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What an idiot.

>according to the New York Times

Why do you trust fake news?

This is literally obstruction of justice


No, it literally isn't.

What did kek mean by this?

so kek knows, this is how trump will fall

>hey so what happened in those Mueller interviews?
>I dunno he asked some shit about russia and foreign bank accounts
>oh that's gay, lol. I'mma go start a trade war

fuck off shareblue JIDF ADL shill

Oh shit...quad of truth.

>Asking his employees what happened is obstruction. Asking Questions is illegal.
Neck yourself kike shill.

Why would Kek bless such a fucking stupid post?

I am losing faith guys.

Good thing paws no longer apply since the FBI and Clinton don’t follow them.

If they lay a fucking finger on Trump and guns it’s civil war or this nation is done.

Laws not paws fucking phones

kek isnt dotards god
he is chaos god, remember?

trump impeachment is the highest target kek can aim to to provoque a level of chaos unseen in the world for decades


Fuck Mueller and his faggot lover Comey.

Kek obviously means that Mueller's entire investigation is casting a specter of illegitimacy over the Trump White House, quite literally obstructing Trump's ability to render justice.

Enjoy the show guys.

When user said "this", he was actually referring to the NY Times article.

Kek was blessing the fact that NY Times are obstructing justice.

Gods move in mysterious ways.

Fair point, although the chaos you refer to here is actually an intended, organised sort of chaos, therefore not genuine chaos. It is not the chaos of a free people's will for survival, but an intentional obstruction of a functioning society to serve the needs of an elite few. It is destabilisation you refer to, not chaos.



The "literally" is a hint that kek was being ironic.

Remember, Kek is a chaos god.

>muh literally literallying the literal

cry harder faggot

If Trump does it it's not obstruction.

Unless Trump literally goes on air and tells us he literally broke the law and is guilty I will never believe it


Daily reminder that if you believe in some gay ass frog god then you are an autistic virgin for life. Please die you uneducated cancer.

>According to NY Times
>two conversations in recent months
>according to three people familiar with the encounters
I'm stopping there because I'm not going to give a full rundown of nothing because people are too stupid to read a fucking article.

former trump supporter here, i loved when he said about immigration but we just can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

this leaf literally has a point

You are literally a faggot.

Yes, that's true. Mueller's bogus investigation IS obstruction of justice.

>according to the new york times


>according to Reince Priebus and the NYT

very based post, it clearly defines your view and is backed by substance and evidence.


Yeah screw Trump, just let the wetbacks in by the millions and speed this shitshow up. Then we can start executing faggots like you.

>obstruction of justice
By Mueller