Why is Capitalist America Viewed as a Success?

Like only 10% of the American population live financially comfortable, happy lives while the rest struggle, yet this is considered success?

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The Jews paint it as success but any American that isn't rock stupid and brainwashed will know that this is merely an illusion of freedom and democracy. We're up to our eyeballs in taxes and debt.


so Ben finally took the blue pill and is spouting librul propaganda. SAD!

This isn’t capitalism’s fault. This is just how the world works. We are an imperfect world. Capitalism is the best system we have so far. Name something that would work better.

>everyone misses the

Never the less crony capitalism is just a natural outgrowth of capitalism. What are all these rich people going to do with their excess hard earned exponentially growing wealth but bribe politicians?

That may be true but no one needs a billion doll hairs

You people are all stupid. The poor in the United States is 6x richer than in hueland. You are all rich, fuck off and die commie fucks.

>Americans still live up to the stereotype in the current year
You utter embarrassments.

What the fuck are you talking about? We struggle? Nigga we got cheap food, cheap housing, clean water, ubiquitous internet, the best universities, you can a loan any time you like, you have constitutional rights like free speech, gun ownership, property rights, etc. Even the bottom 10% live better than the top 10% in the third world. That's all thanks to capitalism.
High quality of life + most freedom = America. It literally cannot get any better than this. If you don't succeed here it entirely because you didn't work hard enough.

>I suck at life therefore you owe me yours

Miss me with that gay lefty shit. Nobody is responsible for your own success or failure in life than you.

cause thats not real capitalism

The only people who believe it are people who live in other countries who are jealous of our jack shit prosperity that we don't actually have.
With that being said, I'm doing better this year than I have in the past decade and it is because of Trump for the most part.

How about the Nordic countries model of social democracy? Even the poor are happy in those countries.

Lurk moar (((faggot))). We all know the answer to this.

Because their poor guys are still richer than your average guy in the third world. Poverty is relative.

Is there no working class in the united states, or do you just consider them "The Poor"?

What are you smoking? Come live here for awhile and work for minimum wage. You will realize that it is not the hype it is built up to be and you will be begging for your topless beaches jungle paradise back.

Is there an unedited version of this picture?

The CAPITALISM GREAT is pushed by the rich. It's a propaganda campaign by special interests and the americans lap it up.

So, we also have jack shit for social programs. Our poor are far richer on paper until you have to pay $10k per year for insurance, or $50k for a college education without counting interest.

2hat the US is practicing is not true capitalism it is as the comic shows crony capitalism, there is a difference. What we have is world wide commucapitalism, or fasicapitalism. The one part of his pyramid that is wrong is the middle class should be on the bottom, because they are the ones paying the most er dollar in taxes. The poor get more back than they paid in, and the rich per dollar earned pay a smaller percentage of that dollar through deductions.

You did see the crony part right?
Reading is fundamental.

Because America isnt a comfortable nation, it was set up through very high risk high reward revolurion and based its economy on the same principle. You dont come to America to get comfy, you come to America to get rich, which you have a far larger chance to get than most other nations. Look at how pop cultural capital turns any two-bit loser, degenerate, conroversial character, or politicized person into moneymakers. America rewards results and utility, not effort, though it helps a bit.

fuck off, commie kike


Yes but you no longer have to pay for insurance, the penalty part is gone. Save for college, nobody owes it to you. If most people did not send it on the latest 1000 inch TV with 20K definition, and other nonessential trash, they could move up, but because they have, to have the latest junk, they are broke.

But America is shit in terms of social mobility.

Bommer needs to go back from whatever shit website they came from.

We already have that here.

It was a success while it was benefiting all social strata.
Now it is only benefiting the very top social strata - the top 20% barely at all, mostly the top 5% and especially the top 1%.

That's not called an economy anymore, that's called looting.
And the end result of looting is economic collapse. You can't have a functioning economy with people too poor to actually innovate, buy, adventure, etc.

