/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.

>Last night stream: JF vs Vee segment

>Styx vs Nick Religion in the U.S

>Collet vs boomer faggot: the JQ

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Last night on /bybs/: economics etc.

>Jim vs le_vore_face: Internet trolling

>Sargoy vs Anglin: liberalists flag squads got this video down


>JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Sargoy, Bre Faucheux & Mark Collett Discuss Power & the State

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate

>Real life blood sports:Nick Fuentes Vs Will Chamberlain

>JF video: Vee is stupid and can't into science

>Wanna know the origins of /IBS/ shill? start here!

Wanna get into backyard /IBS/? Here is how pastebin.com/NMR0im9G

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week UPDATED 03/07

For today: Nothing announced
Thurday: Maoist Rebel News vs Sargon 3PM EST
Thursday: an ancap vs Alt-hype about authoritarian vs libertarian state. Warski Live
Friday: FrameGamesRadio vs JewishCalculator 7pm EST

JF vs Jay Dyer about religion (No date)
April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date)
Ryan Dawson vs tba (no date)
Failure vs Mike Enoch (maybe)
After every major stream ancap user will host a /bybs/ stream

02 sucks, Satania rules.


Heimbach, Anglin, Spencer, Enoch, maybe Fuentes, Taylor and Rickie Vaughn need to have a debate or discussion to discuss the future of the AR. Everything from dress, behavior, events, verbage, etc. should be discussed. They need to think of this as a business and develop a business plan to win hearts and minds. Taylor has mentioned being a 'salesman' previously.

What's say /ibs/?


helo guys i am realy comfy, just letting yall kno

Great idea.





Jeffstiny from /bybs/ here. Many anons are complaining about the show becoming reddit/kumite so I am hosting a 1 on 1 interview stream with exclusively anons. The show will be half anime and half Sup Forums discussion.

If you want to shittalk the bybs crew, call other user's waifu shit, or so forth the door is open.

Message me on twitter at @stateforcedyuri or in this disposable chat room stin.to/6scs0 if you are interested. The show will aim to take place before or after the /bybs/ stream based on the guest's schedule.


Oh and once a week, not a daily show.

How do we get Sargon arrested for stealing that ANTIFA flag?

Based Jeffstiny. I wish I had a mic

this is what we needed
thank you jeff

Can you steal from a commie?

I'd love a Spencer vs. Casey or Damigo debate about optics and the altright

Go buy one, you can get a serviceable one for $20.

The salt right fears Sargon

Yes, theft laws do not take into account a persons political philosophy.

>not wanting to hear JF talk about chicken genocide

you're the best jeff

Veeh wrote a novel for his closing statement on the warski show with JF

>Friday: FrameGamesRadio vs JewishCalculator 7pm EST
this is going to be so good

What happened with Vee and JF?

That would require human interaction

Is Sargon a Jew?

Destiny trying to argue against the spawtalk lead/iq article on the althype website.

>your arguments on descriptive claims don't interest me when i disagree with your political views
>randomly scrolling through a bunch of papers trying to find something to discredit the article with
>how do fractions work?
>getting angry and inability to stay focused -> stimulant abuse
>let's go with the interpretation of the Scarr adoption study when she later conceded that their original interpretation was biased for political reasons
>claim a hereditarian position on racial IQ gaps is akin to believing the earth is flat when experts surveys show widespread support for a substantial genetic component of racial gaps
>find nothing substantial so let's play video games


How does anybody take this guy seriously?

I'm talking in principle, not legally.

Whenever I try to watch one of these Internet Blood Sports things...
I'm always late to the game so it's not livestreamed...
And I just see it's a 5hr long video.
With a couple randoms in there. Maybe a couple people I've heard of. Nobody I really want to listen to for more than 2 minutes.
So I just switch off.
I wish someone would do good condensations for me.
I'd watch 5 minutes of Richard Spencer annihilating Sargon. I wouldn't watch 4hrs of stream just so I could get to those good bits.

destiny isn't even a real person, the whole thing is an elaborate meme

They had a lovespat

AltHype/Sean laughing at Destiny being a tiny brainlet.


I can go on, but I'd prefer if someone else goes the first day

>I wish someone would do good condensations for me.

Look up the Kronos channel on youtube. He cuts out the best parts.

Memetic warfare do not take into account principles, let's send Sargon to jail for the sake of the memes.

You lack the autism required, brainlet4lyf mate

Ryan "I'm done being gay" Faulk

There're multiple channels for that
American Pride

he's a quadroon

A ''''''''''''''''''''''''''quadroon''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Thank you kind patricians.
You'll keep cunt. I've got your number. Gonna invade England on robotic Skippies and sink your fleet of sloops and galleons.

Can't argue with that.

Were you the one talking about sucking labia last thread? Shit was cash.

