New Gun Laws Pass In Florida

>Florida lawmakers bucked the National Rifle Association Wednesday to pass new firearms regulations and create a program for arming some school employees in a rare act of Republican compromise on the divisive issue of gun violence.

>A bipartisan vote of 67-50 in the state House ended an emotional three-week process, in which the state’s legislative leadership toured the bloodstained hallways at the high school, and thousands of students marched on the state capital in Tallahassee to demand change.

>After weeks of debate, lawmakers approved a bill that would impose a three-day waiting period for most purchases of long guns and raise the minimum age for purchasing those weapons to 21. The legislation also includes millions of dollars to improve school security and train and arm school employees.

>The bill does not address a central demand of the Douglas students to ban the sale of assault weapons, like the semiautomatic rifle the alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz used at the high school.

(don't know how to archive the link, so here it is.):

What do you all think? As an Floridian under 21, I am not exactly ecstatic.

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Why do you need a gun under the age of 21?

A three day waiting period just means that you are consenting to a more thorough background check

Floridians are retarded
I am not surprised
Gas yourself kike

No it doesn’t


Seems fair. 21 keeps them out of the hands of any school aged kids and the 3 day wait will help if a person is homicidaly angry, to give them some time to think about what they are about to do.

Still a potentially slippery slope.

Still has a small small chance to be shot down by Scott he doesn't want to arm teachers which the bill as it stands does but only if that teacher serves some other role for the school as well and not just exclusively teach, other school staff are eligible to become armed through the program as well.

Why? Go fuck yourself. That's why.

Most of these shooters plan the massacre. A waiting period means fuckall.

Besides being a firearms enthusiast, I personally have two reasons,

1. I do shooting competitions, so having the ability to practice is nice.

2. I have the right to personal protection and I would prefer to use the method I have the most experience with.

That’s because these infringements aren’t about stopping public mass shootings.

Waiting periods are actually designed to cut down on suicides. Studies show denying someone access to their planned method of suicide, even briefly, allows them to reconsider and can and does save lives.

It's not a measure to reduce criminal activity.

It might stop a couple of suicides a year, otherwise be an extreme annoyance.

If you can wait 2 days to get literally anything from Amazon you can wait 3 days to get a gun.

>have dad buy gun
>wowie its fucking nothing.jpg
Would be better to have not raised it but its relatively speaking a slap on the wrist


im sure it also does that too

Is an age limit for guns constitutional?

So this only raises the buying age to 21 but doesn't actually make it illegal for 18-20 year olds to have guns right?

Also reminder that House Speaker Corcoran and House leaders hammered this shit through, Corcoran is expected to run for Governor don't forget this "The proposal, FL SB7026 (18R), has been one of the most intensely lobbied bills of the session, with members being threatened with the loss of committee assignments and budget items alike. During initial floor consideration Tuesday, House members who were leaning "no" on the bill were asked to meet with parents of the victims of the shooting."

And this is, in any way, a justification of the erosion of constitutional rights?

>rare act of Republican compromise
not rare. every gun control law that has ever passed was done with republican votes.

I know bruh. It's about incremental steps toward disarmament.

Boomers are retarded cucks.

This is the same slippery slope that led to the South African Boers being surrounded by genocidal niggers and having no way to defend themselves.

It also allows a parent to decide if their child is capable of having a firearm and not doing stupid shit with it.

Why does 18-year-old soldiers get to have a gun, but citizens don't?

Is blockading Florida as retaliation consitutional?

>be 18
>legal adult
>cant buy a weapon when its your constitutional right to

18 or 21 i dont care either way, i just think if youre going to make it 21 then you have to raise the legal age of being an adult to 21 as well, which means selective service/serving in military, buying cigs, legal age of consent, and being charged crimes as an adult are all 21 as well

this bill also bans bump stocks in florida. wonder if they'll take shoestrings, rubber bands, and belt loops away as well. fuck the kikes

It doesnt specify so its up for interpretation. I think that if you cant buy a gun under the age of 21 you shouldnt be able to vote under 21 either.

Lunch lady gets to pack heat but not someone with a college education?


