Mentally superior yet humble people

>mentally superior yet humble people
>never ending justice everywhere
>high quality education system
>white people everywhere
>'it could be better' + 'we're still not Iceland yet' mentallity
>honorable women
>ambitious mentality
>friendship and honestity are considered high virtues
>critical thinking
>classical music haven
>traditional values growing
>garbage nowhere
>strong national identity
>chinks nowhere
>free from the jews
>high international standards
>social movility
>decent taxes for a 3rd world country
>lower classes are traditional and have great intelligence and spirit
>upper class is traditional and has great intelligence and spirit
>mafias nowhere

To describe Argentina, it's like a Hitlerjugend on the battle arena who is ready to fight and sacrifice his life for greater good

Other urls found in this thread: Lord Creithon or Sancher&source=bl&ots=7-ieozKwTE&sig=02f3JKj-qoq-BESus5e8axgGsTI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZ-OP83NvZAhXJlVQKHX6rCNQQ6AEIOzAG#v=onepage&q=The Lord Creithon or Sancher&f=false

Dude stop this shit. You don't become relevant by forcing your shitty memes and their retarded, tired variations on people 50 times a day.
Is this Kikery? What's even your angle?




You retards cant make a international call from Brazil to Argentina????is that difficult?


Dude I had to hover over the flag to see what country you are.
Noone fucking cares about Argentina.
It's even more useless than me as an Australian trying to tell everyone Australia Will Rise.
Just be happy that when the world looks at Argentina it has no strong reaction either way.
Except maybe "Oh there's probably some jungles there. I like jungles. They look interesting."
We have some vague notion that you DEFAULTED ON ALL YOUR DEBTS BECAUSE YOUR ENTIRE COUNTRY WAS BROKEN, but we don't really hold it against you.
After all you are just a LITERAL BANANA REPUBLIC - the term comes from the United Fruit Company's domination of the Latin American countries.
Don't worry man I still want to visit your nation and rock out with some shamans.
You're cool.
Just don't think you're that good.
'cause you obviously aren't.

I always was interested in uruguay. But Paraguay looked more interesting because it is totally landlocked and seems to have been dominated by more strongmen.
Can you tell me some great things about Uruguay, and shit things about Paraguay?
Feel free to even compliment Paraguay, if you wish.

>mentally superior yet humble people
>yet humble people

Are you being serious or are you completely delusional? You are the laughing stock of the whole continent

it is hard to believe in this. It is rare to see white europeans here

>yet humble

>My Apple Crumble is by far the most crumblest, but I act like it tastes bad: out of humbleness!!!


My Sup Forums style so Savage,
Call me Randy, macho car in the garage!
But I'm so humble! F-350 tyres, I maintain, so they don't stumble!!!
Or skid... the fuck outta here, kid
Argentina is my City, that's where my 350 skid...
But only in my carpark, so I don't leave a mark!
I'm superior, yet humble. Fuck with Argentina? Dude. You're such a Barney Gumble!!!
Stay humble!


25% at most.

I see you never gone the South

you too

the white rule should be changed to 95%

I have questions for all the Argentinians in here.
I have been tracing back my family tree and i have some ancestors who were from spain but then moved to argentina.
One of the last names is Sancher. Have you guys ever heard that in Argentina? It's not sanchez or sancho i have triple checked it.

it is not, stop spreading the meme

yes, it is

at least where I live (Vale do Itajaí)

Only one post with this ID.

Spotted the chilean

pls respond

>honorable women
>chinks nowhere
>free from the jews
>mafias nowhere
I will asume you haven't lived here in the last 15 years.

Sorry, kiwi, I don't know anyone by that last name.

>tfw our niggers have earned more football victories than your entire nation in all of it's sports history


>being 10000% white
feels good man

Did i just get shitposted by a argenti?

Anyone that says they’re humble aren’t.

I have no strong feelings about Paraguay. But their history is one of poverty and defeat. They political system is not as bad as the one in other countries in SA, but corruption is rampant and stupid amounts of they native forests are being destroyed to produce soy.
As for Uruguay, well. We have problems, like every country, our economy could be much better if we had less state spending. But people form other countries is immigrating here, so we must be doing something right.
Don't get me wrong, we're still a third world country. But if I where to bet about which countries of south america become proper places to live. I would put all my money in Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. Paraguay doesn't stand a chance.
Oh, and we killed all the natives in a place that today is called "salsipuedes" which literally means "run away, if you can".

But you still have large numbers of them, you just have to many people.

No, I've never heard that surname. Maybe, when your ancestor arrived to Argentina the migration officer wrote it wrong, that was something very common back then.

I have a friend whose grandfather surname was Girard, but the migration officer wrote Girtart and that has been their surname since then lol

Maybe your ancestor was Sanchez and the migration officer wrote it wrong

"Don't weep for me Argentina" No worries' we wont.

