Lets go to Paris honey it's so roma-

Lets go to Paris honey it's so roma-

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If you ever want to redpill your gf take her to Paris.

Putting the 'Indian' in Native Indians. youtube.com/watch?v=DahIAel9Ld4

And people wonder why we left the EU.


What a fucking shithole. Jesus christ. So glad I skipped the france meme when I visited the EU

I visited Paris back in 2007 and it was already shit. Good riddance.

Haha thats awesome. Not often you see machete fights. We have them here in Toronto sometimes

I visited Paris last year and saw nothing like this, the whole place was beautiful and vibrant. Don't let the same webm posted over and over brainwash you.

Just watched Amélie again a few days ago.
Almost had a tear in my eye, how perfect our societies looked and felt just 15 years ago.

No, just you guys.


This. I've been a few times. The horrible areas are near/closer to the airport, not in main tourist areas. But there are gypsies all about

Don't be a fagete, bin that machete.


The nips know, anons. Trust the nips. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome

>Let's go to Paris honey, it will be so romant-

The french and Italians have to be the most gutter tier when it comes to how they engage each other.

Ooh L'Allah

There’s a McDonalds on Champs Elysee that’s been there since the 1970’s.
Within sight of Arc de Triumph
Macron was right there is no French culture
Don’t eat the kebab it’s children

>He saw French and Italians in the clip
We see what we want to see after all.

>Shitskin chopped up a shitskin

Rue montmorte

Looks like LA lmao

>retard tourist stays in tourist area
>surprised it looks nice

>b-but disneyland looked awesome

Listen here you mother whoring irish nigger, Don't you ever mistake Native Americans for disgusting streetshitters ever again you mother fucker.

look up "paris syndrome" lmfaooo


Paris has been shit for longer than most of us have been alive. Literally every beautiful memory of Paris is pre-War.

I'm glad Putin didn't drag us into this shithole

Can confirm. Visited in 2003 and was shocked by how many sleazy horrible blokes openly leered at my GF, and this is coming from someone that was living in Brussels at the time - which itself has more than its fair share of vibrancy. I'm not planning a return which is a shame as current GF would like to see it but neither of us has any desire to be culturally enriched Bataclan style.

and anahiem is a great city what is your point chink?

people here think french and especially italians look indistinguishable from arabs

the difference is they sweep all that shit into some alley, not one of the main streets

What's paris good for besides tourism? Why is this retarded? How does it make the statement not true?

I went in 2004 and the subway smelled like BO from the smelly frenchmen, and a suprising amount of niggers even back then.

What I don't understand is why the French put up with this shit, like I can understand places like New York, but why would you let your fabled multi-millennia old greatest city and capital become such a piece of shit just over a few decades?

even New Yorkers will draw the line on these types of subhuman savages.

This! Want to marry her but she's bluepill? Take here to Paris.








Froganons, invest in firearms

well at least they are putting roasties in there place

Please... just stop, you are embarrassing us!

indian, indio
tomato, tomato

Yeah, it's so weird. Especially when tourism is such a big industry there. What will attract more tourists to our beautiful cities full of rich French culture? I know! Illiterate African migrants and Maghrebi terrorist attacks.

>Does not want to be looked like an object.
>Shows tits.
Mental illness in its purest form.

You do realize britain was not only exempt from eu free migration, but your own government was and still is the one importing shitskins at extreme rates

This looks like San Francisco levels of disgusting.

Paris has always been a shithole, the only safe place in France are in the North-West/Bretagne. Most of the South is full Niggers same for the East. I've been living in Alsace for more than 4 years and it's probably worst.

Bullshit. I went in 2013 and even the tourist areas were full of niggers nigging.

same. i had one nigger grab my arm and tried to get me to try on a bracelet, felt like checking myself for AIDS afterwards.

This. I don’t know what an ethnic French person looks like

> 2008 Paris trip with my schoolgroup
> we get drunk since we can over there
> fuckyeah.jpg
> Hangover kicks in 3 AM
> we head to the lobby and the staff asks if we're ok (we must have looked like shit).
> In broken French, we ask if they had any food on them
> they give us a 10 pc bucket of KFC for free, profusely thank them
> Frenchiesarefuckingawesome.jpg
> Head outside together, sit at the busstop and start munching on one piece each atm
> minutes later
> a wild shadow appears, screams bloody fucking murder
> we all turn to the left
> we look back
> smaller shadow running off with our KFC
>look at each other

That scalping was pretty poorly done.

>Ooh L'Allah

>...how many people out there know that scalping was actually started by the British ..yes....

>Scalping was not started by the British. Hope this helps.


Ahhh diversity and cultural enrichment. What better way to enjoy the fruits of life?

well no shit but budapest is the best city in europe

Just to drive the point home during the great depression shanty towns were not this bad and there is no great economic crisis currently this is the new norm of Europe


>immigration problems


These ones are actually hot tho



France has been dead since the late 80s the left is always winning and neither of both side, left and right are irrelevant anymore, France is lost. Most french are cowards cuck whom during the next attack will preach for tolerance towards the muslim community and use a "pray for X" as profil image on the social media without doing anything.
Colonizing African community sure was a mistake, we should have just consume African ressources like we did in Haiti then let them starve, but instead we gave them the opportunity to flee in masse here, no wonder why France is like that now.

Not even Detroit is that bad. Hell, not even Gary, Indiana.


That is depressing as hell. I feel sorry for Pierre.

Literally like a stereotypical Jew.


Will the fucking clickbait tabloid journalism ever end, or is this how the rest of the news will ever be?


I don't understand why you can't see the progress that was made, user.

I agree, Had the time of my life there.


wtf i love islam now

This is the future of news and it's beautiful and brown.

shuddup pajeet

what's the problem for a curry attacking another curry?

The worst place in the world is the Middle East...let's open our borders to the people who live there.

I can't imagine why.

Niggers don't have sense of collective hygiene.
Whether they go, the same image emerges.
It's in their genes.

But muh ethnic food!

The doublethink is real

Correct. Niggers can only afford to live in the slums surrounding Paris. After a certain point heading into Paris, the area is visibly of a higher economic class.

I think the problem is Detroit and Gary have relatively rapid population depletion occurring, resulting in a loss in density and likewise, the problems seen in that webm. Paris is not seeing a rapid, or even noteworthy decline in population. Two entirely different economic situations outside of the obvious nigs.


>So Progressive...

Fuck me, if I saw that Shit in Western Australia, I'd drink some Jimmy/Jacks/3 Oceans gin and run riot...

French cunts are fucken Parasitic...

I go to university in one of the worst parts of Detroit (not wayne state) and the population depleted specifically because nogs chimped out. Whites moved to the suburbs a few miles away. I would be willing to bet the same will happen where ever nogs congregate in paris. So it just depends on how you define the area. Detroit metro didn't have population decline.

Paris is importing more nogs, but is it not really similar?

girl on tv at 0:14
damn it I should know that song
anyone got sauce?

Laisse tomber les filles I think


I think you're ignoring how much white people have historically absolutely despised living around niggers.