Imagine jailing people for pictures

Are you almonds activated yet?

Since facial apps are becoming a thing why don't we just use midgets to make pseudo cp? Then no one gets hurt.

>having child porn on computer
>sending it to geek squad

Or use creative camera work and altered perspective with intricate sets.

I thought law enforcement already did this to make bait pics.

Pedos need to be executed.
Openly saging this child molester’s post n

I am against CP and FBI snooping like any normal person.


Slippery Slope

If this has been going on for years makes you wonder what else they are forwarding..

Thank the fuck god the only thing I do is troll the chans with you shit lords..

Ugh. This bullshit again?

If you see child porn on someone's computer, you report them to the police and the police generally get the feds involved. It isn't that fucking hard to understand. There are no paid informants. It has happened 3 times at my location alone.

t. Geek Squad Agent

The FBI came and had a sit down with me for having Cain and Abel and rainbowcrack on my computer. I smashed the laptop and made Best buy give me a new computer if they didn't want to get sued


If you have kiddie porn on your computer, why the fuck would you take it to a bunch of pretentious cunts who WILL look through all your files. Fucking idiots deserve it.

Surreal, next thing you know, noises you make with your mouth and arm movements. I wish dabbing followed with a death penalty.
What if you saw a wallpaper with a kid with a dick in their mouth?

>What if you saw a wallpaper with a kid with a dick in their mouth?
Put my dick back in my pants and call the cops.

You'd have to reply to most of this board with that to remain consistent, user. Sup Forums is virtue signalling central for conservatives.

On top of that if the computer is so fucked and I can't fix it, get the sledge hammer out and start over with a new computer..

Really as I stated I am more worried about my political leanings beliefs being used against me. If that bitch won I truly believe they would have people come and look for me.. Who though 9/11 truth, free speech, CIA and whiteness would be dangerous..

It is usually older guys that don't understand that just because they can't use their broken computer doesn't mean that other people can't.
They also don't want to lose their collection which took a lot of time and risk to obtain.

Pics of real kids is real abuse. You are contributing to the demand for the abuse of real kids.

If it was just cartoon hentai porn images, fictional images, then and only then I will argue there is no crime.

Though sometimes even with real photos it seems they are going on a witch hunt on sick people instead of going after the monsters producing the stuff.

>You are contributing to the demand for the abuse of real kids.
Shota cartoons....

>computer needs repairs
>remove hard drive before sending it
>they have to use a spare drive to troubleshoot what's wrong with it
>they repair and send it back to you
>you plug back your hdd in
>if HDD is the problem, replace it with a new one

WHat's the issue here? >not knowing how to reinstall windows at the very least in case your os fucks up
also fuck pedos need to be hanged anyways, the real issue here is expectancy of privacy

>Pics of real kids is real abuse. You are contributing to the demand for the abuse of real kids.
How if they browse anonymously, see a pic and steal it "save picture".
>If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Makes sense.


>things that never happened

The FBI doesn't care about some fag using Cain and Abel to boost his Halo rank

No, we need toddler brides.

>If you see child porn on someone's computer
Why would you even see that? Don't even retards take time to put their cp within a folder 3 folders deep? Why are you assholes looking thorugh all of the files in the first place to find hidden cp collections?

You would be surprised how often people send computers to be fixed with porn/nudes in open view. People just keep them in the My Pictures and My Videos folders without a second thought.

-t computer technician for 3 years

>fbi going after pedophiles
Who do you think procures children for the satanic elite? The cia and fbi.

CP certainly shouldn't be illegal but if you're taking you're computer rhat has CP on it to best buy you done fucked up.
No, they operate child porn sites to "catch the bad guys". Because doing what you imprison other people for makes you better than them somehow.
Go back to facebook.

Degenerates with no respect for other people's discretion.
Why are you going in there?


Imagine wanting to fuck underdeveloped humans

Windows 7 and Windows 10 like to catalog pictures and videos and make them easy to find for non-computer savvy people. This helps the average computer user, but it is a nightmare for pedos.

You don't have to look for it, it is shown to you. Pic related.

pic related

Imagine wanting to do stuff with people of the same sex as you *gags* mental illness becomes more prominent the further we progress as a society.... hmmmm

>having basic morals is virtue signaling

Kill yourself

>It has happened 3 times at my location alone
Doesn't it seem odd that there is so much child porn being saved that you stumbled onto i 3 times in one best buy? How many sick fucks actually get to the stage of collecting real child porn instead of just beating off to legal child modeling and stolen family pics? I find the whole thing to be unlikely.


Get your rifle and go down to any pizza place and demand answers about what is in the basement.

I sent my PC in for repair. Have perhaps hundreds of pictures of the 3rd Reich, Hitler, the Iron guard, quotes from various fascists and nazi's. Aswell as a bunch of Sup Forums statistics, holocaust denial shit.

Luckily I just needed a new motherboard, so I took it back without them getting into my account. But they did ask me for my password despite me telling them I know it's a hardware issues. I just didn't want to come across as suspect for child porn or some shit.

Think they'd say anything if they saw it?

