Welcome to the Mars Independent General.
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of creating a European Colony on Mars, not by direct funding, but through the commercial emigration scheme that will eventually come into play. This is real. This is going to happen. We need you to consider the choice.
Mars Aeternum.

>Educational Doc on Terraforming Mars:
>Space X Interplanetary Transport System:
>"Making Life Interplanetary" by Elon Musk:
>BFR Overview
>Falcon Heavy Launch

The first Mars Colony is predicted to be established as early as 7 years from now. Very quickly the colony is going to expand, and Elon Musk has made it clear that commercial emigration will come in to play only a few years later. This means the first large influx of settlers over the next 50 years are going to be families who sell their properties on Earth for the ticket. Only people who can afford to move there will be able to.
lets face it - a majority european colony on mars is the only way to truly secure the 14 words.
/mig/ is a new general and a work in progress. feel free to contribute ideas. Essentially, once the colonisation effort becomes commercial, we need to move there.

>inb4 space is fake
>inb4 muh economics
the short term goal of this general is to simply re-inspire our fellow Nationalists, Fascists & Racialists on the subject of space exploration & colonisation. We hope to promote a new positive attitude towards life on Mars amongst those who value the future of the European peoples.
./The general will be posted a few times a week or a few times a day.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Remember why we fight.
This is definitely not about abandoning the problems we have here on Earth, we believe that the European peoples are not only strong enough to overcome those problems, but are able to dedicate themselves on multiple fronts, Mars is that other front.

I was thinking of changing the name of the general to /etm/ - EARTH TO MARS or /msg/ Mars Settlers General, I haven't decided yet, I might just keep /mig/ - let me know what you think.

>Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy post-launch speech
>Isaac Arthur - "Outward Bound - Colonising Mars"
>Isaac Arthur - Mars: From science fiction, to science fact

>for anyone who wants a quick profile on Mars
Equatorial Diameter: 6,792 km
Polar Diameter: 6,752 km
Mass: 6.42 x 10^23 kg (10.7% Earth)
Moons: 2 (Phobos & Deimos)
Orbit Distance: 227,943,824 km (1.52 AU)
Orbit Period: 687 days (1.9 years)
Surface Temperature: -153 to 20 °C
First Record: 2nd millennium BC
Recorded By: Egyptian astronomers

>There are signs of liquid water on Mars.
For years Mars has been known to have water in the form of ice. The first signs of trickling water are dark stripes or stains on crater wall and cliffs seen in satellite images. Due to Mars’ atmosphere this water would have to be salty to prevent it from freezing or vaporizing.

a few interesting words in regards to business opportunities on Mars
>Water Purification/Production
Besides oxygen, of course, the only thing that will be more important on Mars than food will be clean drinking water. Scientists believe that there is water on Mars; however, they are not sure if it’s drinkable. Consequently, if there is water on Mars, someone will need to purify and make it suitable for consumption. If there is no water on Mars, then some really smart people will figure out a cost-effective way to produce H2O from hydrogen and oxygen. Either way, water will be big business on Mars.
>Hospitality and Entertainment
Nobody likes to eat or stay at home all the time, so there will be a need for entertainment, virtual reality centers, hotels, and restaurants of all kinds. If tourism to Mars ever becomes popular (and I think it will,) the need for hospitality and entertainment providers will be huge. As with all other things on Mars, eating out or taking a vacation will probably be expensive. Therefore, for those savvy chefs, hoteliers, and producers that get in on the ground floor, there will absolutely be plenty of money to be made in these industries.
Depending on the environmental concerns and requirements settlers face when they arrive on Mars, it’s hard to tell how construction and infrastructure will need to be approached. One this is certain, though, and that is people will need places to live and work as well as other necessities such as bridges, walkways, and streets (or something similar to streets.)

In the beginning, governments or authorities may handle initial construction projects. Still, I don’t think it will be long thereafter that the private sector will be doing most of the building. Building homes, condos and whatever else on Mars will be expensive and possibly dangerous. Therefore, expect contractors — big and small — to earn good livings in this field.

>another cut from a different article
there are many potential near-term business opportunities connected with human missions to Mars with significant potential markets for the associated technologies and capabilities required for creating a sustainable human presence on the surface of Mars. These include innovations in life support, agriculture, radiation shielding, energy, on-site resource utilization (aka living off the land), filtration, and many other necessary technologies and capabilities. Many of these technologies would not require the massive level of investment for development that large mission elements like heavy-lift rockets, crew vehicles, propulsion, and habitats require. With the proper stimulus and the necessary entrepreneurial innovators, these technologies could be developed in a competitive manner, and they also likely will have application to improving life on Earth and therefore also have a significant market on Earth—thus making them particularly attractive to entrepreneurs, small businesses, and others.

