>dont infringe on muh AMENDMENT
An amendment isn’t a law. The 2nd Amendment literally means it was the 2nd addition to the document. Challenging a law is not sacrilege you fucking retards
>dont infringe on muh AMENDMENT
An amendment isn’t a law. The 2nd Amendment literally means it was the 2nd addition to the document. Challenging a law is not sacrilege you fucking retards
An amendment to the constitution. Thus making it part of the constitution.
Sage and Report.
>An amendment isn’t a law.
Yes it is you retard
It’s an amendment to the constitution which is law
Nobody is trying to change the 2A, they’re infringing upon it with laws
what is civil war for 500 shekels alex?
>the Constitution isn't the law
Stop replying to obvious b8.
Canadians just can’t help being the worst people on the internet. It’s fucking incredible. They’re like Australians but they aren’t cheeky and lovable.
The US constitution is our highest law, Leaf. No law is higher.
Yes, it was added... but it's the constitution.
it literally says law in the definition of your pic retard bot
Canadians are so fucking stupid holy shit lmao
It is part of the Bill of Rights, as are the other nine original articles, meaning that repealing it would be a bad idea.
Challenging a law is not sacrilege, you're right
Breaking a law before due process has overturned it however, is a treasonous crime.
>Challenging a law is not sacrilege you fucking retards
Good thing your opinion is irrelevant, leaf.
If you knew anything about what you are talking about you would know that it’s an “amendment” for a reason.
The constitution was written, presented to be ratified, the founding fathers said “this is a good start but we need something in here that protects our citizens from the government.”
So they went about adding the first 10 amendments to our constitution, each amendment securing a different right for American citizens, like the right to free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. These 10 amendments are called “The bill of rights” and our country would have had fallen apart at the seams if we didn’t adopt the bill of rights.
And a constitution is more than a law.
Though you are right, the constitution can be changed. The issue is that’s incredibly more difficult than passing a new law, so often times politicians try to ignore the constitution and just pass laws to make the changes they want.
This is why we have a Supreme Court, to examine laws presented before it and determine whether or not they infringe upon the constitution.
I’m going to stop now. If you want me to continue your going to have to pay me to educate you on our government.
>An amendment isn’t a law.
No, the Bill of Rights DETAILS inalienable rights which exist without the Constitution; GOD-GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS which most definitely include the right to keep and bear arms, and I don't mean a fucking AirSoft gun, I mean a battle rifle and a fuck ton of ammunition.
Actually the bill of rights were added to protect the individual citizens when the founders realized the constitution was giving a lot of power to the federal government.
All these fags smoking weed in Colorado and California are breaking federal law and I don't see y'all throwing a fit over it.
>a leaf is too retarded to understand the first 10 amendments were changes required by many of the framers to even get them to sign the constitution.
>wow XD amerimutt doesnt want to get rid of critical changes that were the very reason the founding document was ratified! Silly goys theyre just changes!
Without ammendments to the constitution we would still have Slavery, no civil rights act, women couldn't vote, segregation. I am positive people like y'all would have said "its my god given right to own niggers and these bitches are trying to do a mans job" its not the end of the world, if you are a law abiding citizen, a few extra weeks before you can get a gun is no big deal.
>the supreme law of the land isn't a law
Fuck me!... why must you be Canadian?... shit posting meme comes true too often.... you really are a maple syrup nigger.
You have a fucking leaf on your flag. A fucking leaf. A retarded fucking leaf. You literally know nothing about the American Constitution. Nothing. Leafistan is where the nigger tier, freedom hating, King George's cock sucking, loyalist Tories fled to when the American Patriots won their freedom from your Monarchical overlords.
The first ten Amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. Rights you Leafstanian. Not wants, not needs, RIGHTS. And every American, every real and true American knows deep in their soul that freedoms come from the Creator and not the fuckin' government. This shit is stitched into our hearts, it flows in our veins and pumps like fire through our hearts. This is why our flag is red, white, and blue; with stars and stripes. It is why we are the greatest fuckin nation on the motherfuckin planet and you live in our shadow. You always have, and you always will. Your president or whatever is a faggot, you haven't contributed shit to the world, and your flag is a fucking leaf.
I wonder what goes through Trudeau when he sees that picture....
>that's the whole I came from
>how many men have been in there?
>i will correct my mom's whorish past by being a feminist extremist.
>I'd bang
Inb4 he was pretending to be retarded.
>Is my strawman not filled with enough straw?
t. Every Canadian
There's nothing wrong with challenging a law... however, in this country we have a clear procedure for changing these particular laws... that is to say changing our Constitution. Any proposed change to the US Constitution must pass a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate in order to be approved, and even if it's approved it will still be rejected unless at least three-fourths of all of the states agree to ratify it.
The Founders were smart - they knew that it was important to make it possible to change the Constitution, but they also understood the importance of checks and balances. The checks between the different branches of government prevent any one branch from gaining too much power over the others. The electoral college prevents any single region from gaining too much power. The three-quarters rule prevents any group of states from unilaterally changing the government, and ensures that any changes that DO pass are ones which almost everyone agrees upon.
Seldom do I get to enjoy such a god damn retarded post, even by Sup Forums standards.
Thx leaf