In other words, parasites got their greasy proboscis into the economy and forgot that the host dies if you drain all the blood. So rather than surviving off the host forever, they will either starve themselves to death, or find a new host (not likely, considering china/russia currently)

lol whoops fucked both our host over and ourselves, because we got greedy.

This is why wealth concentration actually does need some kind of checks and balances. Giving a small minority of brainwashed nitwits who think they're better than everyone else so much significant power and influence has directly led to mass immigration, liberal policies, and the destruction of western civilization.

>Welfare hounds get fat and can afford TVs

Shut le fuck up

It is best when you don't put all eggs in one basket, in fact, not even the US does this. You still have a very generous social services when it comes down to it, almost no one actually "dies on the streets" because of missing business opportunities. Cold hard money is very useful, but you also shouldn't sell your relatives for $$.
Capitalism is what it is. Blaming capitalism for everything is stupid. But making excuses for its failures is as well.

Great, so if we break a leg by accident with no insurance we basically go bankrupt trying to pay the medical bills off in debt servitude for a long portion of our lives. Your rose colored glasses of America is so far from reality. It is the typical "America is the greatest" brain washing mentality.

Quality of life is better than ever, do you think human life is so supposed to be some utopian paradise?

Wake up, the USA is as good as it gets, that's why everyone is trying to move here.

Didn't say your poors are the best ever. Our poors beat the shit out of your poors. Our poors live like kings compared to your poors. But your poors are still living like cesar compared uga-buga, wang-pang or pajeet.

Nordic democracies have consistently small populations and way smaller economies than the US. Norway has immense natural resources too.
By the way the US is the most successful country if you consider GDP and total pupulation. You have about the same population as italy, france, germany and the uk combined, with a much stronger economy of them all.
It's a great feat if you look at it.

Because our affluence and materialism have reached a point where people think they need 3 cars, a smartphone and a Master's to live financially comfortable, happy lives.
"Our" meaning people in blue-blooded liberal areas who happen to be the ones crying loudest about capitalism.

Nobody owes you college, but helping people afford college is basically an investment in the most important infrastructure a nation can have: It's own people.

This comic isn’t advocating socialism or communism, it’s only speaking against corruption you lil brainlet

Capitalism is good when not abused with greed

Fucking spot on leaf! Investing in human capital is what grows a country. America fails at this so hard.

Capitalism is the personification of greed. It is literally the core of the system.

because the definition of 'struggling' has never been so loose. today struggling means you cant buy a Playstation at release

Image attached is crony capitalism
>you're too poor so it's illegal for you to make these investments


>Capitalism failing
>It's not real capitalism bro!

Your hypocrisy is thicker than concrete

Because Americans get taxed like crazy

Why are capitalists so retarded ?

I am the American success story. My parents were public sector employees who scrimped and saved to ensure I'd go to college without a dollar of debt when I finished. I got out and started at a $10/hr job. I worked my ass off without ever missing a day and working every moment of overtime I was asked to. I am now within the top 10% of earners, in the USA (which is onlly $133k/yr, btw).

LOL! You just got a massive tax cut. Look at the tax rates in social democracy countries.

Define “struggle” you twat.

I mean congratz on being an out liner, but that is not the norm. Many people have applied the same strategy probably with the same degree from a better college and worked harder than you and did not succeed. You got lucky in a system where that rarely happens. Here is your cookie.

You literally have to be on welfare in order to survive if you make minimum wage in the US.

America does a really good job of making you realize that you're not nearly as imortant or potentially great as everyone else likes to delude their people into thinking. The smart have resources to get smarter, the middle class makes the gamble hoping their children can rise above. Many will fail because they wont have what it takes, and the poor are even worse, but then again when does any podunk redneck or gangbaning brotha contribute to the betterment of civic virtue or national/state development? The problem is trying to keep those who would never prevail in the system to either stick around and do the jobs that other people shouldnt waste their utility on, or offer them a way out to a more stable and low-performance nation where they csn do some good.

Which is why I vote for members of the Peace & Freedom party--the feminist, socialist party. Because it shouldn't need to be luck. Dunno what the fuck is wrong with conservatives who want fewer people to have the help that they need to be successful.

this is implying le вlumpf is not a rothschild shill like the rest?

