Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with Hispanic immigration to the United States

Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with Hispanic immigration to the United States.
Mexico is just claiming its rightful clay

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there is a study that shows that over time displaced people return to their land of origin, maybe this is what's going on, just natural human evolution

>Niggers aren't going back to Africa
Mexican intellectuals really are something


subhuman imbred with low iq ,garbage tier human
your only place is mexico where you can feel at home with others subhuman like yourself

That study is wrong. Most are. Let's face it, beaners don't want the land. They want the gibs from the government. Stop trying to fool us, Pablo. You aren't smart enough. If you stupid spics were capable of creating and sustaining a wealthy and advanced civilization....you would have done it in Mexico.

>I imagine myself in Tejas, leading my platoon.
>Our mission is to stop wh*Te gringos from advancing.
>We mow down wh*Te gringos but they keep coming.
>I shoot wh*Te gringos but I run out of ammo.
>I draw my Macuahuitl and begin slaughtering wh*Tes.
>Since wh*Tes are physically inferior to me, I slay them by the dozens.
>I get shot, but I don't fall, I keep fighting.
>Then I get shot again, and again...
>wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards that they are.
>I lie down, facing up to the sky and I see HUITZILOPOCHTLI smiling at me.
>I smile back...
>Then I wake up, in Tenochtitlan, my homeland.
>My BROWN brethren give me a warm welcome.
>I finally made it...
>This soldier of Aztlan has finally made it into heaven...

Mexico got its ass handed to it by a bunch of farmers & ran out of Texas so fuck off spic. Sam Houston is the Daddy of all of Mexico

>If you stupid spics were capable of creating and sustaining a wealthy and advanced civilization....you would have done it in Mexico.
If it weren't for stupid right wingers like you the US could actually be an "advanced civilization". Pretty much every country in Northern and Western Europe is a far better place to live.

your kind is the last nail in the coffin of a nation that in 300 years have passed of being a forgotten and improductive land to the first superpower of the world
a nation of warrior explorer and scientis now only repugnant materialistic scum,bultures came to usa,and is not hard to see the end when such and aspirations gains the popular support like is already happening
welcome china your supremacy would be much easyier than we thought

Wait but Texas has a natural border on that river. How could anything North of that belong to anything but america???

There was a war, Mexico lost.

Mexico is rightful Spanish clay, so how bout those beaners bow before their Spanish overlords like good little wetbacks?

at least the true enablers they will burn with us in hell for what they have done to the most prosperous nation on the earth
Chinks wont allow you type to cross the frontier good ridance jews ,you will came with us

Spain claims a lot of land belonging to Indians, but can't control it. Mexico revolts from Spain, they can't control it either.
US takes it and settles it.
Mexico blown the fuck out.
You gotta go back.

They sold that land to the US


lol looks at this inbred trying to type

no im not and dont ever speak to me subhuman scum

>Usa takes it btfo
>mexico is taking it back now with all your cool modern cities that cucked white boy built
>white cucks getting btfo now

thanks for that gringo.

>at least the true enablers they will burn with us in hell for what they have done to the most prosperous nation on the earth
As I said before, it's because of stupid right winger like you that the US is not far more prosperous than it could be
But go ahead and blame "muh jews" for everything that's wrong with the US.

If you ask the every day Mexican about the territories of the north they will just said that santa Anna sold it to the USA.
The point is, nobody here gives a fuck about that topic and if you tell them "what if get them back" they'll just say "they'll end up just like our states right now".
Ignore this kind of threads that are created just to rally trolls.
Mexico and the USA have the territories they fought for and since it's in the past we should focus on getting rid of the narco problem.

We've held those lands for over 100 years, they are definitely jure America now. You have no cores on them.

Its pretty funny seeing these young, dumbass countries thinking conflict ends when the treaty is signed.

No dipshits, youre being bred out of your country. 30 years ago hispanics were 5% of your population. Demographics is everything. Youre losing the war youre not even trying to fight because youre completely unaware there is a war going on. Larping about muh gunz and muh hajjis when your own country is getting subverted.

You know that trump is likely the last white male president of your counry, right? Shifting demographics will enable your minorities to help more and more radical democrats to enable them, more gibs, more immigration, more voters until the feedback loop destroys your country.

>Mexicans fleeing Mexico because it's a shithole
>Making these parts of US shitholes...

Can't wait till the wetbacks start moving to Canada and freeze during theirs siestas!

All Progressives will be handled in due course.
As the saying goes:
Traitors first.

>an american thinks a hundred years is history

the cutest

Very edgy

the two parties have embraced the globalization there is zero difference like when clinton let the chinks enter in the global economy as a partner instead of an enemy
the two parties have done nothing to stop the deslocalization of busenes,the masive inmigration ....
the two parties are the two faces of the same coin

Last i checked, we won the mexican american war.

