A question for racists

If white people are better and non-whites are dumber, then why are there so many non-whites being accepted into good schools like Harvard and MIT, while white people have been going to stupid, second-rate conservative/Christian "colleges" like Liberty University and Prager University?

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Affirmative action

stop shilling with mai waifu reeeeeeeee

OP stop talking bollocks and get on your knees, it's time to service my big hard cock, it's your duty as my personal sissy boi.

>What is affirmative action
>What is standard deviation
I've met a few nice niggers, a few funny niggers, but never smart niggers.

Even the best of niggers could only ever compare to a slightly above average European.

They aren't compatible with us. Hell, they aren't barely even compatible with each other.

I got a full ride to Prager University. As does anyone with a Youtube account.

Slide there.

Get in here anons:

>who is Thomas Sowell?
You are a retard

>so many non-whites being accepted into good schools like Harvard and MIT
you don't already know that harvard has a huge chink-bribe problem?

>Liberty University and Prager University
these aren't even real so why even post about them? i'd be surprised if that shit was even accredited

You damned retard.

College is a scam. Go to a trade school and get guaranteed a job.

Weird how the average GPA for Harvard and MIT hasn't decreased since they started admitting Africans, Asians and Hispanics. Very weird. In fact, it increased!

I thought an all-white student body would give a higher GPA, what gives??!!


pretty simple.

To save money and not walk out of college with a half a million in debt. Are you fucking retarded or something?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, no. Trade School is just Idiot University for people not smart enough to be a physicist or sociologist, so they "study" to become a plumber. Have fun being replaced by Artificial Intelligence (created by smart, college people)

Fuck off back to /r9k/ avatar fag

They lowerd their standards. You cannot dispute this.

"non-whites" isn't a race

affirmative action hurts asians too

>W H A T I S S T A N D A R D D E V I A T I O N

I guess it needs to be spelt out for a leaf
1 nog who was born in a white neighborhood, went to a white school and studied the life out of white economists.

You can count black people like him on your fingers.

>then why are there so many non-whites being accepted into good schools like Harvard and MIT
It's called self-destruction.


I know OP is just baiting
But it honestly surprised me how much top schools in the USA discriminates against white males and asians.
The bar for blacks and hispanics for get entry is so low, that it's no wonder why they drop out so frequently.

>Weird how the average GPA for Harvard and MIT hasn't decreased
Weird how easily (((grades))) are manipulated.
Is your objective to pretending to be a kike to make us enjoy when we finally drag your tribe into the streets and execute you? Because I'm looking forward to it. So, you're helping. Good job.


Why would you want to be a sociologist? How the fuck are you gonna make money with a sociology degree?

Intelligence doesn't mean anything, nor does your infantile view on the matter of races. Going to a trade school to train for a job that pays the bills and puts food on the table is all that matters at the end of the day, and that fact will outlive the pathetic identity politics that which you have allowed yourself to be enslaved by.

there are billions of 3rd worlders, the smartest ones try to go to the West. Of course, there are loads of them because the 3rd world is over populated. Doesn't mean we should let them in and out compete us.

Affirmative action.

>flag faggot
>smug anime pics
>using a question to bait


>what is affirmative action
Shill thread, standard procedure lads

>liberal nigger and spic quotas for colleges
>actual higher ((education)) not stem classes
This is about as good as niggers being proud that nigreses are the most accepted college applicants
In my doctorate class of 25 there was only 1 black dude (teachers pet monkey made minimal marks) and 2 women (supported by 5 full time beta providers)

>lower the bar for ((minorities))
>euroshits think they're there on merit
forgot muh picture