España es una unidad de destino en lo universal

Historically, Spain has been the major civilizing force in the world. We civilized an entire continent. The Brits tried, but failed ridiculously at civilizing African peoples.

Granted South America is still a shithole, but significantly less so compared to Africa (thanks independence). We brought the superior Roman system of law, the Catholic Religion, and European values.

Unfortunately the enemies of Spain (liberalism, modernism, Anglo-Saxon nations) are in a pretty strong position right now. But Spain will endure as it has throughtout the centuries. I welcome all Anglo-Saxons to learn more about my beautiful nation and join the Universal Monarchy.

We have a rich history, a beautiful language (they say Spanish is the language of God), and an amazing culture.

Long live Spain! Long live Rome! Long live the Latin nations!

¡Viva España! ¡Viva la Monarquía! ¡Viva la Hispanidad!

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Sólo es libre el hombre que no tiene miedo. (The only man who does not have fear is the one who is not afraid).

The Crown stands for national sovereignty.
Each of the shields (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right) represent the Christian Kingdoms Castile, León, Aragón and Navarre, united under the Bourbon dynasty (blue shield in the center). At the bottom lies the symbol of the Islamic Emirate of Granada, conquered by the Spaniards in 1492 and Christianized in the following years.

The spears represent the Strait of Gibraltar and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, and they hold the beautiful motto of Spain: Plus Ultra (Latin for "Further Beyond").

Coat of arms of King Felipe V of Spain.

Reminder that the region of Catalonia is an inseparable part of Spain.

Down with the separatist traitors! Spain is One!

¡Viva España! ¡Viva Cataluña! ¡

Spain: the greatest enemy of liberalism!

Muy cierto todo. Me alegra ver que aún quedan nobles patriotas españoles, leales a la Corona y a nuestro glorioso pasado.

If there's ever a war against the Muslim world, Spain can be trusted as one of the most passionate edefenders of Western Civilization and Christendom. Not for anything is our saint patron (St. James) called "The Moorslayer".

No. Italian is the language to talk with God, French is the language to talk with women and German is the language to talk with horses.
>t. Wilhelm the Great

Spics aren’t white, just look at mexico

Spain's closest it ever got to a success story was Argentina.

Your opinion doesn't count. Your country literally invented modern liberalism and degeneracy.

Compatriota, grita conmigo: ¡Viva España!

>has been the major civilizing force in the world.
Then why are your ex colonies shitholes?

That was the French. We invented Utilitarianism.

Because they were fooled by the Americans into thinking that they would be better off being independent (more like puppet states of the Liberal States of Jewmerica).

And still they are much less of a shithole than any African nations, thanks to the Spanish influence thst remains. At least they have Roman law and they are more or less stable nations.

John Locke predates the French liberal revoluntaries.

And utilitarianism is also a degenerate ideology opposed to the principles of Christendom. Individualism is not Christian.

Africa sets a high bar.


"I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse."
(Emperor Charles V)

That's because of the foolish dream Bolívar had of an utopian society in South America, similar to what happened with the Thirteen Colonies. But, what he didn't expect was that personal ambitions between the colonial oligarchy would destroy any chance to create a brotherhood between South-Americans. That's why even admitted near his death that the independence from Spain had been an uter mistake. So much spilled blood for nothing, he thought.

But you're right, so far only Chile and Argentina seem to be somehow respectable.

Locke set out the basics of a free society and influenced Republican Conservatism and Classic Liberalism. It was the revolutionaries in France backed by the Jews whom British and American classic liberals opposed that turned it into the modern trash it is now.

Spain centralized too much for South American harmony. If they adopted the HRE system and appointed Castizo and Indigenous nobility to rule as kings it might have persisted.

There are some people trying to bring some of that glory back from the inside out.

Well, the Viceroys were actually kings 'de facto', and despite the many attempts of the Crown and the Church to centralize the administration, our governors in America were way too ambitious to be controlled effectively.

But to a certain point you're right in the sense that such a large continenet couldn't be centralized that easily, and that a "federal" or "confederal" system similar to the HRE could have been more effective. I think, however, that the idea of our monarchs wasn't bad 'per se', but it was certainly too naïve, believing that all Viceroys would be loyal and reliable. Human nature is ambitious and treacherous...

>Espana superpower 2030!
have the poos finally taken madrid?

espanha é merda

They won't, don't worry. Our hatred towards blacks and Muslims ("negros y moros", as we call them) is deeply inside our national DNA as a consequence of centuries of Reconquista and wars against the unfaithful.

Even if the left tries to push its agenda here too, the spirit of Lepanto is still quite strong.

everyone knows Britain's colonies are superior why are you even trying

>We civilized an entire continent.

The opnes controlled by ((them)) and which defend miscegenation and white guilt? Those?

There is on major problem with north america there little buddy.

Name one successful former spanish colony, just one.

>The Brits tried, but failed ridiculously at civilizing African peoples.

But where they failure? U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. All seem like pretty significant countries in the world stage and all have contributed more to humanity alone, the any other country combined.

> I welcome all Anglo-Saxons to learn more about my beautiful nation and join the Universal Monarchy.