Yeah i think it was sanchez because they were from spain.
Which means i may have shitty moor DNA in me pls no.

>cuba and brasil whiter

Get em boludos

Come home, cisplatina

give me back misiones orientales, you fucking macaco


lol depends if your ancestor was from northern spain, aka the white spain. I'm 1/3 basque and 2/3 italian, and I look white.

>I have no strong feelings about Paraguay. But their history is one of poverty and defeat.
>"history is one of poverty and defeat"
excellent blunt use of language, friend.

I like this pasta more

sounds like a sephardi (kike) surname

We belong together rogue province, you know it.

you know you crave the sopa de macaco

>Oh, and we killed all the natives in a place that today is called "salsipuedes" which literally means "run away, if you can".
Jesus. Sounds hard as fuck. Can't say I'd be proud of that history. But nobody can say it isn't hardcore.

we literally won uruguay in a war. Just some (((retard))) was unable to sign peace treaty properly and uruguay went free.

It's a CIA bot
Slides other important threads
Keep digging

Why you broke such a beautiful relationship, Cisplatina and Monkeystan belong together you mad brute!

You will never know. I honestly don't know anyone by that name, but I'm not exactly someone too social either. Also trips of truth, people write names wrong all the fucking time here, even really common names. You would be surprised by the amount of people I know that have their names misspelled on their IDs (I'm one of them too).

Most people with spanish ancestors have moor ancestors too, but they are too far away to be noticeable. My spanish ancestors married with bongs and frogs so everyone after my great grandparents looks white.

the fucking english fucked up everything

>t. Jealous nigger

Sal si puedes, Spanish:
"Get out if you can"
Jordan Peele should have named his film Salsipuedes. Way more diverse.


Sancher surname.
I found this in the Transactions of the Royal-Historical Society:

"The Lord Creithon or Sancher, called Creighton, their surname before beares, came forth of Hungary with Edgar in his Quene in Scotland in tyme of Kinge Malcolm Cammore ... Their chief house, called Sancher Castell, standeth in the head of that shire. Ther be many greate gentlemen of that surname and of goode power, as the knights of Fyndrawght in the north, Straighurdie, Nynian Creighton of Culybuk, the Lard of Nweghten' etc etc. Now he's talking about the Creighton...

But the word Sancher has an asterix and at the bottom of the page it is translated as SANQUHAR.

Sanquhar is a town on the River Nith in Dumfries and Galloway, Scoland.

The name 'Sanquhar' comes from the Scottish Gaelic language Seann Cathair, meaning "old fort".

I hope this helps. I know for a fact that Scottish people went everywhere at this period of time, the 1700s. They were big on trade, but couldn't exploit the best areas that the English did with their East India connects, so the Scots often did their trade in areas that might seem very out of the way!

I hope some of this can help. But I wouldn't trust any of it without doing all the research and confirming ancestry yourself.
>Amerindian 45%, mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) 37%, white 15%, black, Japanese, Chinese, and other 3%
>white 15%
is enough

Underrated bantz

My guess in conclusion would be that your ancestor was a man with roots in the Dumfries and Galloway area in South West Scotland. He would have been named after the castle. This doesn't mean he was a noble. Many commoners took 'destination surnames' (which originally were the province of the nobles).

Thank you friend I aim to please :D

>honorable women

You are white now Bra

Never heard that one RooBro

that or you just a kike undercover.

For fucks sake retard I just researched the name for him nobody even bothers to read it or the original guy to even say thanks.
Sancher is a Scottish name.
Scottish dudes did lots of trading around the world in the late 1700s.
It is highly likely his ancestor was from Scotland, went to Spain, followed some money to Argentina.

Fucking losers need to learn to read:

you mad Shlomo? the jig is up

You must be the dumbest cunt alive.

This thread is now about how Argentineans aren't as smart as Australians.


Thanks for that mate i will look into it myself, but can you tell me where you found that text?

"The Lord Creithon or Sancher, called Creighton," That bit of text? Lord Creithon or Sancher&source=bl&ots=7-ieozKwTE&sig=02f3JKj-qoq-BESus5e8axgGsTI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZ-OP83NvZAhXJlVQKHX6rCNQQ6AEIOzAG#v=onepage&q=The Lord Creithon or Sancher&f=false

> Argentina
> humble

Pick one, hermano.

>Some Platinos actually believe in this

Hey Muslim Sup Forumsrother, can you direct me to the hammock district?

probably guy at immigration office was tired of his job and wrote Sancher instead of Sanchez, its very common. You have people with surname (Buendia , Good morning) and Buongiorno (same but in italian) its stupid but it happens.
or MAYBE its actually Sancher and ur a filthy jew !

ps: fucking jew nigger shitskin subhuman jap hiro i hope u get aids stupid nigger i had to do the captcha like 10 mins

For the last time retard the name Sancher isn't Jewish.
It's Scottish.