You’re an adult at 18 you fucking faggot
You don’t need to ask permission anymore from your fucking parents to do things

These fucking adults lost the right to purchase an item that they’re constitutionally allowed to have

>be 20-year-old white dude, living in a nigger ghetto
>can't buy gun to defend yourself because some retarded leftists got emotionally manipulated by kikes

Unless that someone with a college education also serves as a coach or some other secondary position at the school yes.

The less rules and regulations the better. Fuck your feelings, I want my freedom

>Why do you need a gun under the age of 21?
1. Its not a bill of needs.
2. You can be drafted to DIE for Isreal at fucking 18.
3. Fuck you kike.

This is fucking cancer . Soon in 30 years we will have no guns

Get a hunting license or by via private party, this bill for 18-20 to buy any long gun is easy to bypass but it's still bullshit.
Bumpstock and the ambiguous wording is going to fuck us over.
The three day wait period can be bypassed by getting a ccw which is pretty simple to obtain in Florida.
But hey at least teachers can be armed if they wish to be and can blast nogs with stand your ground law.

This plus feds about to go to war with CA. This week is getting better and better.

why do you need to vote under the age of 21?

1776 will happen again. You think the military would go along with this kike bullshit?

>bump stocks
Will they ban planks of wood and nails?

What if the parents have guns? What if the homicidal guy already owns a gun? These reasonable fucking laws will cause us to lose more rights every time a mass shooting occurs.

You could, there are many people using 10 U.S. Code § 246 as the definition of militia.

>The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age...

So it can bar 15 year old edgelords that want to reenact Columbine, but not anyone over the age of 17.

Shoestrings too

Only if those teachers serve some secondary role in the school teachers that exclusively teach aren't eligible for the program, it was set up this way to make it easier to pass in the Senate and make it more likely for Scott to sign it since he outright said he wouldn't approve arming teachers

>As an Floridian under 21, I am not exactly ecstatic.
Bring forward a lawsuit, this is clearly age discrimination.

Right, so the age of being able to buy a LONG GUN has been increased (handguns were already 21) but it has not made it illegal for someone of that age to own one.

But how could this happen the government was meant to stop this!

i know bump stocks are wastes of ammo and meme tier but thats a huge problem i see with this shitty legislation and its wording -- theres many ways to bump fire other than a bump stock, which leads to stupid laws written by stupid people who dont realize you can bump fire with wood and shoestrings, which would now be illegal i guess, hell if i know how they will enforce planks of wood.

In other words they just buy it via private sell lol

Can't wait for libtards and those faggy kids to start crying that it isn't enough in the next 24 hours


They will next make any weapon capable of accepting a magazine and being bump-fired illegal. Then another step, and another, until finally whites are disarmed and then they'll kill us.

Can still be purchased by legal aged folks and sold second-hand. Whatever.

I don't know user. I keep hearing about shootings in Western Sydney basically every day too, but we banned guns here???

Also I heard about someone overdosing on The Drugs but I thought we banned those too??? HOW ARE PEOPLE GETTING STUFF THEY'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE???

youre probably right, california already has stupid laws about detachable magazines (bullet button) and capacity.

Reminder that of the 76 republicans that are reps in the chamber only 18 of them voted against the bill Here is the list of the yeas and nays

I know for a fact based on the history of Jews and Bolshevism that they always commit genocide after they convince the people to surrender their arms. All gun laws from 1968-present have been written or sponsored by Jews. Make no mistake, they want us dead or enslaved.
Chekist means "animal slaughterer" in Yiddish, later they became the KGB.

>Americans under the age of 18 are now no longer considered to be citizens

Wait, does this mean DACA doesn't exist anymore? Can we kick them all out now if they are under 21?

You dont need them.

>Vote for your favorite crypto-jew @18yo
>Join the military and die for Israel @18yo
>Be a legal prostitute in kike porn @18yo

>Purchase the means of self-defense @18yo
>Drink a beer @18yo
This is not OK.

You might not like it, but this is what peak judaism looks like.

But Jews do, right?


Do isrealis shoot up schools?

I may have to consider it, I just don't have the money or expertise. I will do some research and if anyone can provide useful information I would be grateful.

