
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump/Swede PM Sven presser 3/6/18
>Pres Trump/Swede PM statements 3/6/18
>Pres Trump meets Swede PM Sven 3/6/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in IA 3/6/18
>SoS T-Rex on US/AFR relations 3/6/18
>VASec Shulkin @AMVETS event 3/6/18
>TransSec Chao @House on Infrastructure Plan 3/6/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin @House on Budget 3/6/18
>USAFCOM Gen Waldhause on MilitaryOps in Africa 3/6/18
>DNI Coats @Senate on World Threats 3/6/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 3/6/18
>Marlon Bundo Gets Some Exercise 3/5/18
>Pres Trump meeting w/Bibi 3/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greeting the yahus 3/5/18
>VP Pence @AIPAC 3/5/18
>SoS T-Rex meets the Baltics 3/5/18
>HSDSec Nielsen @IAFF Conf 3/5/18
>LaborSec Acosta @IAFF Conf 3/5/18
>VASec Schulkin @NAC Conf 3/5/18
>UN Amb Haley @AIPAC 3/5/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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They’re mad, Sup Forums


Let's rest okay?

So where's that link you guys were mentioning

1. Top right
2. Bottom row-second from right
3. Bottom left

great news


Make a white baby right away!

STEEL in the US is fucking dead, it's not coming back. Learn to sell chinese crap, that's your future burgers.

Pedes will unite behind Bannon once more


>Children of Sutherland Springs shooting victims file claim against U.S.

>The children of a couple killed in the November mass shooting at a church in Texas have filed a claim against the U.S. government over the military’s failure to report the assailant’s criminal and mental health history to the FBI national firearms database.
>The six children of Dennis and Sara Johnson, churchgoers killed in the shooting in the small town of Sutherland Springs, say the failure allowed former U.S. airman Devin Patrick Kelley to pass an FBI background check and purchase the firearm that killed their parents. Had the U.S. Air Force and the Defense Department followed procedures, the children say, Kelley would have been denied the firearms, and their parents would still be alive.


if only i was user....

Based black separatists. Segregation would be good for all.

GET THE FLAMETHROWERS they are fucking bug men here and I want them burned alive like the insects they are.

This thread is now protected.

Glad Trump is finally coming to California, but this state is fucking hell - conservatives cant even put bumper stickers on their cars - your tires will get slashed and your car will get keyed. The entire state government is actively seeking "resistance" or insurrection against US federal law. Furthermore, most liberals here are radicalized (this state was the only state that made a huge jump left during the election).

He needs to be careful - i would bet there are hundreds of angry illegal aliens and turbosocialists who would try to Hinckley Trump.



>secret service is going to get to gun down waves of communist agitators in the streets

Is Sloppy Steve trying to take credit Italy?

Thanks John McCain, I'm so glad you used ACA repeal as a campaign promise, twice, only to be the vote to keep it. You fucking garbage can.


and yet farrakhan supporters and adl supporters both vote democrat basically exclusively

I hope we get a good show with a "special forces team" trying to bypass the wall and fail. God this could be so cool while president trump throws some banter.
Also: he just declared war on commiefornia and visit San Diego shortly after? those fucking balls.

>I circled things so surely these two who look nothing alike are the same person

He is scheduled to rape Jerry Brown before heading out to San Diego to thrown Brown`s body over the wall.




>the replies
>All true though
Based Rambo.


Last time border patrol held a press conference in front of the border wall prototypes, the TV cameras filmed two illegals sneaking across the border behind them. I hope it happens again when Trump visits California. It would be a great way to drum up support for the wall.

Only one I got sorry fren

>implying I make OC
I just bake the breads and screencap milfs

Since when was populism supposed to be a bad thing anyway? What's inherently wrong with listening to what the people actually want? Isn't the the point of democracy in the first place?

I like to think under her jacket she's dressed like a whorish bimbo wearing only a few bits of string and a vibrating egg in her ass.

Checked and nice.




I bet $50 that he ruins Brexit somehow and proves letting in the Irish was a mistake.



I don't know but I heard Alberta is right wing. Can we liberate them from communists?

