Normal day in commiefornia

Where did it all go so wrong?

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Have you ever looked at pictures of pre-1965 california and want to die?

she really captures the essence of a transexual rabbit animorph

Everyone in this video is a faggot. What is this guy even trying to prove?

That old white guy with the le epic beard called him a wetback twice, mein sides.

Yes, it's disgusting what America and the world turned into after the end of the Great War

not political if some one wants to film me a show I will put on byt that ex hippie with the racial slurs what a duche

Shes fun in bed and likes to get abused. Trust me I can tell.


you can buy gift cards at the post office?

Hey that's antisemetic

It's almost impressive how fast the fall was.



Is this the same guy?

what a waste of time.

this is why I can't take the alt right seriously. anyone who's ever met a boomer before knows that white people can be just as bad as anybody else.

Who knows. Only old people still go to the post office.

These videos are always hilarious. This channel is full of good videos if you're bored.

why is he filming? quick rundown please



1950-1960s Los Angeles was still highly degenerate, completely dominated by rich pedophiles/Jews, and very homosexual. Only difference being that they hid it much better. LA was never good...

surveillance camera artist copycat

it's an ancap political statement about people not caring about being filmed until an individual does it

Whites are the ones primarily driving the PC movement.

>that squeaky voice on a fat man looking like he's in his late 40s

>he doesn't have his own business that requires sending and receiving mail

This shit is only a small percentage of California. They just happen to be the most visible and vocal. The numerical majority of us are fucking normal. We are being held hostage by gerrymandering and illegal voting

no its not. people everywhere in this country get mad when you film them in public.

What is even happening

Why does this thing have a chin on his chin?

>say attractive

The voice is different