Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari

Only in two pages and already best girl.

Who cares, we will never see them fuck anyway.

I don't even read this cocktease shit and I also think this is best girl.

brown cat girl > all


She did have this pretty great moment.

I'm surprised this has no anime yet


Me too, shit like this gets greenlit all the time.

Oh look another girl is not going to be riding the main characters dick.

>has entire harem of girls who don't mind polygamy and want him to fuck them
>"n-not today I'm sleepy"
So sick of this shit. Why are nips so fucking beta? No wonder their birthrate is plummeting.

>she pulls a Hibari and tries to completely usurp her onee-san's place in the manga

Has there ever been a MC this gay?

Twintails is the best.

Where's Abe-san when we need him?

Maybe should go back to porn instead of making this garbage

How the hell they aren’t all fucking like rabbits already? They already slept together for god’s sake

Voynich hotel directed by Quentin tarentino when?

worthless MC deserves to get cucked - villain should shape shift into a douche named chad and steal his harem, turning MC into the next black ring wearer

>He probably just stays there

Please tell me he goes to her room and pounds the fuck out of her

That's the one thing he never does despite his entire harem begging him to. He's even had multiple chances to fuck the main girl but doesn't.

No it's even better. All of his wifes are awaiting him offering to spread their legs all at once but he says he'll sleep alone instead.

>Harem bs
I dont even care

They should realize they're never going to get any until Hime gets her dibs. The rest of them should change their strategy to push those two together first.

These threads are deja vu as fuck

See, I don't know whether to hate her for cockblocking or to love her to finally get the harem complete.

I fucking called it that sex wasn't needed to draw out the rings full power. Way to be misleading gandalf.

Wasted Potential: the Series

How come he goes from ghost tits to this tripe shit?

Girl in bottom left panel looks like Five from Zankyou no Terror

I just hope the next chapter is full of cute training montages.

This. They all want him to hurry up and fuck but never give him any alone time with her or really any of them.