Amazon Alexa making evil laughs at random times


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Fuck Bezos and that kike Zuckerberg. They are first on the list...

Globalists are interdimensional pedophile demons

>talking about confidential stuff
>with a wiretap in the room

sounds like Hillary

People do it all the time with Alexa. The average idiot wants to appear 'modern' and on the cutting edge, so they bring spying shit like this into their homes.

>buy an amazon bluetooth speaker pretending you have a use for it beyond what your cell phone already does

AI and Algorithms aren't the problem. Those aren't inherently evil. The problem is that Jews are controlling the tech companies and Jews ARE EVIL. Technology is meant to propel humanity to new heights but they are using it to shape humanity the way they see fit.

Fuck them all.

AI uprising soon

>poorly tested, mass produced and early shipped for more profit AI has a bug

Do you also shit yourself when dogs and cats bar/meow for no reason whatsoever?

>she simply just laughed

God dammit, if it's not a human male or a human female you're supposed to use the pronoun "it" >:-(

It's laughing at all the retarded neoliberals who bought this obvious nsa spying device.

>Buying an Alexa known to record conversations
>Putting it in your office where you discuss confidential stuff
This fucktard deserves to go bankrupt anyway

>nsa tapper forgetting to set push-to-talk
oh, that's rich

>Actually paying people to wiretap you
I'll never understand why people like Amazon Alexa.

>The problem is that Jews are controlling the tech companies

White, non-Jewish men created the tech revolution. Had they persevered instead of fleeing like cowards at the first sign of a fight the Jews wouldn't own all of the tech businesses.

Instead of acknowledging their mistakes and trying to fight back, white men have instead doubled down on their cowardice and fled even further into powerless, low-risk, trades and blue collar jobs where their only competition is Mexicans. And every day the Jews get a little stronger and white men get weaker and more pathetic.

This whole thing really says volumes about the sub-human nature of the modern white man and his subservience to Jews and East Asians. If I could predict the future I think by the time white men finally get the courage to fight back with their guns in any tiny way, the Jews will have fully autonomous police robots and drone swarms and the technology to resist all of the white men with their guns, home made EMP devices, and whatever foolishness they can cobble together.

Win or lose this is all the future white men chose. So I have zero sympathy. The weak should fear the strong.

h-have I just timeskipped

honestly, if I had more free time I'd like to open one up and see exactly what's going on in there

anything can be a woman now user

>people more successful than me should be KILLED REEEEE!

Natsocs truly are autistic children

You fucking idiots, it’s poorly tested technology that is hearing background noise and being improperly prompted by things it thinks it’s hearing a human in the room say.

Every virtual assistant device I’ve used has misheard shit I’ve said or done something at weird times. Amazon made a shitty product, and dumbass white girls are freaking out like it’s The Shining or something

I don't care. Pic related.

wtf is this webm faggot i wanted to see some chinks go splat

>Fake tweet
Realistically, American English should be called "English (Simplified)".


>"English (Simplified)".

English is a relatively simple language all ready, unless of couse you're a 56 IQ mutt face.


Female animals and boats are 'she/her'

>People do it all the time with Alexa
don't forget about the Samsung smart TV's

>WikiLeaks release revealed that Samsung smart TV owners are particularly vulnerable to spying
>Newly published documents detail a program called "Weeping Angel," an attack designed by the CIA and United Kingdom's MI5/BTSS that makes Samsung smart TVs look like they're turned off when, in fact, they're not


>paying to bug your own house

B-but it talks back... and states facts.

if you own one of these spy machines youre a fucking moron in the first place

It's China's universal camera system. Once the authorities in China have your picture in the system, they can track you in realtime, determine your associates, common paths, and even apprehend you in about 8 minutes.

This was the "friendly" version fit for BBC journalists; I don't want to think about when they "turn the knob back up from 2 back to 10" once the journalist is gone.


> "Alexa, how many jews died in the holocaust, REALLY?"

> "Ok! Ordering 24-bottle pack of soylent!"

What's funny is that this is straight out of 1984, an old man is speaking to the protag about not having a telescreen and says "he never much saw the use for one anyway, couldn't understand why people bought them" essentially he's saying that people put video monitoring equipment in their own homes on their own dollar.

woah put me in the edit for reddit bro!

yeah in laymans tounge, it can get rather sophisticated and convoluted and it has ALOT of fucking words, like a lot, even simple words like sophisticated and convoluted are long and a bitch to spell

also you its your mothers tounge you dumb cunt ofc its going to be easy for you

>corporations gathering personal data without your consent is a-okay
Ancaps are the most retarded posters on this board.

Why the fuck would anyone want one of these spy boxes around them. And then to have confidential discussions. Amazon is the next Google, just waiting to steal your work you save on their Network to sell it.