Whether humans reach Mars through a government effort, a commercial model, or a combination of the two, there are remarkable opportunities that will accompany that journey. These opportunities are not only for discovery but also for innovators, entrepreneurs, and others to create new or better products that contribute to the sustainability of humans on Mars and also benefit people on the planet Earth.

While cosmonauts and astronauts are learning valuable spacefaring skills on the International Space Station — and the U.S. is using virtual reality to train scientists — the majority of work to prepare for interplanetary expeditions is being done on Earth...and where best to field-test equipment and people for the journey to Mars but on some of the planet's most forbidding spots.
Seen from space, the Dhofar Desert is a flat, brown expanse. Few animals or plants survive in the desert expanses of the Arabian Peninsula, where temperatures can top 125 degrees Fahrenheit, or 51 degrees Celsius.
On the eastern edge of a seemingly endless dune is the Oman Mars Base: a giant 2.4-ton inflated habitat surrounded by shipping containers turned into labs and crew quarters. There are no airlocks. The desert's surface resembles Mars so much, it's hard to tell the difference, the types of geomorphology, all the structures, the salt domes, the riverbeds, the wadis, it parallels a lot of what we see on Mars.

Scientists from across the world sent ideas for experiments such as testing a new spacesuit called Aouda, the cutting-edge spacesuit, weighing about 50 kilograms (110 pounds), is called a "personal spaceship" because one can breathe, eat and do hard science inside it. The suit's visor displays maps, communications and sensor data. A blue piece of foam in front of the chin can be used to wipe your nose and mouth.
>Something to consider, for your or your children's future
there will be a huge demand for engineers, medical experts, management "officers" and any sort of cross between those and other fields. So people with that kind of background could secure themselves a bright future on Mars

>interesting read
French 3D-printing company Fabulous has brought together a team of scientists and architects to imagine a bubble-shaped habitat for Mars that can be printed on the red planet.The Sfero house features an internal and external dome, with a protective pocket of water between the two. A single corridor rests on the planet's surface and allows access to the interior, which would have an upper and lower level linked by a spiral staircase.The house would start off as a central drilling rod that burrows several metres into the planet's soil to extend two robotic arms, which would harvest materials to be used for 3D-printing the habitat's internal and external dome-shaped shells.The spherical shape has been designed to offer high resistance to Mars' low atmospheric density.The design aims to use the red planet's abundance of iron oxide – discovered in dust samples and rocks brought back by NASA's Pathfinder rovers – which would form the raw material for 3D printing. The powdered iron particles would then be fused together by laser, and the levels of the habitat printed layer by layer.
The arms would also seek out permafrost – soil that has been at or below freezing for at least two years – to be melted and used as a 30-centimetre-wide water pocket in between the two shells to protect against solar radiation.
Fabulous founder Arnault Coulet believes the water layer could be a "permanent psychological reminder of the main element of the mother planet – water constituting a sort of protective amniotic fluid for humans."

There's so many things that can and will go wrong with the first manned tripulation to mars.

I mean, I'm excited to see it happening but not confident. Starting with the fact that many of our launches to the red planet have completely missed it and the other crashed and burned during the landing.

Then there's the lack of magnosphere that will completely fuck up everyone living there.

Yeah no just piggyback off the US, that's fine. You don't have to ever get to the moon or anything. I'm sure you can just bypass that with your 'union'.


Can we make mars the white ethnostate?

You can have the moon while we have Europa. It's the best moon


mars will be an ethnostate cos niggers can't afford ticket. & joos already too settled into power to start over.
no muh racism, no muh gibs.

Could this be (((ourstate)))

Isaac Arthur's videos are full of hypothesis that came straight from fictional novel books. It's 30 minutes or so long videos of him jerking off to his own fanfictions.

And I think it's the best shit on YouTube right now

Yeah.. there are a few thing that could go wrong but Cargo ships are being sent first, so hopefully any problems regarding landing can be figured out then.
>piggyback off the US
the US is piggybacking of spaceX lad, ((((NASA and the US government)))))) dont give a fuck about space exploration
Depends on how many of /ourguys/ go there
/ourmoon/ (its got less grav than Mars though, which is kinda lame)

i'm subscribed to his channel haha hes pretty good. I keep forgetting to watch his video on Bioforming & Terraforming

>itt is is 2050

I hate fucking dometards. they keep banging around and it keeps me up at night. Us cavechads are the true martians, plus we don't get radiated.

building subterranean cities seems like an obvious choice for reducing the effects of radiation but they obviously take time to build, the first colony/ colonies will be above ground

look at this cringey shit lmao mars eternum!!! THIS IS REAL!!!!!

>now you realize why Elon started the Boring Company and wants 100x improvement in boring technology

what design should the first church on Mars be?
hyper futuristic?