Mexicans have just as much claim as the natives, none. They are weak and lost the wars. Sorry Pedro, but you are still weak and can't do shit about it. Mexico could be annexed in a week.

Then go there, scumbag. The reason that their bogus "advanced societies" index is higher than ours is that they don't have 50 million worthless, lazy, dishonest, low IQ Mexicans in their countries.

> busenes
How illiterate are you exactly?

But no one compares to your edge. Edgy to the infinite power. All other edgelords pale in comparison to you.

im writing with a phone is so hard to imagine fucking retard?

mexico can btfo canada in a war anyday. if its fair to take land by invading it than to cry like a bitch when mexicans come without permission to live here

>Then go there, scumbag
Better change the US mate
>The reason that their bogus "advanced societies" index is higher than ours is that they don't have 50 million worthless, lazy, dishonest, low IQ Mexicans in their countries.
If it's all race explain to me why Democrats have a better effect on the economy. Do they just magically remove some people of color?

>I'm writing with a phone is so hard to imagine fucking retard?
Me too you idiot.

Are you broken?

those are short term non estructurals reforms of a little keynesianism ,its easy to do but the estructural changes has been embraced by the two parties

Remember the Alamo to the winner go the spoils of war then why have war anyway animals survival of the fittest

>those are short term non estructurals reforms of a little keynesianism
So the more Keynesian our economy is the better. Yet you are a right winger. Makes a lot of sense lol

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




It CAN easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.

I live in the whitest part of NC, I really think it would be fine if we gave those pleb states away.

>College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
Maybe they just realize that the more educated someone is, the more likely he/she is a Clinton supporter?

If Texas was rightful mexican clay they would have won the war. Same with the rest of the southwest.

kenynesianism is adapted to a two parties rule system if we only have one party the variations of macroeconomics parametres would be the same
your problem is that you see them as a competing ideologies when they arent they are cicle that each partie have adressed to play his role

and im national socialist not a neocon

It's almost like spending like there is no tomorrow inflates GDP

>rightful clay
Ah yes, what could have been...

more educated just means more time being brainwashed nowadays

why should we be OK with this? The US made this land great. Mexico would just fill it with more cartels and shit. Mexico needs to be annexed by the US. We'll put all the little monkeys to work making Mexico great for once and then we can have great new tropical vacation destinations with the luxury of American security.

>and im national socialist not a neocon
Lol so you're an American following Hitler. The man who wanted to kill Anglos to make room for the Aryan race and called America was nothing "but beauty queens, millionaires, stupid records and Hollywood"

Explain private sector job growth then

>Being this much of a conspiracy thinker and anti-intellectual

Mexico gets btfo by cartels man .

As weak as Canada is even it could erase your shit corrupt country

>physically inferior
Hahaha. You 4 foot tall fat fucks?! Hahhaa.

The Mexicans shouldn't have invaded Texas. Which brought the US into the war with Mexico. We fought and and kicked their ass and overtook Mexico City. We should have kept all their fucking land. Why the fuck did we let them have half of it back?! Stupid mistake. The Mexicans lost the war they started, we were too nice and gave half their county back and now we're fucking tolerating their lies, laziness and manipulation. Fuck the wetbacks. Round them up and ship their asses back to Mexico.

It's pretty low is to see a term long GDP growth as the indicator of actual progress . Debt isn't a bottomless pit of infinite cash to draw from . It also doesn't represent the long term benefits of deregulation the republicans are known for.

>rightful clay
It's not your land anymore when you lose it to conquest.

im a national socialist i respect hitler but i respect even more her ideology is so hard to understands for you little rapebaby

>It also doesn't represent the long term benefits of deregulation the republicans are known for.
Such as?

Boy you salty as shidd
Sit yo ass down

Just stick to those states then.

>im a national socialist i respect hitler but i respect even more her ideology is so hard to understands for you little rapebaby
This doesn't make any sense. "Her ideology"? Who's?
And why would you respect Hitler when he wouldn't have respected you but killed you to make place for the pure Aryans?

if you cant defend your land, its not yours



this debate is useles the only devate we need to talk about is about to quality of human stock of this country and with subhumans like op there is only one solution deportation or extermination

Yo Gordo, don't make us march down to your capital again lol.

>Wants to deport "subhuman"
>Including Asians
>Who actually do better than Whites when it comes to financial success and crime
You didn't really think this through did you?

apart that i have and austrian mother and norwegian father ,hitler treated anglos as cousin so not problem there

Soon we will kick these fucking stones over for their stolen land. Fuck vets, vets need to be deported from Azland

Not really a victory if they're invading you today

>hitler treated anglos as cousin so not problem there
No, he spent a whole speech talking about how they were shit and never created beautiful art.

Not really invaders if just temp slaves that are getting deported back.