Lets relive that glorious night.

one question. US-Taco border is what 2k miles long. Can't we just station a five man team every mile and have them turn round any and all immigrants who might attempt to cross it. 10.000 people - is like what, 2.5 infantry brigades. have them work in three 8 hour rotations and you could cover the entire border with as little as 30.000 people. I bet you 2/3 would be volunteers. No need to waste money on walls that still have to be manned, when you can just hire people to keep control of the border

Who will the Nobel peace prize go to when Trump successful gets Norks to disarm?

It was pretty comfy

oder in dis cort

dis thred are now in seshin

Nice try paco, you have to go back

They'll give it to the South Korea gook.

No way. Both or bust.

the satanic femenist cult leader that was the old president

can someone give me one good reason why we allow this country to purchase our land?

I travel to California monthly and stay in San Francisco. Always bring about 20 Trump stickers and put them on cars on the way to dinner. Returning to the hotel is always a hoot.

No. We're getting the impenetrable wall and that's final.



how does a 5 man team round up 100 illegals making a break for it

extra emphasis on “special”

Because then the Jews don't get what they want

love these

No leaf shall ruin this thread now.
Checked yourself.


no lewd letter arrangements allowed.

The factories are still here... just need to be bought and brought online.

I wonder how will these walls stop illegal immigration

He literally cannot stop sucking his own dick.

>Some user got a hold of Hope's old college email
If you don't post spicy pics we will find you faggot

I vividly remember a communist flag being flashed on TV.

Shit's happening here too when their higher ups are doing money laundering from the party, then the Chinese government finds out and you figure out what's the conclusion.
The lands starts being owned by the Chinese government.
Also happening in Australia, NZ, Canada and Netherlands.

Stay fucking mad

Jr. should build a Trump hotel next to the wall so we can throw illegals off the roof and over the boarder

if we get another civil war happening with California, would Hillary be their president?

Hahaha, i live 50 miles north of SF, that city is truly a shithole. Bunch of effeminate men and dyke women, with a bunch of degenerates in between. My city ain't no better, but at least its suburban so people are more spread out.

that terrible hat job is not okay

fuck San Diego

I would say she's got balls but after user posted her nudes, well...

They don't physically - it does discourage illegal aliens. For example, ever since Trump took office illegal immigration from Beanerland has gone down almost 75%. What the border really needs is more border patrol agents; the wall is simply aesthetic.

>Not coming back
>US Steel just announced reopening an insert plant and creating 500 new jobs with it
Cry more chang

Same way the walls in your house stop burglars.

Well, as it is, they can simply walk towards the other side, the wall will stop 90% of them, including woman that wait until they're 8 months and a half pregnant to deliver their new US citizen over the border.

They'd vote for Bernie, but it'd be rigged for Hilldawg

Our future can be whatever we want, and that includes doing whatever we please. It's a shame others won't follow along and pursue their own dreams.



It's absolutely ridiculous.

I go to china and I try to buy land there and I get laughed out of the county, it's illegal to do so if you are not a Chinese citizen.

Yet vacant homes around California and Vancouver are going for half a million and staying vacant year round.

Why do we allow this.

Maybe it's platonic

Even Toothpaste land? There is a very good chance that Robbert Hoekjan op't Haverkamp
is actually Long Shi?


Can't wait for the robowaifu take over

They're buying a lot in Holland.

how often do you find yourself with lines on your face and your mouth agape with your tongue out while saying you love someone ... DON'T ANSWER THAT FORGET IT/..

Good ol Jim

Farrakhan is an anti-white nigger who has spent his entire afult life either attacking whites or calling for all out genocide
How he is allowed to still roam the streets freely is beyond me

maybe they call up the adjacent teams. maybe we can put up like a hub node every 10 miles with a bigger detachment and an IFV on standby or something. shit they don't even need to round them up, just report them and have them tracked through the desert. it would require almost no initial investment and would at the very least provide tons of jobs.

It's a beautiful sight to see the show of physical force in the defense of our borders.

SS CAT might actually get to put their training to use for the first time?

Because of free market economics and corruption. China in the eyes of globalists is the worlds manufacturing base so long as stocks rise China can do no wrong.

>jewish listed twice
don't notice goy!