He looks like a Ted Cruz stand-in from a low budget political porno.
lol fucking sweden. faggots
>"I talked to my wife's Nigerian boyfriend about this and he told me tariffs are bad and Drumph is mean, so there" - Swedish prime minister
Well, although Trump is a bafoon, at least he's the entertaining type
He also admitted that Sweden has an immigration problem
He basically agreed with Trump
Trump should grab him by his Swedish pussy.
Love seeing the EU squeal like this lol and can't wait for the tariffs to bite.
A 10,000% tariff on Swedish goods is probably a good idea.
What the fuck does sweden even export?
Indeed he should, while there is still some left for the grabbing.
KEK stand up swedes
export swedes, import niggers
As if we care what sweden thinks
This thread is now a swed memeball thread. Post your best
>yfw you realize all of those sweden women being ravaged by big black cock
Thank you for that friend, I needed that today.
> if trump was a muslim
why are american mutts so obsessed with black men?
They import niggers, that's all I know.
never lower ur head
>y-you shouldnt be fighting back you should be b-bending over backwards
Wow those Swedecucks sure showed us!
Checked and audibly kekd
whats the story behind that webum?
saved, thank you for my first positive sweden webm.
>gets fucked
It's in Finland and the guy spat on one of the guys so his friend kicked him, the guy ended up dying and the organization is now banned in Finland.
grenade attacks and gangrape
Yes, this is Jesse Torniainen, the marxist who died 10 days later in hospital, which was used to ban that organization.
(Which is good because they are traitors advocating a nordic state of SWEDISH central rule)
Sorry, Jimi Karttunen is the one who died
Jesse was the attacker
oh i didn't notice the spitting. also, how come did he die? that doesn't seem like a huge blow. was he that fragile or sth?
why are sweden pures so obsessed with black men and rapeugees?
skull fracture after his head hit the ground leading to brain swelling/damage
>Swedish prime minister proposes Trump fuck his wife right in front of him
faggy Sup Forums posters
And what does swedinastan export exactly?
where the fuck do all these politicians get off commenting on other nations policy when it has literally nothing to do with them?
diplomacy used to be so much more respectful.
Don’t worry, daddy Trump will fuck ya real gentle-like :)
that webm is like 5 years old
>‘Fuck you’
>‘N-no, you can’t do that’
>‘I’ll be gentle’
half true
je left the hospital against doctors orders
then did drugs and his brain exploded thats why superman got 2 years instead of a murder charge
Who? Also the people telling tafiffs are bad are the same people who didn’t blink when Obama said 2% growth is the new normal. Fuck neoliberals.
Yeah I'd expect him to.
I saw it live on Youtube and it didnt happen like stated in the title
He said that tarrifs would be bad for trades but it was in the power of the EU not his country and he would like an agreement between the US and the EU
that's all... bait title
>tfw a heshe has better beard genetics than you
Nobody cares what Sweden thinks about economics, thankfully. They're a country that's literally borrowing money to support brown people who were imported for the sole purpose of deleting the native white population.
This is fake. He was referring to EU tariffs. Watch, it's pretty clear.
man that guy must have been really oppressed to lash out like that. good on those ladies for giving up their seats
we whites could do so much better, we owe it to the world :-(
Notice how the police only intervene to protect the leftist from getting his ass kicked.
If Sweden disagrees you're doing something right.
Technically speaking, Zlatan is an Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian Muslim.
itstarts b4 that even
the police are only looking at the marchers from the beginning
specifically that lady cop that was standing right next to flagwoman didnt see it coming and acted like a lame after
I'm pretty sure that most of the anti-Scandi. posters with the American flag are just militant papists trying to keep up their momentum.
Swedish police are little bitch boys. I live in stockholm for a few months and all could be classified as what I like to call "hard" cucks. As in, they lift weights to punch a nazi, but let jamal fuck his wife and see his country blacked and let it all happen
Ikea and Saab.
Also H & M
Oh man... if a nigger did this to a bus in Greece he would lucky to get out in one piece.
I fucking love watching Swedistan fall lower and lower. Enjoy kike feminism "hens".
True. Our conservative/anti-immigration coalition won after our immigration minister visited Sweden to show had bad it was.
LOL @ these cucks.
Fair is fair .. 1:1 trade.
Anything else is slanted and needs to be tilted back in balance. If someone claims x is fair with it tilted in favor of country A then it is fair when it gets titled back for country B. Sadly Trump doesn't have the intelligence to be able to shut dumb fucks down immediately with logic
And Volvo.
Our enemies don't like our policies.
Boo fucking hoo.
Remember that trump let his bodyguard fuck his 2nd wife because he has a cuckold fetish
Of course, but nobody negotiates like that.
I'm looking forward to visiting the sex slave markets in the Islamic State of Swedistan. I think I might buy a feminist's daughter.
The police are an extension of the government and exist only to oppress any dissent against the state's policies. They have proven over and over again where their loyalties lie. They are the enemy as much as the politicians are, and I hope the Swedes don't forget that when their day comes.
Fuck Swedish women, we tried defending them in the subways but they started a national campaign against it
What a beast. That is how you deal with bullshit.
he will be remembered as the man that in the name of freedom turned england into a shithole lol
le mexicomeme
>spits and tries acting like a tough guy
>dies like a little bitch later in the hospital
steel, wood, IT, feminism
Nobody needed to do anything for that to happen to Mexico.
This is only a big deal to leftist scum that never engage with opposing views. Trump fought with his own people after implementing tariffs, you think he gives a shit about swedecuck?
>What? You want to implement tariffs to save your economy? Why don't you just import millions of third worlders like us?????
kek, why are these lefties so weak, it's repeated time and time again, they are like punchbags
>Trump doesn't have the intelligence to be able to shut dumb fucks down immediately with logic
The guy only got 2 years of prison too
>leftists aren't retarded conspir....
>t. asshurt VPN remaintard
>Polish toilet cleaner thinks a multi-billionaire TV star who's President of the most powerful country on the planet is an entertaining bufoon
Are you even self aware?
>bringing the Trump curse on himself