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>Leftist bias

They aren't on basic cable.

>>Leftist bias

What the fuck? Just earlier this morning I was watching RT videos about the refugee crisis mayhem 2 years ago and RT went full out calling out the rapefugees for what they are.

You only say they're "leftists" because they refuse to broadcast the same propaganda that Fox and CNN put on your TVs each day trying to convince you to die for Israel.

Muttland deserves to be nuked.

Their humor is embarrassing, they use memes, they are constantly bating with triggershit articles. Cross-talk or whateverthatfuckitis is total fucking cringe.

the entire network isn't dedicated to Max Keiser yelling 24/7


Best source for conservative news.

Youtube told me they are literally Russia. That's scary.

> Cross Talk
> On Contact
> Keiser Report

RT is the only news source I trust.

They're unironically one of the best news sources

they're run by the Russian government who wants to undermine the US and western Europe domestically so Russia can exert more influence over eastern Europe and other former soviet states. Any other goal is secondary to them.

Look at this bullshit double standard.

Reported Saragon is Alt-Right

>so Russia can exert more influence over eastern Europe

Yet RT is praising Eastern Euro countries for their actions against refugees despite NATO aggressively expanding to the east. So what went wrong? You would never praise the enemy would you?

wtf i love rt now

RT has great coverage and speaks truths other media won't.

RT is the Russian MSNBC. It's liberal as fuck.

I trust rt more than western msm

Putin's propaganda machine. Half of Sup Forums would suck Putin's cock thanks to RT. Yes, they do some good reporting but they function as any other media corporation; only a braindead sucker would take everything they say at face value.

Basic Kremlin propaganda.

As always, platforming our friends...

Cross Talk is based

Also, RT reported Sargon of Akkad to be alt-right. That's a big fuck up.

>Run by an armenian kike on a kremlin pay roll
>needs more holohoax documentaries

Russian propaganda

>There was no holocaust
>Gas the jews

Pick one.

>t. rt kike on vacation in cankoon

I work for another Russian news agency as a translator and it's fucking annoying sometimes. I can't imagine working for RT would be any better.

yeah it's funny the way the cover the West's failings sometimes, and they showcase cool new technology coming out of Russia, but other times it's painful. I once had to translate coverage of some faggots in Hollywood and their fancy black dresses and details of the fashion houses and all their stupid whining about sexual assault. also the RUSSIA STRONG vatnik content gets really annoying.

imo Russian stations aren't any better or worse than CNN/MSNBC/FOX. they just showcase a different perspective.

It's not centered correctly.

First of all who gives a fuck about Sargon or any other e-celeb for that matter. Second of all, the Alt-Right isn't real so nobody is Alt-Right.

Double fuck up if that's the case.

While at the same russian media demonizes eastern european countries for having any self determination or pro-native policies, commemoration of war veterans. Basically what they say is that eastern europe is fascist or nazi if it doesn't bow down to Kremlin.

Well, why would Kremlin run media for internal consumption attack eastern europe, while the same Kremlin run media for foreign consumption praise it?

>replying to obvious (You) factory

>Leftist bias
CNN have a left-wing bias, it's why no person with a functioning brain watches it.

Eastern Europe aren't their enemy they're their perspective client states. By praising things that would be criticized in western Europe they are attempted to drive a wedge between eastern and western Europe making it easier for them to be absorbed into Russian hegemony

I prefer the BBC.

It's Russian approved propaganda, which places it slightly above CNN in terms of actual news reporting.

the pro-native policies just seem to be anti-Russian discrimination. I really don't see the problem though. ethnic Russians should just go back to Russia, which the policies are probably designed to do. I really don't understand why they criticize it.

Right on the head

>be a citizen of Estonia
>"you should go back to Russia"
What did he mean by this?

so what if they're a citizen of Estonia? they're not Estonia, they're Russian. they should have Russian citizenship and live with other Russians. there's less ethnic tension that way.

Estonian pussy vs going back to Russia. What will it be?

Estonian chicks are fat and becoming Westernized. they're not as bad as Finnish girls, but close. lots of blondes though.

Huh... going back to Russia I guess.

>1,209,401 Latvians
>2,561,314 Lithuanians
>904,639 Estonians
>111,016,896 Russians in Russia

> Baltics, Ukraine want to preserve their identity, culture and language
>Russian media: Rebirth of fascism! Hate! Russophobia!

Pro-native policies are regarding language. All other programs relate to all citizens.

Russian language is still taught in schools. There are russians kindergardens, primary schools, high schools. You can't get a job in cities if you don't speak russian, in most cases. Some russians will bully you if you don't talk to them in russian. They haven''t learned local language since arrived here in 50'-80's. There are propositions to have native language only in all schools.
Russian culture in cities is actually pretty strong - they have their political parties, theatres, communities etc.
There are a few russian parties and those are leftist-socialist coalitions and are overtly pro-Putin. They cry ''fascism'', ''russophobia'' and ''discrimination'' in Russian media. Any attempt or success of pro-native policies are met with outrage and usually referred to as ''return of fascism''.

Childhood is admiring Russia Today
Adulthood is admiring Russia Insider

where are you living?

Russian Insider is even more vatnik chestbating than RT. at least RT has plenty of pieces on other countries.


> Help! latvians don't let living!
>Putin, where are you?
>aaaaa, fascists

>I watch Russia Today to see alternative information = i sometimes drink from sewer to know the taste of alternative water.

Kremlin-controlled media
I win