>Why are you going in there
To backup personal data before doing tests/reinstalling the OS
People also have it stored in the Downloads folder a lot which you normally have to clear when freeing up hard drive space

Roastie got what she deserves

Kill all pedos.

But that being said:
>taking your computer to be fixed by a complete stranger while having illegal shit on it
Lets be honest, it doesn't matter what the illegal stuff is, if you're fucking dumb enough to do this you need to be in jail anyways.

every child abuse picture is a crime scene

She is real cutie. Guy who sent me the pictures used to post on Sup Forums about cumming on pictures of her mom(his coworker) and inviting people to e-mail him to join the fun. Ah, those were the days, swapping pictures of cumming on their pictures.
I think he might have killed himself. I hope your not dead out there, man.
Imagine wanting to fuck fat old hags


I just cant imagine being so stupid you cant fix a computer problem yourself.

>I find the whole thing to be unlikely.
I wish I had saved the logical fallacy chart someone posted earlier. Your disbelief doesn't make it untrue. I didn't find them, other employees did and it is over a span of several years.

CP is actually pretty common. If you are old enough to have used Limewire, you would know how much of it is floating around.

Japanese don't accept pedos that is a kike smear

>Basic morals
>Hurr durr execute pedophiles
What is it like having the well developed logic center of a toddler?

>wahhhh why are you punishing me for viewing clips of 3 year olds getting ass raped

>Using Geek Squad
>Using any IT shit
>Not just learning how to fix your shit yourself
Stop being a retarded child molestor you piece of shit

That's unironically sick.
I'm not even reddit.

Why do you browse Sup Forums when you know full well how much of a degenerate you are? You know 80% of us would give you the oven right?

Translation: FBI, Best Buy, and Geek Squad sell hard drives with child pornography

>If you are old enough to have used Limewire, you would know how much of it is floating around.
sad but true
>downloading porn as a kid
>whats this ray gold stuff that keeps popping up no matter what I search for?
>download it anyways
>its some hardcore bdsm porn involving what is clearly a ~5 year old
I was so freaked out I reported it and myself to the FBI because I was afraid I was gonna get in trouble.

Japan already does that

I believe that you found that much, I just mean it doesn't seem like such a huge amount of hard core pedos would have developed naturally. But thinking about it, A Child Called It was massively popular in the US, maybe somehow the USA self-selected for pedo inclinations in the settlers.

So in that regard, seeing a video of a Cartel murder someone means you're a murderer and work for the Cartel?

>buying meat and bread at Walmart
>not growing your crops and livestock yourself
>buying clothes in H&M

Pedos out in the woodwork in this very thread. Who knew white men are so drawn to literal children.

Murdering you shouldn’t be illegal either

There's almost always pr0n.

t. computer tech.

So you don't mind having your belongings searched and all your documents viewed by some best buy retard just to make sure you're not viewing such clips?

>getting a bonus for finding cp
>strangers computer
>surprise found cp!

>unpopular opinion
paedos are disgusting.
Nothing should be illegal.

Fucking kill yourself you disgusting faggot
One day you will hang
Do you understand that?

... but drawn CP is OK right?

Of course everyone minds. But you seriously think there's a way to stop computer techs from going through your shit when you're not there to watch over their shoulders?

>tfw had a massive porn folder pretty hidden
>and all my important programs
>computer does a super fuck up that takes a super specialist to fix and wont allow any sort of login (locked)
>specialist gives me a mega fucked up look when i pick it up after being fixed

I think it has to do with our current culture in which women hate men, and men feel emasculated so they have to imagine fucking helpless kids to feel like they are dominant, which is where their brain is telling them they should be in society. Just my .02 shekels though

Yep. Every 5th picture I downloaded, it seemed.

What I would like to know??

Why do these people end up saving stuff that could ruin them for life??
Why risk jail, your family, ect ect??


I'm glad people are getting rekt for CP, but this is just brainlet tier shit.
>do illegal shit on computer
>take it to other people for maintenance
C'mon, man. That's like taking film rolls of your kills to the shop.

As much as im against pedos this raises the question what if the fbi informants add cp to laptops of people they dont like so they can flag them. The fact that this is considered a loophole in the 4th is also troubling.

>Why do you browse Sup Forums when you know full well how much of a degenerate you are?
I bet you pics of white kids are wanked to more than the brown hordes. Pervs = Nazi?

>if you looking at pizza and couldn't be bothered to learn how to fix you computer then you deserve it
this actually applies to all forms of degeneracy

This is basically a roundabout way for the FBI to spy on the American people. But that shit's been going on since 9/11.

Because whites are like niggers when it comes to impulse control

Why ruin their life because they like to shake hands with the unemployed?

What am I supposed to be angry about?

Privacy matters. It's important. You start capturing images of child pornography and guess what? You've just involved a shitload of other people, and what you're doing isn't about you, any more. It's not private when it involves the commission of crimes against others. It's public. So they don't get privacy.

>but what about the expectation of privacy for the the people whose computers get searched and had nothing incriminating on them? That's what's important

No, it isn't important. Want privacy? Be self-reliant. Wanna rely on others? Then fucking rely on them.