Literally the only people who think america is financially unsuccessful have never been outside their own country.

Go try living in Brazil for a year, fag.

Everyone who start their sentences with ''like'' should die.

And what about Sweden, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand, Fin land, and other social democracies that have paid college tuition, universal healthcare, and a standard of living comparable to or higher than the US? Maybe you should travel more.

Suck my fat one. I am typing on pol not writing a college essay faggot. I will start sentences however I want.

But user, I read on the internet that Sweden is a ghetto of rape and dog-murder. Shouldn't I believe everything I read on the internet?

most lower class people in Europe do not have much aspiration to leave their surrounding. They have accepted pretty early on their place and their limits. I guess the change from school to the real world is harsher in america, there's little readjustment for youth in europe.

I have never met a poor person that was not a retard

>The internet always tells the truth
>Sweden is a ghetto

Just visit the country for yourself and see.

>Just visit the country for yourself and see.
I have been to Malmo


wow some old buildings

Good analysis, I also tend to think that America lacks the common identity and culture that European nations have, most of US history was interest groups scavenging for power until something bigger distracted them enough to put their heads together and fight whatever was in front if them. But outside of war people go back to making money or trying to make it. Alot more individualist ideologically and culturally.

By whom?

If there were no niggers and jews being poor wouldn't be a problem.

>yuro have such a great common identity that they need the government to take care of them instead of their community

I'd rather be poor in the USA than almost any other country in the world.


They have the tendency to view them as one in the same, it helps when you mostly all look alike, speak the same languange, and hold most of the same traditions and cultural values. Plus few were created in the same way as the US, with an ocean between them and their biggest enemies.

That's the shopped version, where's the original?

every society is going to have degenerates
When people help each other instead of the government they can chose to only have their money go to worthy causes

>Global commerce isn’t stratified by capitalism...fucking duh
>the only free market is non-cohesive segments of the black market
>the black market/capitalism doesn’t stratify global commerce, private central banks acting in collusion with non-sovereign governments are what stratify global commerce ala fascism/corporatism and communism/socialism.

Fuck off with your bullshit Capitalism is to blame myth.

most europeans have the trust that the agencies will act the same as you would and in the common good. However, the increasing abuse has caused a lot of controversy in latest history and with the increasing anonymity and abuse the trust is going down as well

>most europeans have the trust that the agencies will act the same as you would and in the common good.
When did they ever?

that's a good point. I think what it coems down to is just it was harder to abuse the system in the past

not really
the government safety net was alway just about buying votes from people that wanted free shit

Wow I didn't know about this. Pisses me the hell off.

Europe didnt really have their Warergate level of shitshow that proved to the populace that politicians arr just as terrible. Hell, they used to (if they dont still do) believe in a nobility, which seems pants on head nuts to us. They are naive and belive they hold themselves to a higher standard, which is something we see through.

How do you think things were before capitalism?

It’s really the fault of bad spending habits. A lot of it at least. A lot of idiots go into debt when they could live within their means.

We have the richest poor people on Earth.

You would know that if you had traveled. Even being homeless in America is better than being middle class in most 3rd world countries.

Lol. When people talk about America they refer to it as country built on genocide and slavery. Not a success story and fairytale.

As a matter of fact. I gigantic majority of the world hates you and see you as hell on Earth.

>Be American

>Compare yourself with the 3rd world.


OH YEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u support like 40 million niggers and see

In many parts of the country you can live on $50k/ year comfortably (obviously not on the left coast). 25% of the country makes >$100k. Although I do agree w/ Ben, crony capitalism *must* be reigned in.

Being this mad at success.

He literally said that this is how capitalism works, brainlet.

he just said that, dummy.

>ill just repeat what the other person said

For 2017 the median household income was $60k. Under Trump our average wages are INCREASING. Thank God we finally have a president who understands how a capitalistic economy is supposed to be guided.

>I'll just double down on stupid.

Pure ideology

>I'll just double down on stupid.
no u