What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

He was stuck in the middle

they didn't repeat the question


what is the source of this image???


I dont know

>there will never be legitimate discussion of this show

his anime sucked ass and the only reason anyone ever acknowledges his existence is because he was in the middle of an opening to an american sitcom

Boku no iqdb or google densetsu

If the shitty Netflix original is considered to be anime by some, can the argument for Malcolm in the Middle being anime be made?

Malcom in the Middle is not animated so it would have an unusually high hurdle to overcome but anything is possible now

>shitty parents
>absurd, self-loathing humor
>modern anxieties
Malcolm is quite definitely anime.

Malcolm in the middle

srsly what is this about?

I think something along the lines of the Wonder Years would make a good anime. Heck, worst and first girl almost wins.

Reese was the best part of the fucking show, everyone had mental restraints, but not mah boi Reese, he had to fuck a toaster still plugged just to fuck with the rest.

I was always the Francis in my family.

I'm also the Francis, I'm about to go to Alaska to prove my point, already got dollars with penguins on them.


MITM was amazing and we will never have anything like it again

People talk about breaking bad, but Ill always remember cranston on mitm

Is there anything redeeming about this? Plot seems retarded but it might be the fun kind of trainwreck.

This. I was not american, and I couldn't really relate nor understand some things, but boy, it was very good. I have very fond memories of MITM.

Malcolm is where you first see what americans are really like.

I love these threads.