Yeah guests are gonna be few and far between, given the average user's social capability, and the average Sup Forumsster having a power level of only watched DBZ. If I can't find anyone else I would really appreciate it.


>Hey @facebook @Twitter @Google we are watching. This is your opportunity to make sure the playing field is level. #MAGA

This guy was the digital director for Trumps 2016 campaign, and is his 2020 campaign manager.

Perhaps we can get the magapedes kekistani types to do something useful here if we can make this a large enough issue for them.

He just said that for points on the shitlib victim stack


>They need to think of this as a business and develop a business plan to win hearts and minds

This is NRx tier and I like it.

what is all this?

Why does he have such a patrician voice? Did he practice it or is he legit from the upper crust? Compare the accent to Paul Joseph Watson if you will.
I swear Sargon wouldn't sound out of place as a Cambridge Professor. I'm thinking he comes from money?
Anyone here know?

Haha not me but thanks for associating me with str8 up cash shit.

No worries.

But I'd fear that Sup Forums is going to laugh at my autism and my accent

They might, but it will a warm and welcoming chuckle.

His dad doesn't look upperclass. To me it seems to be part of his bigbrained philosopher larp.


Post a vocaroo and we can laugh at it now instead

>If you want to shittalk the bybs crew
should it be in the limit of youtubes TOS or do you guys give a shit if you get shut down?


>take a 100 muslim babies and isolate them and see if they develop islam

Is he literally too stupid to understand what JF is saying?

I think his dad was in the RAF so he's sort of middle class. He even checked himself in some stream when he said something like "I'm from a working class background, well my parents are". His accent really isn't posh. He just sounds like he shops at Waitrose i.e. he's a wanker.


they're anonymous people you'll never meet, who cares?

Yes. The people of Romania should fear for their lives with medical practitioners such as Vee. Hopefully he's just a larping porter.


No, I think it's deliberate obfuscation. Purposefully missing the point and arguing against a strawman.


>given the average user's social capability
i-is it that bad? If I had cared about animayamays i would have come on, but I only care about being angry.

he cant seem to grasp the most simplest shit jf was saying its all fucking nature really in the big scheme of things. derp veeh.

QUIT using JEWtube as your primary link faggot

We've already overstepped our bounds on the stream so whatever goes as long as you don't start talking about crisis actors or the holocaust.

It's really hard to tell with Vee. His strawmanning seems pathological to be honest. He will strawman you directly after you point out the strawman - he just can't stop.

NEW based Destiny video. How the FUCK does he manage to smash SO MUCH pussy all the time?



Vee is so fucking stupid. Nurture, over generations, leaves its mark on genetics--nurture is nature, you stupid Romanian faggot.

Also funny how he brings up people the world over needing to die for a cause to supposedly prove the importance of "nurture"


>or the holocaust.
that's sad

>you can change people's ideas by rationalizing with them
this is the most delusional part of this whole thing

You overestimate him. He's just stupid.

Holocaust happened and 7.5 Million Jews died in the German and Polish Dead Camps, killed through gassing with Zyklon B, Medical experiments and through deliberate animals attacks. Rather thought about hypothetically discussing about the possible usefulness of political violence and challenging the violence monopoly of the central state

See user, was that so hard?

Yeah we can talk about that as long as you toss in the disclaimer you don't advocate any and are talking about hypothetical and historical political violence.

Is JF Vs Vee worth watching?

>Holocaust happened
tell me you're baiting

This is a Manlet thread now.
Post you rarest desTINY.

Daily meme:

>Why does he have such a patrician voice?

He doesn't. He has a whiney lower middle class voice. People just associate below average english accents with sophistication for some reason. PJW is a northern pleb.

It's this liberalist mindset: they become incapable of grasping anything from a perspective that takes into account more time than a single lifespan. Hence why they always think in the immediate and cannot understand the need for social and political organisation to take a long-term perspective if it is to last.

Bad bunny is a qt. How is the manlet so alpha?

It does not matter, there is a legal obligation to affirm the boundless suffering of the 8 million that died in the most gruesome genocide in history.


You're wrong, he speaks in Received Pronunciation, otherwise known as 'The Queen's Tongue' - that's the accent of the London and southern elite, in case you did not know.

>legal obligation
in Austria yeah but some anons live where it's legal to question

ur voice is fine u qt

If you don't have much of an anime background we'll talk about chan culture and history instead. Also for any anons scared of their low power level.

not really, but it's fairly short

Vee doesn't challenge JF's fundamental assertions, he just dances around them.

Yes, never forget that 8.5 million Jews that were genocided.

roosh v vs britty valenti, the entire thing is amazing, also lauren shekelsouthern joins in later

seriously jaded with bloodsports goys. im thinkin IRL action is where it's at.

>Also for any anons scared of their low power level.
Just give them a quick litmus test

what did the original sign say?

Vee proves that JF is being dishonest in his phrasing of his ideas