by thinking they were smart, and now we must reap the destruction

Left is hot in my chink eyes.

>we fucked up in the past by thinking they were smart
well, she's a software engineer for google, so she must be smart

The real redpill is getting endocrine disruptors out of female diets/cosmetics

Women used to get their period at 15-17 and now it's 7-12, girls never even had sexual thoughts prior to marriage and sexually imprinted on their husband (if he wasn't a fucking loser)

endocrine disruptors in cosmetics, pesticides, city water, plastics, food additives, and bio-accumulated pollutants are to blame.
cosmetics (esp hair)
pharma in water
Fertility among female hairdressers
consumer products

The tiniest one is the best, the other 3 have weird noses
>Pointy and aiming down
>Too high up her face and to small
>Literally a witch's nose

I bet her code is amazing and nut at all incoherent

>Perfect height
>Great butt

Is she high maintenance? Looks a bit.


I hope this answer your question


The system has to collapse, that's the only way.


Ah yeah now the Google engineer thing makes sense. Need not apply if make less than 100000 grand per year.

The premise of this board is that women are NOT people. Can you stop being so discordant, please? I believe their is an app for that called Discord. Or I can recommend the new hotness: Gulag.

I believe I can post a single pic here and make people completely hate her, should I try?

Post the nudes of the asian bitch, monkey.

And post the pic of those Japanese Brazilian babes on the beach, that's a rare pic.

Hmm , the only single pic I could think of would be her with a black guy, but then again she isnt white either, so not sure how pol would react.

Fuck it, Im curious now.

No nudes, mutt
She's all "I will get naked for art but not actually show tits on camera"

>girls never even had sexual thoughts prior to marriage and sexually imprinted on their husband
Lmao retarded

You got it right
pic related
>her boyfriend and their friends
Also I forgot to say she's canadian, so its expected, I guess?

>likes hiphop

as a comparison, pic related is her a year before meeting her bf
Can you spot the difference?

iq has no correlation to logic and wisdom.

I wouldn’t give any of them attention with my cock, but if I had s gun to my head.... furthest right.

Ah Indian boyfriend? That would make alot of sense, especially Canadian. Is she out in California now though with Facebook? I know another asian girl dating an Indian guy. They must do it because he is "brown" but not full on "black". Like camping in your backyard, they want to live "dangerously" but not too dangerously.

That's not the point.
It can't be reversed.
Women have simply shown their true faces.
They basically want incels like yourself to be genocided.
That is their right.
It is your right to avoid women or look for a woman that doesn't slut it up.

Stop watching porn, you fucking leaf.

Imagine them in three years. That's a lot of dicks.


- Implemented a solution to improve image quality by 2X in the Android Messenger application involving
changes on both the client-side and the server-side (﴾written in PHP)﴿
- Managed the image quality project, made critical decisions considering network speeds available worldwide
- Improved the Android Messenger product by adding features to view all shared images within a conversation and customize notification sounds for per thread as well as writing unit tests

this is from her linkedin, she's seems like a really good engineer

This is a fake ass.

Although attractive...it's shape isn't normal

user, check bottom right on


Wanting to have relationship with white women is cuck mentality user.So why even post this?

>implying she did anything other than quality testing
sure she was on the team that did all that, but did she do anything worthwhile? would the team have failed without her?

how much did you masturbate before you hit puberty. Because that's what we're talking about here. Female puberty accelerated nearly 10 years

do you know her, is she a good software engineer?

>they eat leftie ideas

People who have financial difficulties like leftist ideas. The poor, the youth, unmarried women. Liberals manage to bribe women into voting for them by promising gibs for single mothers. This is why in the US the Democrats have 98% of black women voting for them.

However white women are more likely to be married in the US and the majority vote Republican, because identity politics can still sway women to vote correctly. I believe the recent Italian election had a lot of women voting right-wing as well.

I assume in the UK your chavs and your unmarried women are also likely to vote for LAYBUH- JK Rowling, the commie whore, loves labour since they gave her free money when she was a single mother with a half-portuguese daughter.

Basically thots are the problem- they think if they shit out a niglet that betamales should be forced to pay for their mistake by any means possible. If you remove voting rights from the under-30 and never-married types of people and you'll fix the problem.

>average women

Sadly with all the fat fucks running around nowadays they are above the average simply by being in shape.

>women vote to remove beaners
>women don't vote to install a fascist dictatorship
>"fucking bitches"

Yeah okay buddy

Still looks fake. Too much ass per thigh/belly fat

Btw. I'm interviewing at Facebook as a react developer. Live in Palo Alto. I will probs get to confirm someday.

By putting them back in their place.

Let's see it done by age. IIRC it's ~60/40 Clinton/Trump for the youngest bracket.

Society is a buzzword.

fuck yeah that filo canadian is hot as fuck. Would smash in deed.

Good luck with the interview and checking her ass then

what a fag

Women will be replaced with artificial wombs

He's not wrong

he should've fucked her then told her how he felt about her