Trump's lawyer filed restraining order against Stormy Daniels

President Trump’s lawyer secretly obtained a restraining order last week to prevent a pornographic film star from speaking out about her alleged affair with Mr. Trump.
The White House’s spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Wednesday that President Trump’s lawyer won an arbitration proceeding against the actress, Stephanie Clifford. She had been paid $130,000 shortly before the 2016 election in what she calls a “hush agreement.” But in recent weeks, she had prepared to speak publicly about Mr. Trump, claiming his lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, had broken the agreement.
Ms. Sanders’s statement put the White House in the middle of a story that Mr. Trump and his lawyer had been trying to keep quiet for well over a year. The turn of events created the spectacle of a sitting president using legal maneuvers to avoid further scrutiny of particularly salacious accusations of an affair and a payoff involving the porn star, who goes by the name of Stormy Daniels.
Although Ms. Clifford said their relationship was consensual, the issue is particularly sensitive to Mr. Trump, whose campaign was dogged by allegations of groping and his boast of grabbing women’s crotches.
Ms. Clifford filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday asserting that the nondisclosure agreement that accompanied the $130,000 payment was void because Mr. Trump never signed it.
Ms. Sanders said that the president had denied having an affair with Ms. Clifford or making the payment himself. She added that she was not aware of whether Mr. Trump knew about the payment to Ms. Clifford at the time.
“I’ve had conversations with the president about this,” Ms. Sanders said. “This case has already been won in arbitration, and there was no knowledge of any payments from the president, and he has denied all these allegations.”

>Trump fucks pornstars at like age 60 while cheating on his 3rd supermodel wife
Ok so hes definitely going to win 2020

Will they televise her getting fucked by his legal team?

Drumpfy is finished


Who cares. What I don't understand is why he wants to let people slaughter elephants all the sudden. Pretty fucking sick.

Let me guess. She blew through her money and is looking for more by blackmail or selling her story on msnbc.

Just Dumbo O'Donnell

barack bang any pornstars?

>trump lawyer

who? which one?

His mom did.

yes and unfortunately there are webms of it in a thread over on /gif/

Trump fist fucked 1 billion out of the Clinton machine. This hooker has no chance.

why are they so desperate for this story to stick?

Bingo. And the story is most likely bogus anyway.


1: Even if it were true, nobody who voted for Trump would give a shit

>Crazy bitch makes accusations against you with no proof
>You get a restraining order against crazy bitch

Only Billy Herrington.

> side piece is salty now that she's old and worthless
> begins airing dirty laundry about sleeping with a married man
> Melanie probably had an agreement w/ trump to allow him to engage in this
> Bitch gets paid $130k to sit her ass down somewhere
> Still seeks defamation
Cool. You got a crazy bitch who is doing everything you can to ruin you. File a restraining over and treat her like the piece of shit she is trying so hard to be. She told her story :
> I'm a slut who slept w/ a married man for perks and got paid off to keep the details quiet
Honestly, who is she trying to appeal to? I'm concerned with how trump runs the country for the betterment of Americans. I don't want to hear about some dumbass gossip. Women want to hear this? So they're okay w/ women who knowingly sleep w/ married men? What does that make (you)?

> Was it consensual?
Case closed

This gif reminds me of watching Spice on cable in the early '90s

Not again?

>Ms. Sanders’s statement put the White House in the middle of a story that Mr. Trump and his lawyer had been trying to keep quiet for well over a year.
>Mr Trump has been trying to keep this quiet

>the nondisclosure agreement that accompanied the $130,000 payment was void because Mr. Trump never signed it.
>Ms. Sanders said that the president had denied having an affair with Ms. Clifford or making the payment himself. She added that she was not aware of whether Mr. Trump knew about the payment to Ms. Clifford at the time.

Literally says in the same article that this is in no way linked to Trump.

liberals whining about this like they dont hate monogamous relationships and the nuclear family
it's like how they will quote verses out of the bible at you despite being athiests

Let's take it one step further
>Be crazy libshit bitch
>Man looks at you

>Be drumpf
>Crazy bitch harasses you
>Restraining order


Dems have had almost three years to dig up something and best they can do is washed up prostitute. The president or a whore, who will people believe.


dumb bitch literally doesnt realize that if void, money exchanged is owed back in full. likely already spent it and will be reposessed and foreclosed. assuming Dons escorts at least get a house by Billionaire Real Estate Mogul for his Kinks.

Rule 4 brah.

What are some of her best scenes?

I believe the president fucked a porn star like a boss. She even admits it was consensual so I don't really see the issue here.

>yes and unfortunately there are webms of it in a thread over on /gif/

user I'm pretty sure if Drumpf decides to fuck a prostitute he has her sign legal documents beforehand that prevent her from throwing bitchy fits.

Just spam that exact sentence everywhere next election.

Conjures up images of past womanizing champs (and Clinton's far worse transgression the left tried to slide) in every actual Right-leaning man.

I'd rather have the media cover this dumb whores PR bullshit than shill for gun bans and alien amnesty tbqh

>slut airing her dirty laundry to get a book deal
this is very good for trump - let them continue their focus on supermarket tabloid identity politics - it all slides of teflon don while a new investigation is being brought up to drain the swamp

Everyone plays trump off as an ego maniac but he honestly has completely sacrificed his character time and time again to save the US as best he could

Yeah that's spot on. That book is like the bible for anyone who's been involved with left-wing activism in college.

I cant wait to find out that the money actually came from someone over at the fbi posing as a trump associate.

Link to clip4sale?