STOP burning fossil FUELS!!

STOP burning fossil FUELS!!

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Start using your own money for your bleeding business.


Stop taking tax payer money

> burns 3 tonnes of kerosene per second to bring his Tesla up to speed

>tfw no girlfriend despite being rich

>burning fossil fuels is baaad

oh shit, my job isn't ten miles away all of a sudden

Fossil fuels are literally is making your kids autistic.

So why haven't we utilized these cleaner, much safer, more efficient, and more abundant energy sources like Thorium?

^further explains this^

rundown on this webm ????? looool

stop burning fossil fuels in asia you lefty faggot

It was some science or discovery channel show, it is what it is.

ah yes NASA and lockheed would definitely spend your tax dollars much more efficiently, right?

fucking morons. stop parroting things you dont understand

Elon is right, yuno.

Im all for nuclear and solar so long as i dont pay extra for it

stop abusing government subsidies

well there's always the option of maybe letting us keep our tax dollars lol crazy idea I know

I agree with you

Hey we never went the moon . what else is a lie when I say never I mean human beings

What makes you think either of those people you responded to support the military-industrial complex you fucking fool.

i agree 100% bro, the government should operate totally for free. so should the military and police.

Yeah but you need another more fissionable material to start a thorium reactor and thats fucking hard.

NASA has never had a real budget since it's initial moon landing and Lockheed has come through in everything they've ever been handed.
Meanwhile you're shilling for a foreign cuck to steal our tax money for his money laundering scheme

Stop polluting space with your child mined cobalt subsidy machines.
No I don’t want a fucking flamethrower, and I don’t care if you can’t put a bump stick on it.

Also can any anons confirm this to be real? cus if it were real, it gives ufo nuts alot more credibility idk, havent tried it
^helps explain this^

because that is exactly where the money would be going if it were not going to spacex’s ventures. the US isn’t going to stop launching satellites anytime soon.

>These cleaner
Thorium I'd literally the only alternative besides nuclear that is "cleaner" than what we use already
Eat a dick hippie

Thorium reactors? Yeah it's real
Fossil guess making people autistic? No that's retarded tinfoil garbage, the industrial revolution puts what we push out to shame and autism wasn't a thing until the 80's

stop stealing taxpayer money you kike

these fuels ain't fossil mr trolly.

Goddamn you fucks are stupid. You think oil is decayed fucking dinosaurs???

no zero point, yeah could be propaganda. still dont need coal and oil.

Pretty sure uranium 233 is a byproduct of thorium reactors so once we get one going more shouldn't be too hard to get.

>Lockheed has come through in everything they've ever been handed
Under budget and ahead of schedule every time right? Are you arguing Lockheed makes better use of government money than SpaceX has?

>foreign cuck to steal our tax money for his money laundering scheme
US citizen, who is legally required to employ other US citizens exclusively. everything else you said is buzzwords


dont tell me what to do off brand johny dep

Stop burning fossil fuels
Coal is a fossil fuel
Stop burning coal = Stop riding BBC

OMG is Elon a fucking RACIST?

OK, start building nuclear plants.

Elon musk is clearly, 100% Bob Page.

NASA gets 70% of Apollo era budget they are just even worse in financing than they are in making rockets.Without Von Braun in charge of development they are a bunch of headless chickens and in SpaceX Mueller is running the show

And buy my super duper batteries

I read somewhere that every rocket he launches consumes more fossil fuels than the entire fleet of Teslas manufactured saves.

>Are you arguing Lockheed makes better use of government money than SpaceX has?
In everything except the F-35 yes.

F-22? Home run.
GeoEye and GPS? Home runs. Guess what, Lockheed makes the satellites that Elon is launching with Spacex.

The F-35 directors deserve to be in prison, but so does Elon after how pathetic Paypal's security is.

stop crashing rockets

He needs to make more teslas then

He's too occupied watching r&m

hurry up with your solid-state graphene batteries then you fucker

He did, he used all of it.

Release the Tesla tech then you fucking globalist rats

based on all the horror stories i hear about paypal i think he makes a lot off of all the accounts that get frozen

Make me, smarty pants.

Oil is renewable. Fuck off.



Then why was Lockheed so afraid of SpaceX entering the US launch market, a market that they already had a monopoly on (ULA), to the point where they sued to try and lock them out?

other trucks BTFO

>The semis from I-Robot

No we have shit tons of the stuff and is cheap its right there just below the surface,

Because Elon has bankrupted every other business he's run so far. They have to compete with him for their government funding.

Fossil fuels are good you muskrat

Thorium is better. The only reason we are still using coal is for ur jobs which money will also eventually become unnecessary.

If this stuff scares you then we should all just stop and become Amish.

name one company elon founded that has declared bankruptcy


>when your green car's manufacturing produces more emissions than a gas car

No u

My least favorite thing about him. Otherwise he is GOAT.

>the cruelty... the horror...

Was that George Lucas?


>ur pic