No thanks, we're much much better than you are, have ever been and will ever be, but keep dreaming on your daily siestas Pedro

Anglos literally think that being a slave to money makes them non-Jews. Lol @ your Judaic culture

It was the governor system that failed. Weren't accountable to the people they governed or the King of Spain himself. But that being said smallpox caused so many problems with native administration it was hard to find any true representative who wasn't dead from smallpox. One day I aspire to be Ajaw of Guatemala.

You are literally the reason the US is 56%
Got raped by nigger muslims
Couldnt keep yourselves from raping natives because of your rapist genes
Every place you colonized is a disgusting multiculti shithole
Catholicism is for people who are part nigger or jew
Protestant countries are more prosperous because of their work ethic and lack of nigger dna

Anarco Templars World Crusade

>create an entire race of monsters
ah yes, thank you spain

Shut the fuck up barely white ibearian

>Reminder that the region of Catalonia is an inseparable part of Spain.

What, people that have a different language, different traditions, think of themselves as different and have had their own nation at one point, arent their own thing?

Spain is borderline comunist ans has been ever since the death of Franco. Heck, you've had a civil war over it. Theres a reason that all hippies and commies adore your country

His country literally invented capitalism, human rights and most of the luxuries that you enjoy today, be that technological or societal have their roots in Britain. America as a concept is a British invention, put to practice by our British founding fathers

Then how come that former British colonies who gained their independence as well, aren't shit?


No, the ones that have the highest standards of living, the strongest militaries to have ever existed on the planet, the ones that have won two world wars together, have sent men to the moon, invented your ability to trash talk them to people half a globe away, but more importantly, the ones that have consistently beat you in every aspect and made you irrelevant.

I wouldn't mind it if you came out here and told us the merits of your country, but doing that while trashing others, especially those that made you irrelevant, assuming that we're all somehow historically illiterate. It's just pathetic man

>people that have a different language, different traditions, think of themselves as different and have had their own nation at one point, arent their own thing?

Now try rationalizing that for me hue

wasnt actually the portuguese that colonized brazil

All your base are belong to us
Dont resist
All good people welcomed
Join the holy crusade
I bet you know a lot of Spanish already

It used to be Spanish during the Iberian Union

Papa España dime una historia del Cid

>Own country
Choose one and only one

The 17 united provinces are not anglo, never can be, as the angleaux are mulattos since Willy 3.

You racist pieces of shit are the reason why people think Europeans have "white privilege". You raped, pillaged and plundered everywhere inferior to you in the name of the Pope, when in reality you are all Moorish/Turkish rape babies. Fuck you Latin scum, you are cowards that only murder inferiors, yet cry in fear when the people stand for righteousness. Mark my words, the sins of your fathers will be answered.

Why don't come over and see for yourself?

As far as I know Spain is made up of several kingdoms, one of which is Aragon.

Your culture is superior to anglo culture, not because you're spanish but because its latin/roman. Before them you were nothing. But financially you're the typical latin Mediterranean, you're just not as good at it as anglos and germanics. Its a tough trade off honestly, really depends on what you consider more important in life the culture you live in or how rich your country is.

Fuck off, Manolete.


>Iberian Union
The Iberian Union was the dynastic union of the Crown of Portugal and the Spanish Crown between 1580 and 1640,

tratado de tordesilhas

What we call Catalonia used to be actually the county of Barcelona and it was ruled in Personal Union with the King of Aragon who since Fernando II was also King of The castillian crown together with his wife Isabella.
After their daughter Joanna went insane, all their domains were ruled by their grandson Charles after Fernandos death. Catalonia is as much part of what we call "Spain" as is Castille, Aragon, Leon, Navarre etc.

By the fact you say that, Mexico's culture is Superior to yours, because we inherited our culture from La Primera Patria, and you from England hahahahaha. Every good Colonial Pisses in the General direction of the Anglosphere.

In 1715 after the war of the Spanish succession, the separated, in Personal union ruled crowns of Castille, Aragon (that means also Barcelona/Catalonia) were merged into the Spanish Monarchy that we know today.

Hey man, I don't know much about the history of Spain I admit, my argument was just that they see themselves as different. Either way, I could be wrong.

>King Consort of Castile

Argentina es independiente fuera realistas REEEEEEEEEEEEE.
"El valiente argentino a las armas
Corre ardiendo con brío y valor,
El clarín de la guerra cual trueno
En los campos del Sud resonó,
Buenos Aires se pone a la frente
De los pueblos de la ínclita Unión,
Y con brazos robustos desgarran
Al ibérico altivo León. "

no problem m8, you didnt state anything wrong.
i just said that they arent special either in their history, spain used to be pretty decentralized pre 1715 with lots of different kingdoms ruled merely in personal union by the same monarch.
Especially the Kingdoms of Aragon and Valencia, and the duchy of Barcelona (Catalonia) have a history of decentralized ruling so any attempt of power centralization by the monarchs that ruled them all in Personal union made them turn to France or try to seccede.

>Not being falangist

Spain needs to a Napoleonic Revolutionary Republic, the state will centralize and displace and exterminate every identity with the force of the revolutionary army recruited from all provences to destroy regionalists, seperatists and counter revolutionaries, Catalonia is Iberian, Basques are Iberian, Portugal is Iberian, the Iberian American territories should be offered union with Iberia.

You gave the world Cortes and Aguirre, very few men in history lived such an exciting life, respect.