Would you be Racist if you were attractive?

Based on an SDLC research study most white male who subscribe to Alt-right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Ideology score an average of 4 on an attraction scale (1-10).

The ad-hoc study was done using public photos of Alt-Right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Organization members and a unbias group of white women.

Besides the rare white male who scored above 4 (Less than 2%), most Right Wing ideologist are Ugly as fuck!

So the question is: Would you guys still be racist if you were attractive and/or desirable?

Is your quest for racial supremacy, and white ethnic idealism just a rationale to overcompensate for your perceived lack of attractiveness and undesirability?

-- This is a real Discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:


100% of SPLC employees are inbred kike parasites

In your experience do attractive white male join you in your Ideology?

"....already attractive people are more likely to become right wing..."


this type of shit is PR not science

The Study was done using an unbias group of white women who didn't know the nature of the study.

the women were asked to rate the photo on attractiveness (1-10) and answer if they would date the person (True or False)

Aaaand you just called your opponent "ugly".


>reddit spacing
>ad hoc study
>SPLC aka Synogogue of White Guilt
back to your containment site, kike

>racial supremacy

How to spot a leftypol shill

Btw My gf is a model and I have a 8 inch and also fuck op's mom on the side.


For anyone who comments answer the following 3 question FIRST:

. Honestly state your attraction level (1-10)

. Answer True or False: Women normally find me attractive and/or desirable.

. Answer True or False: I'm comfortable with my looks.

Most good looking guys dont take that first dark step toward being redpilled. Their lives never turn out badly enough that they gaze into the abyss. So while they may indeed side with us they are still in a good enough place to not be politically active.

Studies have found that most "racists" have had negative contact leading to held beliefs. This explains why boomers can be racist, not simply because they're from a different era, but because they remember their experiences, i.e. wisdom.

t. grew up in the hood

Southern Dick Licking Center?

First of all, what this guy said. 100%.

Second of all, women cluster male ratings towards the ends of the scale. So rating a 4 probably means they're average, on, you know, average.

Also, outside of Hollywood and Silicon Valley, young leftists are uglier than young conservatives, almost as a rule.

I would cite the study where bicep size and upper body strength among men directly correlates with political inclination, but, fuck it, you all have Google.

>The alt-right is ugl-

i am an attractive racist

yeah with a biased hand picked selection of pics of ugly fucks to skew results, go do a study on muslims where 90% are ugly inbred fucks.

Everyone is racist.

No one wants to live around subspecies that are more violent and less intelligent than them.

Regardless of what they say when asked in front of a camera.


Yea no these juden can go fuck themselves. I'm 6ft blond haired blue eyed aryan and a rabid racist and antisemite. Although yea the alt-right is unfortunately filled with beta males with poor genetics. But if you look at the anti-racist crowd, they are not just ugly, they are downright deformed freaks very frequently.

Ad-hoc study........

Relavant, fo sure. Hi share Blue!

Wasn't there an OKCupid study that showed women only find 20% of men on their website attractive?

The glaring issue here is you could draw the same conclusion about literally any sample size of people.

>average of 4
>only 2% scored above 4

so, uh... are you saying that every alt-right is exactly 4/10?

>Based on an SDLC research study most white male who subscribe to Alt-right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Ideology score an average of 4 on an attraction scale (1-10).

No link?

>The ad-hoc study was done using public photos of Alt-Right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Organization members and a unbias group of white women.

So media control on what photos that get spread?

Here it is!

Rare 2% that scores above 4.

Please answer the three questions.

>Communism is a murderous and disgusting ideology
>Yeah bro but we got a bunch of stupid skanks on this side, mostly because they're too stupid to realize what they're voting for
Pretty much every argument for leftism, on the internet AND IRL. I'm fairly attractive, decent high iq, and have a nice 8 1/2 inch Weiner. They local lefties try to recruit me with young skanks first then after I disregard a group of vagina knight Chad's will move in and try to talk shit as though I was homosexual or something. I'm able to get a steady supply of pussy on my own so I usually just laugh or disregard this theatrical nonsense.

Gas yourself, kike. Stick to facts or report to the nearest oven.

Would you be less retarded if you weren't a kike?

What the fuck are you even babbling about?

>most white male who subscribe to Alt-right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Ideology score an average of 4 on an attraction scale (1-10)
>Besides the rare white male who scored above 4 (Less than 2%), most Right Wing ideologist are Ugly as fuck!

