How does it feel to be on the losing side Sup Forums?

How does it feel to be on the losing side Sup Forums?

California WILL win and will not have to deport anyone

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Good, I really love this "if you defeat your enemies they win" stance the left has going on

can some brave california user _____ Scott Wiener already?

>Cali WILL - GO broke trying to meet all those public pension promises, and is already in the US Top5 in shedding population.

Not much of a WIN, makes ya think...

what is happening?


>inb4 Trump declares martial law in Commiefornia, mobilizes military
>"Bet you wish you had your guns now!"

>states are not obligated to obey federal orders.
Lol wut?

Always a fucking jew

States have to work with federal law enforcement or there is no United States. I saw this coming years ago with weed (just legalize that shit already.) California will loose, but they can tie it up in the courts.

this is the kike that spearheaded the law to make giving someone aids a misdemeanor.

scott wiener

>shedding population.

you mean shedding illegal aliens to the rest of the country??

no understanding how federalism and the supremacy clause works.

i went to facebook to send a message to my brother earlier today and saw the typical normie meme in there, it read:
'its not the migrant fault if you have no job, its the shareholders' and 'u should ask yourself questions if you get replaced by a guy who doesnt speak the language, has no skill or money'.

Tehe tehaha haha AhahahahahHHahahahHahhH SCOTT WEINER

KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sam sausage
bill banger
shane schlong

he'll die of legally passable AIDS soon enough

Holy shit, he's like a parody of what a soy boy is.

>Well if that's how you feel
And then Trump personally drops in, executes the man for treason and declares martial law.
Hopefully followed by building a wall around the bay area.

Confederate states of America. No constitution and no federal rule.

Cali might wanna secure a source of drinkable water for itself before it starts acting like it’s in charge around here.

Why do you want illegals in CA so badly?

Trump wins either way.

1. Victory for States Rights (sets precedent)

2. CA forced to aid deportations

Literally Win-Win. Enjoy!

This is the same faggot that made it OK to infect people with AIDS

he needs to be one of the first to get the rope

>it’s states rights when we don’t want to deport illegals
>bake the cake though homophobe and let men into the women’s room and you can’t have slaves either and also teach niggers to read and write

this is your brain on soy

This is the same kike faggot who introduced the bill to make giving AIDS to someone knowingly a misdemeanor instead of a felony.

California passed a law declaring itself a "Sanctuary State" for illegal aliens. The Federal government is invoking the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution that says only the Federal government can set immigration policy. Somehow, California believes they can win this in the courts.

Is there any date yet? I don't want to miss it


That's the type of situation a winner puts themself in

so a couple of years ago when Arizona passed laws to enforce 'immigration' in the state of Arizona when the feds under the presidency of Obama would NOT help, the lefty communist lawyer thugs threw a fit and declared that 'immigration' was a federal law issue and that states could not enforce 'immigration' laws only the US federal government. (((They))) were claiming that states have no legal authority to do anything with 'immigration' only the feds, now the state of Commiefornia is trying to disregard federal law and claim (((their)) states' rights and (((their))) commie state is exempt from federal law!!!! (((They))) are really getting desperate. Secede, Commiefornia, secede!!!!! The free citizens will then secede from the hellhole coasts of LA and the Bay Area, where (((they)) reside, and then make their own state(s) and wall off the hellholes and let them stew and fester in the hellholes, excrement holes that (((they))) have created... sounds like a win,win situation...

Underrated but we know Option 2 will happen

>California has every right to refuse to be part of your deportation machine
That's why you're getting sued you faggot

>Nothing requires us
Same emotional rhetoric that will prove hollow when they lose.

I would say I'll enjoy drinking his tears, but I don't want AIDS.

You are delusional

I remember telling this faggot direct on twitter that he deserves to hang. Seems like he's doing a good job of doing that on his own.

>faggots in charge of reading the constitution

The worst part is that is his fucking profile picture, which means that is one of his best photos


The army will convince you soyfags quick enough.

fuck these retards im moving to poland

i dont care if my state is 98% white i literall cannot stand to be in the same country and these fucking retarded subhumans

fucking commies, what will happen when they will lose?


I hope a right wing militia takes over SF city hall and places everyone under citizens arrest.

Yes, because it always goes well for states who defy the federal govt.