Alright here's the breakdown for under 21's
1) Private sales are still legal for you, just like you could buy a handgun through a private sale before this. This only affects FFL transfers.
2) This law does not affect ammunition purchases. You can still buy ammo at 18 from a dealer, just not the gun.
3) Although this doesn't apply to under 21's, a CCW permit exempts you from the 3 day waiting period, just like it did with handguns.

not everyone moves out at 35 you retard

When the "ward of the state" from upstairs starts trying to break down your neighbors door and you have nonverbally tell him to fuck off with the business end of a shotgun, I'm sure you don't need one if your a domesticated little bitch but some of us have lives to live

Thank you for the information sir, I am glad to know the specifics of the new law.

Yes, but after the Maalot massacre the schools were protected by armed guards and it stopped. Jewish schools in USA are also protected by armed guards, but these same Jews make the schools for Americans into gun-free zones so our kids will be murdered by the Mossad and they can then use the killings as a pretext to disarm white people.
I take it you're a cringy, cocksucking little kike shill, amirite?

Yes, yes it is.

Stop acting like the constitution was written by God.

They tried to make it 25. I honestly think it should be 75. At least then people are more likely to have Alzheimers and forget why they're angry.

When are you responsible enough to vote to invade countries again?

Our rights are given by God, you Godless motherfucker.


Because not all parents pamper their kids and kick them out at 18. When you are 18 you are on your own in the real world. Who's going to protect you? Mommy and daddy? The police? Fuck off back to plebbit you emotional soycuck.

>21 keeps them out of the hands of any school aged kids

Tell that to my three year old. Little champ gets it on paper at 50 yards.

So they are just going to wait 3 more days to go on their killing spree?

Completely pointless and does nothing to solve the problem. Also, most mass shooters are 21 or older.

>Studies show denying someone access to their planned method of suicide, even briefly, allows them to reconsider and can and does save lives.
Anyone that wanted to die and didn't own a firearm would I assume drive to a gun store. If they are driving they already have an effective means of death on hand. Not that it actually takes more than a plastic bag.

And fingers.
Bump stock bans are just a meme to say that rapidly firing a semi-auto is wrong, but because there's no way for them to prevent you from rapidly pulling the trigger, semi-autos must be banned.

And this is why we lose. Cucks vote for 'small concession laws' but at the end of the day once the genie is out of the bottle it doesnt go back in. The only way to get the genie back in the bottle is a whole new paradigm in which a bottle is built around the genie again.

Even if these measures did reduce gun-related deaths, I wouldn't be for them because they reduce the constitutional rights of US citizens. But they don't even do that! All they want to do is reduce gun sales and wear away at American gun culture.
Raising the age to 21? Really? So at 18, you can join the army, serve for two years in open combat with fully automatic weapons, and then come home to Florida and you'll wait a year to buy a rifle! This is retarded beyond belief

>Why do you need a gun under the age of 21?
Why do you need to be under the age of 21 to live in the US?

You thought Jews, Cucks, liberals and Communists ever made sense, user I don’t know what more to say.

Will this affect those with a CWP?

News to me that criminals and niggers wont kill you based on your age.

To my understanding you can'y get a CWP until the age of 21.

"These new “school marshals” would have to pass 132 hours of law enforcement training, a background check and additional (((diversity training.)))"

Don't grovel for your rights the only justification you need is
>Shall not be infringed

I would be more concerned with the language of the bump stock ban. It seems to be the most dangerous and poorly (intentionally?) written.

Kill yourself shill
>Nobody (((needs))) to be able to express themselves freely, I think we can all agree that (((hate speech))) is aggregeous enough to be excluded from the Bill of Rights

I mean the 3-day wait, like before this shit was passed.

I was 19 when my now wife and I moved in together. Why should we have been without a means of defense?

1. Agreed, I just wanted to give the person I was responding to a "legitimate reason" that I would own a gun.

2. Nice trips.

I am not sure. I think you only needed to wait if you were buying a handgun from a store, which you could get around by having a CWP or buying the gun privately.

>Chut chut chut chut chut chut chut chut