I am a seasoned police officer and former prison guard. Currently I'm spending my holidays in Austria...

I am a seasoned police officer and former prison guard. Currently I'm spending my holidays in Austria. I have seen more than a few nazi keyboard warrior punks slip up online to get arrested on harassment charges, then become commodities in the prison underground sex market. Pale pretty boys like you are regularly bought and sold for packs of cigarettes, cup noodles, and sugary junk foods.

I know what you might be thinking. "It's okay! I'll lift weights and eventually overpower anyone who might have raped me!" I hate to break it to you, but most cons don't let their punks lift weights in the yard. If you're caught anywhere near weights, you can expect to be shanked without any warning. And even if you manage to kill the guy who raped you, you'll still be a known boi. Those who have been, as the cons call it, "turned out," will have their manhood stripped of them, and any avenue for social advancement is closed off for you. Statistics show that if you've been raped, there is a near certainty that you'll be raped several more times in your life. Your only hope would be to be the best-looking sissy on the market so men who rank high in the pecking order will want you.

So I'd think twice before saying racist shit on the internet. Sex slavery is alive and well in the prison system. Your ISP keeps logs of your internet history going back months if not years, and they will not hesitate to give those logs to the courtroom. If you think you'll get away due to lack of evidence, think again. That nievitey gets white bois turned out on a daily basis.

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Am I in trouble in Australia

OP shittin it down, bad goys!



This is some fresh pasta.

Fuck you crusty old nigger.

>Pale pretty boys like you are regularly bought and sold for packs of cigarettes, cup noodles, and sugary junk foods.

I hate prisons, but the very fact that I am being treated like a sex toy by men much stronger and bulkier than me does nothing but excite me.

You gave me a boner. Now it is YOUR responsibility to make it go away, Austria-kun.

Fake and gay.

I’m already jacked and naturally pretty big. I’m no tough guy but I would gladly fight and when I have fought I enjoyed the feeling of hurting someone else immensely. You don’t scare me turkroach

>n-not my country!
Think again.

It is fun bait tho

>Being a white nationalist is bad.
>You'll go to prison with the NIGGERS, who are all violent rapists


It's spelled naivety for the next time you post this.

If some young asshole who just got booked wants to prove himself and start a bunch of shit in order to get a reputation, he probably deserves to get whatever is coming to him when his colleagues in crime don't play nice.

>felony harassment charges

> Think twice before saying racist shit online or you will get butt raped

I always think twice nigger

When I was a kid in America we had "creative writing" in school. This was an exercise in which you could pretend to be anyone, and hopefully explore the ramifications of your imaginary identity.
You, sir, are not a "seasoned police officer and former prison guard". You're a pale little european faggot with delusions of adequacy.

Fuck, well lucky I'm not a natzi poster

ahahahahahahaha shut your stupid mouth, your ridiculous threat of if you exercise your free speech youll be raped in prison. ahahahahahahah tooo funny. fuck you retarded gay niggger kike, hows that for ya? I'm not even racist but telling me I cant say what ever the fuck I like. You just gotta tempt huh? Love the baseless assumption that everyone who is on pol is some small skinny white guy, lol. I was a door guy in downtown night clubs for 7 years, choking out or incapacitating whomever it called for big or small, I'll take my chances. Bitch. Its ok to be white, its ok to exercise your free speech.

I'll make it go away in exchange for some Aryan blood.

Dude this is Internet I post on here after bottle whiskey and don'the remember what I posted the next day,.

i don't know what things are like over in Austrialialia, but in burgerland, the only dudes getting fucked in prison are the homos and the trannies who want that shit in the first place and the "tough guys" who try to push up on the wrong dudes to "exert their dominance" like they've seen in the movies. And in the case of that last example, whether you get fucked up, shanked or raped depends on who you decided to mess with.

And even that depends on whether or not you decide to roll with the aryans if you're a white guy.

Fuck you, you faggot kike-loving half-nigger

>I always think twice

Half a brain, double the effort.

lol. White bois go to prison all the time thinking the AB will protect them. I can just imagine the looks on their faces when Bubba comes to show them some love, and there's no AB in sight

It's pretty easy for someone to look through the records. You don't have to work in booking to know who did what if you look into it.

>Y-you'll get raped in prison
Thanks for admitting you guys do a shitty job. You're all the real welfare queens the whole time

The same goes for you when Hitler 2.0 goes digging around ISP logs for (((posts that hurt the Reich))). Enjoy the death camps.

>Americans being arrested for being racist online

Nice gay sex fantasy you have there.

I just meant to say that expecting a warden to protect you from being raped is an exercise in poor judgement.

>Sex slavery is alive and well in the prison system.
no its not, i am an actual correctional officer in Wisconsin. I can tell you the whole prison rape thing is blown way out of proportion.


>As if harassing someone online will land you in prison

It's happened before. Folks who threaten to post racist shit over the internet get the same treatment.

Nice story fag bait