Bye, bitch

Yeah, this is the faggot that passed the law in CA about how transmitting AIDS isn't a felony. I'm sure you're proud

>democrats are fighting for states rights again
>except this time it's to make themselves slaves to minorities instead of the other way around.
Crazy times were living in boys

Can Trump fix our stupid gun laws too?
I want to leave California but I got a good paying job.

Its like 2016 all over again.
I cant wait to take their illegals away from them. Condescending pieces of shit. -the south part mostly.

I think Minnesota should pass a law that says we dont have to pay federal income tax anymore if states can pick and choose laws to follow.

Trump is escalating the conflict slowly but surely just as he did w/ kim. I'm guessing Session's remark about Gettysburg is flying over their head as they don't know fuck all about America's history.
California loves is slaves (illegals) so much that its willing to violate the spirit of federal and reasoned law. How'd that work out for the south?

Ultimately, court was held on the battlefield :
I'm guessing soyboys feel this can't happen again.

we don't even want north california. push the entire fucking state off the cliff

>lol what is literally preventing the law from being upheld

He literally looks like a rodent.

>has every right
Man I fucking hate this rhetoric. More than any other political act this kind of subversion deserves the firing squad.
They call every piece of feel good bs a Right while simultaneously clamoring to remove real Rights. Its madness.
The Founding Fathers gave us the tools to deal with corruption or incompetence at any level. But they never dreamed in their darkest nightmares that Americans would become too stupid and emotional for Liberty

Limosine liberals want to keep their slaves (illegals). It's actually the same shit the south fought over and lost which is why sessions referenced it in his comment about situation :

>the Supremacy Clause
lol no wonder the left is triggered

(((Wiener))) can't get enough of those poz loads.

guess again faggot

Does he actually wants that? Or is just Sup Forums memeing? I can't believe someone can be this stupid.


Fuck you California, you're just one giant slave plantation.

the degenerate state of the Wienar Republic of California

racist? but mexicans are white!

Lol pozkike


They're going to get their little toothy-woothies bashed out, and it's going to hurt bad.

Next time someone tells you 'cali is the reason america is great,' think of this:


Except the law says 100% different. Fucking fag

feels bad, i am a never trumer now

49 other states real8ze California is a shithole colony of Mexico

Trump sweeps 2020

I swear the left is willing to die on any hill in front of them and throw a hissyfit over nonsense. I would like the civil war, balkanization or something to happen already. It's all so tiresome.


Sorry, friendo, but California cannot make their own immigration policy. By creating their own immigration law, they are aiding and abetting an invasion of the United States. This is treason. California will be stripped of representation in Congress, and its electoral votes. The lead players in assisting the invaders need to be promptly executes as well. The laws are quite straightforward and unambiguous. California must accept punishment and comply.

Losing side of what? You took the last soy milk? Be our guest, queerbait.

>“These laws are so draconian that you can be convicted of a felony and sent to state prison even if you engage in behavior that creates zero risk of HIV infection.”
So it was Sup Forums memeing. Disappointing.


Are you kidding? Courts have already sided with Trump on this issue. It's clearly laid out in the constitution.

They have to go back.

>The Constitution
>muh emotions and feelings

I think California is unarmed here

Is this the same guy who is pro-HIV?

He looks like his test levels are in the single digits

California is going to get the long dick of the law shoved so far up it's rectum.

No, you retard, it means it's no longer a felony to knowingly give someone HIV. You can admit that you intentionally infected someone with a disease that will probably kill them and it's no longer considered a felony.

>that nose
His Jew level is off the chart.

Super aids kike

Maximum soy boy.

God, I hope some idiot in CA manages to pull a Ft. Sumter so Trump can send in the whole fucking military.

Looks like he is pinching a loaf

This kike literally has AIDS himself. It's an open secret in San Francisco.

>b-but muh blue wave

His mouth sure has serviced many wieners.

G_s the k_kes

lol his name is wiener

He already has AIDS, he's the one who decriminalized intentional pozzing. Rich people never die from it though.

this guy gets it

rope is too quick
give him turbo-AIDS and withhold the meds.

the right will win this one

next terrorist attack, or the one after that

just a matter of time. ackbar has snuck in and poised to attack

>Sharafat Ali Khan, while acknowledging his guilt, denied he was the main smuggler, and said he was surprised he’s the only person arrested and prosecuted in the ring, which investigators said helped more than 100 illegal immigrants from Pakistan and Afghanistan sneak into the U.S.

Even if it were protected sex. You better tell me if you have hiv or not.