Are you retarded?

i'm already attractive

t. M. Gibson

>I work out, 6'2", 190lbs, average sized dick, and women to give me looks. I'm a recluse though so I don't give two-fucks about kissing some woman's ass for some pussy.

I'm handsome. I'm also successful. Which is why I can't make my beliefs public yet. Lots of our best guys have to stay under cover.

Besides, women rate men low under any circumstance.

2 Questions???

1. Could Sexual Rejection be the core of extreme white identity psychological attachment?

2. Having a normal white identity attachment is healthy, but is extreme psychological white identity attachment a sign of suppressed feeling of low self-worth?

Seeking external validation based on race?


Work away.

oh so that explains it,
women usually rate 90% of males 4 and under

I doubt that user. On the internet, you can be who you want, but I doubt you are truly happy in real life.

I mean you are on Sup Forums!!

>Based on jewish trickery, we're found concrete evidence of our enemies being something that is not desireable

Let's just assume your premise is true. White guys just need some pussy and then they won't be racist. Are you going to give your pussy up? Are other women going to give their pussy up? Maybe you should consider that the world doesn't revolve around you and your pussy. If you're just a hole to men, then that's pretty fucking sad.

I'm hot as fuck and maaad racist, sooooo., YA! fucker

White women

99% approval

Women only find the top 20% of men attractive

Solid 8.5/10 here. I fuck white bitches and say the word nigger a lot.

It's more likely that ugliness correlates with stupidity and only retards go out marching.

This. You'd find similar results with a sample of the general, white male population, regardless of their political beliefs.

Women rate most men below average

And I'm pretty sure you're also going to tell me you have a 8-inch penis and are financially successful.
Gravitating to an anonymous online echo chamber instead of interacting with real people is an open social setting is a hallmark of low self-esteem user.
Please Answer my three questions on self-worth “Honestly”.

Very, very gay and jewish

I'd love to get a source on this

>you cant hate niggers because you are ugly!!!
ugliest white man>the most beautiful nigger

I'm a solid 2.


It’s obvious English isn’t your first language. So, what’s it like having your skin be the same color as dog shit?

To answer either yes or no would be to accept your premise (that I'm ugly). Your question is malformed, and you're a retarded nigger from the SPLC

Depends on what the dog ate..

well answer me this, what are your questions three!!3

Thank you user

1. I am a solid 7
Not very tall but I have olive skin and a nice jawline. Well proportioned bone structure.

2. Women find me attractive and desirable... Until I open my fucking mouth.

3. I love the way I look, but women don't like my hair. It's long and I like my pony tail.

What would the outcome or your conclusions be?
White guys are sad and pathetic, right?
That explains everything!

NOTICE: No one admitted to being unattractive.

So apparently Sup Forums is full of the most attractive white males on the internet.

Sup Forums Requirement:

1. Attractive above 9
2. Dating a Model Girl Friend
3. Have an 8+ inch penis
4. Be Financially success
5. Be an Alt-Right Superhero who pretend to be Chad by day, but Alt-Right Andy on Sup Forums at night.

Any more Sup Forums superlatives?

You might not like it but this is what optimal leftism looks like

Lol, you're angry.

When was the list time you got some pussy?

I don't get pussy user!

he's saying that at least 96% is a 4/10

No one said the opposite as well.
You seem to be either projecting, insecure or a roastie.


This conversation is going nowhere.

>there was a study showing that anyone who disagrees with me is ugly
Impossible to continue.

Sorry for bumping this idiot.

>and a unbias group of white women.
Women consistently rate men as below 5 on a 1-10 scale. Some studies have had results where no men at all were rated 10. You could get these results with any group of men and any group of women.
>So the question is: Would you guys still be racist if you were attractive and/or desirable?
Now this is an interesting question. How would men behave differently if women still found them desirable on average? There is not a long history of statistics on this, so I don't want to speculate, but there is no indirect evidence of this phenomenon prior to mass media and only limited evidence in the post-mass media but pre-internet period.

This conversion digs into the deep psychological connections of extremist white identity attachment.



White nationalist Chad here. Dgaf what you or your (surveys) think. Living the American dream impregnating my stay at home white wife

So why does no one study the ugliness of niggers?