Less gravity but a lot more water than our own planet. There is surely a rich ecosystem underneath those thick layers of ice.

Iirc there's an Isaac Arthur video in which he talks why it's bad finding simpler life forms on that moon. Something about the great life filters, I'm not sure it's one of his videos tho.

Jewish black male here. I'm hoping to go to Mars. We can make it a very diverse place from the start without the baggage from Earth.

its just a bit of fun m8 (i actually meant to take out the Mars Aeternum this time but i forgot lol))
yeah lol
it'll probably be futuristic but simplistic in some way... I really have no idea 2bh
I'll have a look through his videos and try find it. He's got loads that I want to watch

The last great technological achievement was with China's quantum satellite which sent photons to transmit data using quantum cryptography.

>trusting what the Chinese say

They also have a working emdrive and are closer to nuclear fusion and AI than anyone if you believe their press reports.

>creating a European Colony on Mars
Do any of y'all even have a space program? Even in terms of private companies, the only one in Europe worth mentioning is Virgin Galactic and they're just trying to get to low earth orbit at this point. And considering the whole Brexit thing they might not even be considered European by the time they get that covered. SpaceX, Blue Origin, and NASA are all USA.

Comfiest videos there are.

You can probably find videos about the whole Kardashev scale in detail and how we can reach type 3 civilization.

But seriously,
>not by direct funding, but through the commercial emigration scheme that will eventually come into play.
this has nothing to do with "SpaceX, Blue Origin, and NASA are all USA." because it will be a mostly global service for anyone that can afford to use it

European space agency is well known. How have you not heard of it?

Oh so ya'll are just waiting for the heavy lifting to be done by 'Murrica and then try to claim the planet for yourselves. Ain't happening. SpaceX will be nationalized if they start sending Europeans to Mars because the US government would love nothing more than having its own planet.

I mentioned space program, not agency. Are they even doing anything related to getting into deep space? NASA is sitting on their ass these days but they still hold the record and got to the moon. They could do it again. The ESA can't really make that claim.

Yeah... its a shame (but no surprise) the ESA hasnt got the funding to be alongside spaceX in the missions to Mars.. but i imagine they'll be announcing more over the next few years regarding it

Elon already announced he wants a global rocket service to transport people from different places around the world... so yeah, we are waiting for Murrica to do finish doing all the heavy lifting.

I'd be surprised if they ever make any headway. Even if you tried going to the moon you'd be stuck trying to send 28 people there because none of your member states would want to be left out.

Elon can want whatever he wants but the US government already knows how this works. You send a bunch of people on a perilous journey across a long distance to establish a new country and all of a sudden they get funny ideas about not paying taxes and shooting you when you get there. Might also dump a bunch of tea into a harbor, but since they don't have one of those on Mars they'll have to improvise. They're smart lads, they'll figure it out. Anyway, the point is that the US government sure as fucking shit isn't going to let another country take over Mars before it, regardless of what Musk wants.

Nigger, we cant even create a colony in our own home countries, how we finna get to mars n sheeit?

>the point is that the US government sure as fucking shit isn't going to let another country take over Mars before it,
It doesn't work like that... i'm pretty sure space law states that Mars belongs to everyone

Based white South African man will guide us home.

Fuck boys, I've been reading Red Mars, and fantasizing about a Mars society lately.. Help.

Not interested in your racist shit but going to mars would be cool

you lot couldn't even maintain a colony across a fucking ocean how the fuck you think you're going to manage one across fuckin' space

The native Americans thought the US belong to everyone too. Didn't work out too great for them.

Planetoids fuck off. Gravity weighs down your souls.

We've been there since the 50's or 60's breh
check out the footage of the nasa employee talking about how in the 70's she saw someone walk up to the rover and clean it off

The most stupid idea I've ever witnessed. I can't even be arsed typing why again. Just pretend sci fi is a real projection of the problems, like you are doing and go live there.

They did a lot of drugs in the 70s

>Not interested in your racist shit
your on the wrong website m8

You fools.

Mars, the 'RED' planet as God denying faggots call it, is actually planet X, commonly known as Nibiru, or the 'planet of the crossing'. You fag lovers have all been lured in by something bigger than yourselves, to accept yourselves as literal Satan's bitches. Science is the devil's tool to end your spiritual journey. This Mars shit is a distraction so you don't focus on how the Earth is flat and Jesus rode on velociraptors 4000 years ago but don't listen to any so called evidence because carbon dating is a false narrative used by shreklords aka atheists

t. dead jew worshipper

Shut up son of Satan. Shut your snout sinner of unrepentance! Christ will be mocked by the lickers of hell but still gives his love unconditionally, what a miracle that is. Where will you be when you meet God fool? Will you just stand before his glory in awe and realise your life of mocking him truly made you Lucifer's bitch?

