I keep seeing cuck shill threads about jews not being a problem.
The Jews arent a problem in your direct personal life. Jews operate in the shadows, often getting a goy to do their bidding via lobbying, media puppets etc
1. Jew dominate and manipulate the Media & hollywood to their (((agenda))). This has a DRASTIC impact on society, our culture and morals. Example: Gangster culture being "cool" and bringing rise to the Wiggers (white people acting like niggers). Another Example: SJW cultural Marxist crap. Jewish origins, pushed by the MSM.
2. (((BANKING))) Jews control it too. Need money in life? Well then the jews are a problem. (((their))) system of usury inslaves the world and governments in debt. (pic related)
3. Politics - You want leaders that look after whats best for America and americans right? Well TOO BAD. The JEWS want whats best for (((THEM))) and Israel AND THEY GET EVERYTHING HEY WANT > (((AIPAC)))
4. WARS - This is something Israel wants. Israel have a LONG proven & documented history of using terrorism and FALSE FLAG attacks to get what they want. Research the Lavon Affair. hat do Jews/Israel want? GREATER ISREAL via the YINON PLAN