Why do women love drama so much?

I need a hot red pill injection STAT.

Why do women love drama in their lives so much? Why are they addicted to all this negative crap all the time? Why can't they just let things go and move on?

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Men are interested in ideas, women are interested in people.
Hence why all gossips magazines are bought by women.

It helps them to bond with each other when they talk about it. Learn to women guy

Women operate entirely within the social system. Drama is all they care about. It's what they live for.

You just have to accept that they don't think like you think. They can't relate to just wanting to be alone and playing a video game.


This is why it's hard for a man to become a female, they literally have to role play their emotions.

It used to be our lives were hard so women would talk about the difficulties of life to bond.

Now there isn't any real strife so they have to make it to bond over it.

That's why most trannies just try to act really calm and mild instead of acting super girly. That's the behavior men actually want (submission) - Not this hyper-social garbage.

Men think social stuff is boring, just like women think our hobbies are silly.

Even faggots know how to be females better these days it pisses me off.

Women are evolutionarily wired to maintain social order in the home and community. As such, their emotions and emotional sensory abilities are developed more than a man's. They stir up and engage in drama because it's the way to establish a social pecking order. Men are evolutionarily wired to go out and hunt for food. We don't need emotions to do that. We need drive, intelligence, patience, strategy, etc, so that's what we have.

Because they are self-absorbed narcissistic whores and know that they can get dick any time they want

Thats not a fulfilling life for a female.

of course it is, they get their jollys off on playing mind games

>In social scientific terms:
They have a higher propensity for negative emotions
>In spiritual terms:
They have a stronger link to the ethereal - that's why we have sayings like "woman's intuition" or "mother's intuition" - they make their decisions based more of feelings and intuition that logic and reason (because their brains a wired that way).
This gives them the power to intuit what their infant baby wants when it is unable to communicate but it also comes at a cost - they are more susceptible to emotional manipulation (muh children bans guns now, 10 sad photo's that will make you say fuck borders n shit etc).

The real redpill is when you go into inter-dimensional shapeshifting aliens and how women are more susceptible to their influence but this doesn't seem like the thread for that.

Who is this for last time?

Women are emotional creatures and need a constant roller-coaster of emotions going on at all times. That's why they always shit test guys. They want you to get pissed off over some retarded shit bullshit and then makeup with them.

>Women are the niggers of gender.

is it bad that I enjoy telling women they're utter shit, worthless, a shame to their family and that their family would be better off if they had a son instead?

I'm bitter and lonely but I have lulzy memories of shocked and surprised women after things had been "going well" "between us"

I dont know man, doing heroin was the best thing in the world for 3 years of my life. it sure as hell wasn't fulfilling though

Because Chad likes a bad bitch.

this is true for all women? ive been trying to change my girlfriends ways. i feel like a psychedelic could help open her up and get on my level i guess

I was addicted to opiates for years. Best time of my life


back to /r9k/

They get off on emotions, it’s not hard to understand.

Not quite the same but I was addicted to ff11 for two years and it was the best time I ever had. Looking back, I can see it was a waste of time, but I'll be damned if I didn't have amazing experiences during it. I also got addicted to playing blackjack at the casino, and I fucking loved it. Sure I lost thousands, but Fuck me was it a good time.

Probably a good thing that I don't do drugs.

psychobabble for 200, Alex

when life is on easy mode. what else is there?

they cannot be alone, otherwise, they would actually have to make decisions for themselves.

Women are like deer. They must be in a herd. and usually all fuck one master chad in their circle. Cause all the other deer are fucking that chad
It's just a matter of her turn unless she finds another chad with a circle of deer.

And if other women are doing it, it must be okay.

See how women think?

they do NOT think for themselves
When they do, it's all based on "emotion"

Not all women. But most women don't have any real ideas and just pretend to agree with whatever you say. Most of the time, when you think you're really connecting with her, she's probably just being agreeable and not really understanding what you're saying.

If this sounds crazy, you can try testing it this way: Give her some kind of really insane conspiracy theory, or some kind of extreme opinion that you don't really believe. See if she just smiles and nods and goes along with it.

You're sort of on the right track but I don't think you understand fully; they want you to get pissed off over some retarded shit bullshit because that shows you care - that's why they makeup with you afterwards.

Women speak in emotions, they need emotional reactions otherwise they can't connect with you, I'll give you an example:
>gf comes home from work
>tells me about work dramas
>I don't feel like getting worked up over stupid shit so I listen without getting emotional
>"You never listen to me"
>tell her I am listening
>recount what she said
>she still doesn't accept that I was listening
Then I realized by "listening" she meant "feeling", they want you to empathize with them and feel what they're feeling (even if it's some drama bullshit that you'd much rather not get involved in).

They don't "love" it. Their brains have evolved to pick up things that offer instability to their immediate social dynamic. They pick up on things that men don't really care about. I mean there's a lot of ways their brain evolved to treat things a little bit different.
When men would go out on a hunt, the society left would be women and kids. Social structures are important to watch when thats what you're doing.
thats why when they get a bad vibe from someone there's usually something wrong with them. Of course, thats delicate wiring and can be fucked with pretty good growing up, comfortability is familiarity, and if a chick went through a lot of weird boundry breaking issues, she's likely to be comfortable with unhealthy things. and if shit got inappropriately sexual, her arousal is going to be triggered differently.

The trouble is when (((corporate media))) hijacks this circuit and implements their own examples of what other women are doing.
>look at all these other women being sluts
>look they're all successful and desirable and no one judges them
>You should be a slut too!

God damn Jews and their propensity for psychiatry.

yea already aware of that. that's what i want to give her, more awareness of herself her thoughts and actions. there is hardly any depth to her thought processes

>Why do women love drama so much?
It gives them an opportunity to play dirty. Average women do not fight fair. They are not honorable.

you also gotta be careful you aren't just sitting there offering solutions, she generally knows what she wants to do in a situation, she just wants you to be involved in her experience

>You just have to accept that they don't think like you think. They can't relate to just wanting to be alone and playing a video game.

Average women yes. But being alone playing videogames is what I do all day when not working on my .com.

Oh yeah big mistake, don't offer solutions because then they have no excuse to get outraged and tell you about it.

I don't think there's anything you can do about it. Is there anything she could do to make you more emotional and more like a girl?

Women are scared of being found out as empty, vapid, and boring in conversation, so they need to make sure a bunch of talking points are happening to them at all times, otherwise they might have to talk about something that requires cognition.

Men make better women than women. Fuck off with your blue pill, I don't want it faggot.

Woman detected

lol i'm down to try if there is


Why do people feel the need to bitch on the Internet all the time? Why can't they avoid generalizing and just move on?

Woman identified

no. she probably doesn't care about what you care about

Because it's easier for them to talk about. They're emotion driven versus fact or observation based.
-a woman

i just want a brit qt with a thick accent

oldest ally please i beg

the problem is the only things she cares about are work and scrolling social media

gotten worse over the years and now at breaking point where im going to find a way to "open" her up and be her true self, or end relationship

does she seem depressed?

Because you associate with r-selected women from being r-selected yourself.

Feelings are exciting to women. They would rather be beaten to death than bored to death.