Asians are closer to insects than humans. Put enough of them together and they lose fertility and start mass suicides.

we dont need them we win the ww2 we put a men on the moon ,internet ....
even now that asian are the mayority in sylicon valley 90% of founders are europeans
we need a chesive society we have all the smart people than we need and if we need more we have our european brother awaiting to come where place like germany have nearly the same results as japan
and i preffers a replique of germany or nordic countries instead of japan or south corea the living standars are more than enought prove

White boys can't figh-

>even now that asian are the mayority in sylicon valley 90% of founders are europeans
Good to see you're admitting I'm right
>We need a chesive society we have all the smart people than we need
The smarter the more likely to support immigration and Democrat policies
>we have our european brother awaiting to come where place like germany have nearly the same results as japan
>and i preffers a replique of germany or nordic countries instead of japan or south corea the living standars are more than enought prove
Living standards in Japan and South Korea aren't that different from Nordic countries or Germany.

Source: my ass


>910 men
>11 killed

God bless the republic of texas

all cucks and beaners must die

ya forgot to put Ethiopia under Italian rule ;)

Reminder, that Mexicans would be unable to manage a proper army and would be defeated by southern rural retards

Damn the South loves to vote Democrat.

Save the white race and move to the Midwest.

Oh... that too xD

>claiming its rightful clay

I don't think so Tim....

It's only niggers


the mayoeity of asians are living in california is normal that they have a high number but is not that 90% of the founder that found the busenes are european chinks mentality and chinks living standars
and yes the difference is masive between nordic countries and place like japan or south corea

Rank Country/Territory HDI
2016 estimates for 2015
[1] Change in rank from previous year[1] 2016 estimates for 2015
[1] Change from previous year
1 Steady Norway 0.949 Increase 0.001
2 Increase (1) Australia 0.939 Increase 0.002
2 Steady Switzerland 0.939 Increase 0.001
4 Steady Germany 0.926 Increase 0.002
5 Increase (1) Denmark 0.925 Increase 0.002
5 Decrease (1) Singapore 0.925 Increase 0.001
7 Decrease (1) Netherlands 0.924 Increase 0.001
8 Steady Ireland 0.923 Increase 0.003
9 Steady Iceland 0.921 Increase 0.002
10 Decrease (1) Canada 0.920 Increase 0.001
10 Increase (1) United States 0.920 Increase 0.002
12 Steady Hong Kong 0.917 Increase 0.001
13 Steady New Zealand 0.915 Increase 0.002
14 Increase (1) Sweden 0.913 Increase 0.004
15 Decrease (1) Liechtenstein 0.912 Increase 0.001
16 Steady United Kingdom 0.909 Increase 0.001
17 Steady Japan 0.903 Increase 0.001
18 Steady South Korea

That means the Mexicans stole the land from the Native Americans

>this is what Nazi cucks actually believe
quit fooling yourself mutt

the only thing that can safe usa is the expulsion of all non european but is probably too late those subhuman have destroyed the country but europe can be saved they are not as cucked by the jews and their demografy is much better ,im stating to think of caming back to norway and help my european brothers

When California becomes Mexico, you aren’t allowed to leave.

>Rightful clay
>That they sold to us in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

>yes the difference is masive between nordic countries and place like japan or south corea
Been to both Germany and Japan, no it's not. In fact, Japan is cleaner and has a better railway system.
The HDI differences are very small. Belgium and Finland are below Japan and Germany. Norway is 1 but Sweden is 14, with Hong Kong at 12. You're proving nothing

Ask yourself why that might be. Who is responsible for the overwhelming crime? who is the largest burden on government?

Democrats like you are pushing for more of them to come in. Think about that when you compare yourself to us "insufferably white" yet oh so intelligent Europeans.

Do you by a car from some that doesn't have the deed?

Are you the Aztlan LARPER?

They moved to the south east, closer they can without inventing trans atlantic travel.

im proving that 15 european or european formed countries have higher living standards than south corea or japan
and even if they werent the necesity to form a united country is much more important than that,usa is destroyed by ethtcik rivalries that wouldnt have happened in a racially homogeneous country
european dont need anyone you need us ,and if you need us so badly the only natural solution should be the recolonization of the countries incapable of taking care of thenself
You all should be under european rule and would live much better , freedom is a benefit that not all people can enjoy


Enjoy your lawsuit, Commie.

>No dipshits, youre being bred out of your country.
Bred is the wrong term, the word you're looking for is forced migration. Sanctuary cities should have never been a thing, period.

Also, this wouldn't even be an issue if it was Canada bleeding into the US because Canadians aren't poverty retards with hard government corruption and drug cartels.

Also, our system is so fucked that hispanics are counted as racially white with a subcategory for whether you are ethnicity hispanic or not.