1. Probably a 5 or 6.
2. Why the fuck do I care what a woman, or anyone for that matter, thinks?
3. I am comfortable with my looks because I do what I like; what makes me feel good about myself.

Looking for validation or whatever from other people is fucking degenerate and weak.

Pic related. Don't care.

SPLC is just a bunch of kikes doing what they do best. Nothing they say matters.

Well I'm not exactly ugly, so yes. It doesn't matter if I'm a Chad among Chads, niggers still nig and muslims still explode.

>unbias group of white women
>implying this exists

I could post a picture of myself and show you I'm probably much more attractive than you think I am. I simply don't give two fucks about that though.

Your entire presupposition does not take into account the fact that every other race has an identity already. It's ok to wear a shirt that says "I love my blackness." It's ok to support La Raza. It's ok to have Asian pride. If all these other groups are going to play identity politics, then white people are going to want in that as well.

You know how I can tell you're a woman? Because you don't have one single thing to say. Women always revert back to the whole 'my pussy controls you' bullshit. And it's really pathetic because you even know your hole is literally the only thing you offer men. Your hole is going to age, you'll eventually look like roast beef down there if you don't already, and no guy is going to want to fuck you. Then what are you going to do? Settle for some 4 out of 10 white nationalists, probably.

I think you spell 4 wrong....

Looking like an Emo Librarian.

The type of guy who wants to teach you D&D on the first date.

What did the control group get?
There was a control group right?

I am attractive and I'm racist as fuck and so were all the white girls I grew up with.
Now its the opposite as the non white females are the racist ones and the white females are welcoming refugees

You mad you are 200 lbs over weight and have the worst acne in your school?


I was a much cuter kid though.

>score an average of 4 on an attraction scale (1-10).

>Besides the rare white male who scored above 4 (Less than 2%)

So you're telling me just about every single person in the alt right is a 4?

It doesn't sound real.

Lol implying the openly Alt-Righters arnt the biggest Chad's around.

Smarter than you as well. Sup Forums's IQ is in the 120-140 range

Daily reminder that less than 10% of studies by psychologists or social """scientists""" are repeatable.

Damn never seen a shitlib get btfo like that before

bad picture, but you look like an average average.

now do a rating of leftists

1. 11/10
2. True
3. False, bitches won't stop pestering me.

>Based on an SDLC research study most white male who subscribe to Alt-right / White Supremacist / Neo-Nazi Ideology score an average of 4 on an attraction scale (1-10).
>Besides the rare white male who scored above 4 (Less than 2%)

You clearly don't know shit about statistics. How can only 2% be above a 4/10 if 4/10 is also the mean for the survey?
Are you aware that a 4/10 average doesn't necessarily mean below average? See and . 4/10 is the average score for men in these samples, which means that there is not a reason to believe that this "study" proves a statistically significant difference in attractiveness.

tldr eat a bullet

1. 4/10
2. no girlfriend
3. 7.5"
4. 56k

No homo, but that’s a quirky 6 going on 7 if you cared more about presentation.
Not for everybody, but might get along with humanities type chicks if you’re a good conversationalist

Kinda feel bad to say it but if you mean honest honest I’d say 7 or 8.
I’m not as fit as i was in college Judo, though I’m back on the gym and working at it; and I have some skin patches (vitiligo) but despite the shitty skin in general those usually get mixed to positive feedback (some girls like the ‘natural’ white hair highlights), including the wife so I reckon I’m good.
I know my genetics are solid because both me and my brothers have good looking faces and although I’m not the most generically handsome of the five I’m at least tied for second (I have a twin without the salt&pepper hair).

In my experience strong and traditionally appealing males (“real men”) are more conservative. That includes all the good fighters I ever met in martial arts as well as the smartest students in every college and university class.
Soyboy liberal lefties are only ‘popular’ as a sidehoe for the hipster chicks until they can find a genuine man who makes them feel like a woman and want to settle down.

>"people I disagree with are just ugly!"
Really moved me with that non-argument.
Those of us who already have someone or just don't care are not affected.

> Would you be racist if you were attractive?

Probably not. Also wouldn't be misogynist, fascist, capitalist, or any other subjective opinions that exist only in the minds of the SJWs that spew them.

what does race hate have to do with looks?

If I was attractive I would not give even the slightest shit about politics

Most attractive people don't think about ideologies at all, at least not until they're old.
That's when meaning and satisfaction start creeping into their life equation.