I guess not, but Jesus has reached many who doubted his grace, all is not lost for you, just open your heart and love him.


I'll donate money to send black people into your little precious colony

if you fancy wasting a few million.... go ahead lol



Jesus would use a katana, he knows best

>God creates Earth with air, magnetosphere, ionosphere and complex biosphere to keep humanity alive.

>Move to barren rock.

You can't be Christian and live on Mars. Moving to Mars is a big "fuck you" to God. Keep your kikery on Earth.

>The Adventures of Young Gandalf.jpg

I will never not bump these Martian threads

What is the profit motive? At least at first, the colony would have to turn a profit to keep continued investments. Its already looking like private space companies will be leading the charge, so what can the colonist do to stay profitable?

thanks for bump
hmmm, its hard to say
see what do you think ? there's obviously a lot of opportunities for business... I guess the colony could make money by being a off-world tourist spot.

Yes but who will be supplying us with Thai sex workers for relief? These are the questions that really matter.


>but where will the whites go?

Points to starz

This sounds like the plot of a scifi flic


We're unlikely to ever colonize mars. Besides the logistical problems, there's the general safety of life on the planet. You'd always be one step away from complete and utter catastrophe.

I'm not saying it isn't possible, it's just unlikely because of the unpredictability of man. One person having a bad day could literally fuck up the entire project and kill all the other inhabitants, or doom them to failure.

people have said this a few times in the general... but i don't understand, because the plans already exist.
The first crewed ships will be organised like a military operation....with the sorts of people that dont have "bad days" lol

btw next thread will be on saturday at 10pm GMT

Good luck overcoming earths steep gravity well, groundcucks!

you faggot larpers haven't even explored the earth, and you want to travel through space to inhabit a dead planet? how about we crowd-fund an expedition to antarctica?

Why not try going to the moon first . Like they ever did that haaaaahaaaaaahaaaa numb nuts

Antarctica is just as/if not more fucked than Mars lol
>several months of darkness at a time
>constant punishing cold temperatures

>hurr you can't colonize space because muh Antarctica and ocean

Get a thicker coat bitch!

it's not just about antarctica, it's about what lies beneath antarctica. What does mars have to offer?

Mars is the only place we can go after being utterly destroyed on Tuvalu

Wouldn't building an underwater city/civilization be cheaper, more feasible and less deadly?

i can imagine Mars being isolated for 300 years with tons of beautiful white women being bred over the course of those years.

then later on a space ship arrives full of tyrones and jamals ready to ram their big black cocks inside all the desperate white women that have been deprived of a satisfactory for all those centuries.

the anticipation would result in wet vaginas so moist, Mars would have pools of pussy juicy

this, but people fantasize more about space because "muh its so fuggin cool we wz kungz"

Mars has it's mysteries too.

space will be a lot cheaper once infrastructure is build up. Dealing with the high pressure of the ocean is probably too much for too little in return

>it's not just about antarctica, its about what li-*BOOOMMMMM*

see that ? Mankind just got wiped out by some eventual cataclysm.
>What does mars have to offer
see that cataclysm that just wiped our our entire species ? Mars offers a "life boat" or "back up copy" of our people.

Protection for when earth inevitably reverts to the Bronze Age after the Mixed slave race revolts against their now lazy Jewish creators. Spaceships are expensive and space travel is not pleasant so it's unlikely a mars colony would get enriched. Even an Antarctic colony could be flooded with boats

No, Underwater would be easier, it's an extreme climate like Mars, but you don't need to transport it it for three months across space on a ten million dollar vessel. You can transport it on a one million dollar sub in a week.

Pressure makes it a poor option

lack of pressure make mars worse. The pressure underwater would turn everyone into a chad.

reminder next thread will be on saturday at 10pm GMT

We'll all be chads in the future due to gene editing

the weak gravity of Mars will turn everyone there into a soyboy.

ive talked to many geneticists and they say it's unlikely we'll ever be able to gene edit our cocks to be as big as big black cocks.

we're doomed

Just chop off the limbs are replace them with superior robotic limbs. Chad doesn't stand a chance against MechaChad

I can have a set of robotics limbs on earth, but I won't chop off my arms to do it. I'll just be a mecha Goro.

no semetic trash on mars please

Hydroponic dorm with rivers and the legendary /k/ube on display in the center. The Patriarch of Mars will be Ian from forgotten weapons

>t. christ fag

We don't need a bunch of flat earth retards who think mars is just a light in the sky to decrease our population's IQ. keep your Jew religion on earth where it belongs.

you can't go anywhere or do anything on the earth without paying off the authorities
if somehow you got set up on Mars with a small outpost you could do whatever the fuck you wanted
here we can't even drill offshore because of coastal real estate investors buying off politicians