Reminder that if you don't own one of these you're not a free country
Free country thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Collectivist assholes stay out.
This thread is for free men.
>be american
>get shot
>be communist
>starve to death
>carbine length gas tube
>16” barrel
>be leaf
>pretty gay
You know in your heart it was fake
We're pretty free from retarded burgers. You however are not.
No guns aren't allowed in this thread
If you need to own one of these, you ain't free, living in fear isn't freedom.
I want one!
Britain fucking sucks :(
It keeps libtards like you in check
Take it to Sup Forums faggot
It's true.
>list of countries with free access to AR-15's
>list of countries with free speech
Pure coincidence.
Your bit might, my bit's fucking mint.
Only children and the mentally retarded covet weapons they have no use for.
I own a pistol, it's that enough?
Put that weapon on safe.
A pistol will do you no good against these guys, so it's not enough.
Can't put an ar15 on safe if the hammer isn't cocked
Sucks to be poor.
t. bootlicker
I guess pretty good for your circumstances. But let's hope when you say pistol, you don't mean "air pistol".
When you own a gun, it's usually for worst case scenarios. It's for peace of mind. I have never had to use mine, other than at the range, and I am happy about that. But if someone ever comes fucking around I will be protected. I can protect my friends and neighbors. That's why I like having guns. Seems like the gum disease is finally rotting your brain mohammed.
Here are a few of mine.
I'm saving for a Bushmaster acr and my 300blk sbr build. For the price the M&P 15 is a solid rifle anyway.
This fucking tacticool bullshit is cancer
I could but its too much hassle right now, might get one in 3 years when my mini 14 gets illegal for hunting.
Yup, not a free country.
Best I got is this.
>Gadsden Flag
if you know how to 360 noscope pretty well i dont think it would be that hard to take most of them out
Show whatcha got then
Fucking airsoft go shoot some bbs up your moms ass faggot
I already knew, stop rubbing salt in the wound
That S&W is shit. You should have got a Colt 6920.
here's mine, only have the one picture but it's nice. Can't remember the caliber or year but it's a mossberg
I am impressed with the Canadians today. They are standing up for their brother from another mother. Good on you leafbros.
I don't live in fear because I own one sooooo......
>be american
>live in part of the country were literally everyone owns a shit tone of guns
>no one ever gets shot
>everyone is overly polite
nice try user.
>all those bolt guns
fucking fudds
pretty sure thats a .22. Have shot one before.
one is a lever action and three are semi, my in progress ARk1547 baby killer is not in the pic.
there is literally nothing wrong with that you autist
also my peestols.
>probability of being shot in america: 0.00007662571%
>probability of starving in a communist country: 100%
wew lad
user i expected better
>appreciating pieces of history
user you can own a bolt gun and not be a fudd. pretty sure there's a thread on right now for people who incorrectly use the term
We'll always have eachothers back no matter what Trudau says.
better have some fucking plates too
Please. It's a Saiga.
this guy gets it. all of those bolt guns have a lot of history. two of them i have the full history of.
here is my ark1547 baby killer 5000 work in progress.
also, you said nothing about the crossbow or the swords.
>no sling
>mag well holder
0/10 would not operate with
Well, I'm in a communist country right now and I haven't starved yet. Must be all the Somali semen.
Meme rifle for meme purposes.
>rails on a levergun
>zombie hunter patch
yea but why
The only thing I'm afraid of is that I won't get to use my rifles to execute communists in the streets while I'm still young enough to get an erection.
meme patch to go with that meme shotgun
apologies, it was somewhat difficult to determine without a closer look, but the venting on the gas tube and safety bolt hold open seemed to match
>my nigga
This thread clearly angers the left-wing retard to a great extent. A very uneducated people. Sad!
Pic related are not mine, but I own the fixed-stock version.
>difficult to determine
Fancy vocabulary for, "I don't actually know what I'm looking at, but like to pretend". CAИГA is clearly stamped below the bolt carrier.
I'm still using the pcarrier i got issued because I haven't found on I like yet. But When I do I'll get some lvl4 plate and probably the Team Wendy exfil ballistic helmet.
considering all of the other poorfag guns and the shitty magpul furniture, I take it that "i bought it for the name and have shit taste"
I wanna paint my shit but I'm reluctant. I was leaning towards a camo pattern but I really like the two tone paint job you have.
>Midlength Master Race - checking in
Poating pictures of your weapons because some rabbi meme challenges your manhood.
>pic related
>pic related mfw all my weapons were lost in a boating accident
It's a dovetail for optics
Keep killing commies with your rifle, god bless.
Midwest forend. Magpul folder and pistol grip. I think I have good taste
>poorfag guns and the shitty magpul furniture
From the guy who has posted no guns.
You have fine taste. His mine is just as blown as this squirrels that he lurks all over the tripfag threads on /k/ and can't even into id'ing a gun correctly.
Sure thing bro
get a lightweight/minimalist pc, since that’s what’s tacticool now. watch some of garand thumb’s videos on YouTube for gear.
>tfw you've actually carried a naked XM177 on a patrol before
Thanks, I'll check him out
You mean an AKKK1488 with cop killer tipped babby seeking bullets right?
>nugget the only gun that matters
I've got 5 finnish snipers, all matching serials, shit's sexy
$150 for a peice of functionally operable history and deadly accurate with iron sights.
My nigga gets it.
but mine is saiga ak 104, not old 47, better specs
I got all my non-finnish ones when they were sub $100, got 50k rounds when it was like $50-60 a case, maybe less. I can sit on the range forever with these things, it's great.
you need to get out of the house more often if you believe this shit
>you need to get out of the house more often if you believe this shit
that's not an argument.
Trump said he wanted to take peoples guns away with out even due process the other day what a liberal retard
I can assure my 45-70 Government lever action will be able to cut through that body armor. Granted I wont make it out alive but at least four or five or going down with me.
Im a retired NYCFD
ok I lived in Sandy on cedar lane
I know people who lost loved ones
I support the 2nd amendment but not bullshit falsehoods to back up my beliefs
what's the point in even owning more than one or two guns?
something horrable happened there a mentally deranged person went off like a human bomb AS DID SO MANY OTHERS YOU CAN HIDE IN YOUR BASEMENT AND SAY IT NEVER HAPPENED OR ISNT GOING TO AGAIN
so we need to address it so they dont make laws that outlaw everything
Everybody's got a floor in their house faggot
Guns are tools.
> why have only one or two wrenches
checked and keked
posting some real fuckin NATO
M1 - best battle rifle ever made.
>chinese optic
>useless foregrip
>magpul rear sight with iron front sight
>magazine + on fire
disgusting, leaf