What is the appropriate punishment for Abortion?
For me it´s death penalty for doctor and mother.
What is the appropriate punishment for Abortion?
>Pic related
>Book is "Liberty Defined" by Ron Paul
>ancap flag
>against free medical industry
>against fetus trade
>against prison capitalism
Minorities and poor people are the overwhelming majority so we should incentives it
Death by torture. Have each limbs cut and pulled out slowly. The same thing they do to abort fetuses when pulled out of the womb.
what about niggers
Every few years these bleeding hearts pop up and cry about unborn fetuses.
You'll get over it.
>AnCaps can´t be against murder blablabla
Kinda true, but murder should be punished anyway
Make the mother eat it in a soup and let me fap to it.
Air dropped over Africa with no parachute.
Intellectually the pro-life opinion makes sense. Of course in practical terms pro-choice is the way it has to be. Without Roe the entire US would have the black demographic of the state of Mississippi. Even leftists secretly don't want that.
Its not murder if you don't hear it scream.
I had a family friend who performed abortions as an OB/GYN for a lot of years. Performing abortions wasn't his passion, but at one point, during his residency, he had a pediatric client who was admitted for being severely beaten by the father. He and his attending managed to preserve the infant's life but a couple of weeks later the same infant was brought back to the hospital where he was declared dead. The father said the injuries on the infant were circumstances of CPR and, being the 70s, no legal recourse occurred. This was the turning point in the doctors life and he decided to perform abortions thereafter. The way he explained it to me was "every child should have parents who love them but some dont." If there is any doubt on whether or not you will love your child then don't bring one into the world. If pregnancy is already in progress then it is better to terminate than let some kid walk around unloved, or worse beaten, molested and murdered.
So you think murder should be legal?
Also outlawing abortion is a big strike against our enemies and degenerate behavior wouldn´t be without consequences
an eye for an eye
Punishment should be sterilization.
People who have abortions shouldn't procreate. Saving children from being abortion does nothing but propagate the defective genes of the mother.
>Saving children from being abortion does nothing but propagate the defective genes of the mother.
*being aborted*
The reason abortion isn't deemed as "murder" by the law is because of something called viability. If it can survive outside of the woman's body, it can't be aborted, if it can't survive outside the woman's body, it's no different from removing a kidney.
This seems perfectly reasonable.
What are we all fighting about, again?
Allow Abortions. Make them manditory for those with severe genetic issues. We cannot allow many of the diseases to continue in our gene pool.
Many animals kill off young that they cant support or are too weak to survive.
Mothers with defective genes usually miscarry the fetus anyway sans Downs etc which really should miscarry naturally if there was an actual god.
Easy case, death penalty for the Father who killed his child in the womb to death.
Rhetorical question: Am i allowed to kill my 2 year old son if I decide that I don´t love him one day?
Yes and you should kill yourself for producing such an unworthy son in the first place.
If you think this describes a 12 week abortion (which is the legal time in places where abortion is legal) you are seriously delusional. Kiling a 2 pound fetus is not abortion, you retard
So a kidney can be a fully developed human some day?
Can I kill my 3 year old son because he can´t survive on his own?
No, but there's absolutely no guarantee a fetus will come to term as a fully developed human, either. You could still have a miscarriage or a stillborn or some shit.
Why a 3 year old now?
Abortion is important, kills nigs dead.
3 year old =/= piece of growing flesh with no consciousness or feeling.
It's impossible to legalize murder, since murder by definition is unlawful killing.
If you legalize murder it wouldn't be murder anymore.
>Get raped by ni- Respectable gentleman of African descent
>Get pregnant
>Get an abortion
>Some fat neckbeard orders your head cut off in the name of Shira law
The consequence would be a swelling nigger population.
Because a 3 year old can´t survive on his own
So if I anesthetize you first killing you would be fine?
That could happen after the fetus is viable too.
The punishment for abortion is that you have to live your entire life knowing that you killed your own child
They pay in the end, don't worry
>we need more retards, poor people and neglected children
But why?
There are some circumstances where Ron and I agree with abortions, that´s one one of them
Good, you agree that abortion is important for the way it kills nigs.
I appreciate you admitting that we are right and that you were wrong.
Ah, but how do you legislate for rape?
I´m always open to discuss appropriate punishments for race mixing
What if I perform an abortion on my legally purchased slave?
If you just kill your legaly purchased slave it´s fine. If this results in the childs death, that wouldn´t be a violation of the NAP. But you can´t abort the child first.
>But you can´t abort the child first.
That's silly.
Nah it´s totally logical. Enjoy your helicopter ride commie.
people who abort should not be allowed to reproduce anyway, so who cares
Quit shitposting.
>bitches about abortion being a murder
>kills another 2 people
>we saved a baby's life but then horrific parents killed him later
>the moral choice would have been to just kill the baby ourselves
this is literally the dumbest thing I've read on this website