I'm ok with this on every level. I'd be ok with it if it was "twenty largest corporations band together to pay off geek-squad to determine whether employees turned over comps and the geek squad discovered that the employees liked short-haired cats better than long-haired." As long as the agreement with geek-squad said so.

The only part that's not cool? The clandestine operation of it. Want to make that ok? Try this: your computer, if given to others or connected to the internet, is not private and you have no reasonable expectation that information on it will remain private. Because you'd have to be a fucking idiot not to know that your computer wasn't private.

no, just that orcs look like orcs regardless of age

Hah. Have you tried Hurricane Searching: Things that don't generally happen to black people?

What if kids are doing it themselves?

There's an issue of younger girls showing themselves on sites like periscope for digital currencies or just for laughs.

Is cheese pizza without adults morally wrong? Maybe a little bit but I'd wager those who enjoy cp with adults involved. Need to be killed.

But what if it's some 13 yr old flicking her bean for the luls? It's still illegal but everyone thinks adults are always involved.

Not I do not condone any cp and any pictures of sexual nature involving kids is illegal.

Is there a way to stop the plumber looking at all your photos and going through your drawers? It shouldn't happen and they are wrong to search through peoples' private property without consent. You can't just let some best buy asshole come on Sup Forums and start bragging about it without calling him out for being a piece of shit.

>Doing illegal shit on computer and storing shit on the hard drive
>Get virus that fucks up your shit
>Taking it to geeksquad to get looked at by others knowing damn well that illegal shit is on your hard drive
You literally brought it on yourself, pedo.

I wonder what she looks like now. Its been like 5 years since he disappeared.
>the things you do in the privacy of your own home make me want to kill you
And you pretend to have some moral highground.
Why not?
I've got some videos of nigger lolis, monkey girls are gross though yeah. Not like human girls at all.

Red dit?

That's good, because the idea of paying people for that seems like it would set up a Rat Catcher situation where they would start seeding the stuff onto peoples' computers to report more people and keep the income flowing.

>CP shouldn’t be illegal

>What if kids are doing it themselves?
>what if the child consents to being fucked?

I'm a technician, as well as own my own recycling company. I can tell you there is zero reason for any tech worth his salt to dig around a hard drive. There are plenty of low level dos tools capable of reporting hard drive health in a non invasive way "hard disk sentinel" right off the top of my head. Which is the only scan on a drive we make prior to sanitation,or degaussing. Drives marked for shredding are not scanned at all depending on the contract.
If I caught one of my techs looking through personal files, they would never work in this industry again at least not in this town, because we deal with the government and medical industries as well as private citizens.

You never know what you'll find on someone's computer.

>20 something year old girl drops off computer full of viruses
>She's attractive, but nothing too special
>Boot up computer and start backing up files
>Get to My Pictures
>Hundreds of nude pictures
>Pictures of her getting gang banged
>As is professional courtesy I alert my boss and co-workers before continuing with the virus removal
>She comes to pick it up the next day
>"Did you get all the bad stuff off of it?"
>I can still remember my boss cracking up in the back room as I deal with a woman I have seen getting spit roasted

Well, yes. Possessing images isn't a crime.

Why are you faggot supporting CP? Do the world a favor and headbutt a bullet.

>But what if it's some 13 yr old flicking her bean for the luls?
The issue is that they are easily coerced by older, smarter people. I don't disagree with you in principal, but it creates opportunity for abuse even if it is not abuse in and of itself.

Its because the PC breaks idiot.

>How if they browse anonymously, see a pic and steal it "save picture".
>>If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
If someone anonymously faps to a picture or fantasy in the privacy of his own home, are others hurt?

That said, distributing pizza should be banned. Find CP somewhere? Just delete it. Unless you want to blackmail them. Should be treated like drugs or anything, go after the distributors, not weak people that couldn't resist.

Indeed. "Interracial" porn should be banned, but the heebs keep pushing it.

>Asked for my password
Unless the thing is encrypted, they can just live-CD it, you know.

You don't actually manually go in the downloads folder manually though, do you? Pic related, found this in my downloads folder (and three non-suggestive pictures), apparently telegram puts stuff there. Am I going to jail?

Yes. Each instance contributes to and constitutes a crime. That's why I keep seeding Hollywood movies, to make them lose more money.

>t. Boot licker
Have you considered that there are other aspects than wanting to diddle kiddles for arguing about this stuff?

>Hurr nothing to hide nothing to fear

Go back.

>for the luls
Stop misusing that term, faggot.

Should pics like this come with rules for their use?

How is saving a picture commissioning a crime?

Need to know because I may have commissioned hundreds of murders because of my ISIS folder and need to report myself for hiring all those hitmen.

You're talking to a pedophile

>Is there a way to stop the plumber looking at all your photos and going through your drawers?
>letting people fix things in your house and not keeping an eye on them at all times
What are you doing japan

The feds usually only get involved when the child looks to be very young (think 5 and under). That promiscuous 17 year old girl sent pics and now we’re going to prison is usually just for inept local departments starved for a newspaper headline.