Who in their right mind needs an assault rifle?

Who in their right mind needs an assault rifle?

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Just wait until the Central American gangs intimidate you're docile police force into submission.


Who needs a car that can exceed 85 mph? Nobody, but we like them. Sage.

No one posted it yet?


Stop replying to troll threads.
Report them and move on.

The police to murder citizens I guess.

Thats an air rifle. Illegal in the uk btw without a weapons license.

south africa? like right the fuck now!?

>Who in their right mind needs an assault nigger?

I know, but every time I try avoid them, they suck me back in.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
You notice how it plainly states that the right to bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed, by any means.

Why did you put "assault" in front of rifle? It's not assault anything. Just a rifle.

Why did Rosa Parks NEED to sit in the front of the bus?


And I have a literal assault rifle. Colt M4 select fire safe/semi/full. Cry more, snow Mexican.


Based English teacher

Yeah, why need an assault rifle? Where are we going to, the Civil War?

I made a Mega folder of redpills on gun control:


Instead of wasting your time downloading files one by one, you can download 85 at once.
You don't need an account, and it'll download automatically.





I'm Russian but still


oh, they're not that bad, user.

Tell the fbi more user


>fucking leaf

If he has one of those, the FBI already knows about it... Dipshit. Do you know anything about Class 3/NFA firearms?

>not realising the more you try to take them away the more they need them

>government and corporations are openly anti-white and willing to take measures to deny whites their own sovereignty by force
>wonders why assault rifles are needed

the fag leaf again?

That does not look very pleasant to experience.

you should be more tolerant, fambro

The whole proletariat.

A leaf looking for (you)s imagine my surprise sage

that's a fucking pellet gun, stupid leaf.

The 2nd Amendment exist to fight the government when they become tyranical, not to hunt deer.
If anything, weapon rights should be expanded.

this, im a communist now

you need to be prepared to kill as many people as possible, otherwise you're a waste of space

another "who needs" thread
>drop topical bait
>have no thoughts because bugman
>let anons argue over bait
>use semi cogent argument as msm talking point later

For the photo op.


Who in their right mind needs a motorcycle? They're dangerous and go faster than anyone would need to.

Who needs the internet?

Isnt the printing press good enough?

that's a defense rifle right there

Define assault rifle.

Who needs a million dollars, or a new car?

that's right. the constitution was written on parchment with quills and if it was good enough for the founding fathers, it's good enough for you.

Who in their right assault rifle needs a mind???

The 2nd amendment does not address a NEED but rather a RIGHT. Now go back to sucking your dads dick.

Define right mind

>Inb4 wrong mind means bad think

POS Chinese pellet gun.

The body he's being flayed against is his father.

When they get nogs with AK47s with armor piercing rounds off the street I’ll consider relinquishing my ar

is that a break-barrel pellet gun? kek

>assult rifle = any semi-automatic rifle
>right ≠ need
you can fuck right off.

Absolutely no one, and the worst part about the assault rifle 15 is that the top part be easily replaced so that the gun can fire 300(!) blackout. That's 300, 54 times larger than the AR-15's standard 5.56, and they admit right in the name that it's meant to kill African Americans.

No one should own these weapons. No one NEEDS these weapons. They should be confiscated and NRA should be classified as a terrorist organization. It's time we ACTUALLY make america great again.

You forgot to mention the 300 blackout is a fully automatic caliber.

You're right, Cletus and his pals can still cause chaos with just a single ol' thirtyaughtsix.

>drone & tank argument
Yet 4 cops were scared of a kid with an AR-15.

No one. But everyone need protec rifle

You'll shoot your eye out, kid

Everyone law abiding citizen of the United States.

lever action will do my wiggas

Oh, it's just a bruise. Nothing to worry about.