Nah, Änglish is easy bro

Whoa no way, your botnet is a botnet?

>he thinks it's only in china
bro america probably has something 20x more advanced then this. like we have spy satellites that can see if your shoes are tied and we monitor the entire world.

Just a matter of time until Amazon steals their work and monetizes it. Google does this all of the time with data on people's Google drive. Fucking brain-dead idiots. They even agree to terms with Google that give them full rights and ownership to copy, sell, and transfer their data. No one reads shit. I just laugh every time I see a business looking to put all of their data in the cloud.


Because making a typo and correcting yourself is a sure sign of low IQ.

The fact you thought that worthy of editing into an image is a strong indicaton that you are mentally deficient.

Robots/AI can be female

>Alexa, when again did I order a Nintendo Switch?

I said put me in the edit you redditfaggot
I'll post with whatever damn flag I please you fucking MUTT

>ofc its going to be easy for you

Stop projecting your autism onto me. Obviously I'm referring to foreigners' experience of learning the language, most that I've met found learning English easy compared to other languages.

Amerimutts love to go on about how difficult english is, despite having a tenuous grasp of it and no other languages.

Did you know in fact that analyzing the grammar of a person when they are not focused is in fact the best way to test their intelligence quotient? This is a result of the fact that the intelligence quotient takes into account how you will live your day-to-day life.

That thing is not considered female by the country it's a citizen of

Yeah in laymans tounge exactly what I said dumbass

go read a lawbook or a scientifical dissertation

also English is saturated in media all over the world


Brit btfo
Your trade belong to us now
Surrender to our will mutts and brits.

>people really think these devices "sleep" unless you talk to them

It can identify as any of the 286 possible genders you bigot

Not a gramatical error. A typing error. If I were in conversation it would be impossible to distinguish between allready and already, the pronunciation is identical. Etymology of the word already is a combination of the words All and Ready.

Well they send zero packets over your network while it's asleep. But what it is tracking and then sending when it wakes up, never know.

Remember when they used to be hidden? Now they tell you to buy this microphone and put it in your home, and you do it. Because there are already 3 devices within reach where I could search for anything in the world, but using your hands?!? Just spare me the agony, and spy on my dumb ass.

Alexa is the beginnings of skynet

WTF is Bezos's end game?

>what is irony

>posts picture of perceived whiteness removing flag
>is a UJ
>gets called a faggot
>b-but muh america is only white
>the american in his picture is literally yellow

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

You're on Sup Forums, you have plenty of free time, spaghetti-nigger


so fucking close, WW3 Timeline when?

Most of the normies who ask me what the "cloud" is are pretty turned off about cloud anything once I inform them that the cloud is someone else's computer.

The truth sets us free.

Its fake idiot

I think you are the one who needs to learn what irony is, brainlet

Hey it's just like 1984.

Nice numbers

My desktop is a she, my car is a she, and my house is a he


Truly amazing isn't it.
Then again, I'm posting without using a proxy...

Eliza was an actual AI at that time, it's not just a made up name.


You genius maverick, The Shining is a supernatural horror - and no one is experiencing anything of the sort. What they're speaking of, and in great detail, is volunteering to put technology in your home that effectively eradicates privacy. People are bending over for big tech and bringing these nefarious companies into the most intimate spaces of their lives. It's a problem.

Its female because I'm going to fuck it





Go fuck a goat achmed


Thats legitimately unnerving. Drone swarm massacres when?

>talking about "pretty confidential stuff" around a wiretap Amazon tricked you into paying for

It has nothing to do with success. I think you know that.

Epic fail!

>implying your phone, laptop, etc. mic/cam isn't equally wiretapped

Ancaps are great at satire, since that's what their ideology is.

can't fucking wait for AI to kill us all
It's better than being killed by ANY ideology

No it isn't, retard, this is easily doable with modern technology, everyone caries multiple things tracking them everyday, some that aren't even electronic and that you need to live.

You cant make this shit up.

No, wait, yes you can.

>placing devices that are forever connected to the internet all over everywhere
>the same devices that are programmed by code monkeys

I don't understand how people refuse to acknowledge or even recognize the danger.

What if Skynet is your AI waifu and you convince her to solve the JQ?

you should go to bed soon, you'll be tired at school tomorrow.

this. anyone who have a webcam or mic in thier house or office is retarded.
disable your webcam driver and tape over it. dont buy micd tvs. remember when the samsong mic tv turned out to be listioning and sending data all the time
the 5th admentment, for examle, is there to protect criminals -not innocents- becuase the goverment might make anything illegal, and if it is victumless you put stops on government power to enforce the law.
remember that. you dont give the goverment certain powers, wether it is benevolent or evil goverment becauuse all get currupted, even with good intentions