I mean we have our own badass culture we don’t need to steal germany’s
Why are there so many american natsocs?
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Plus hitler was a c*tholic
We don't need to change our aesthetics. I grew up on Westerns and wear clothing that I feel reflects the American aesthetic.
We aren't stealing Germany's culture. Nat soc or any nationalistic framework for government is what we need. Fascist Germany was closer to original American protectionism than current America.
I have come to the point that I don't believe the details can be worked out now. There is a massive civil war and breakdown of society coming for this country, and some answers will only come through the struggle.
Non-whites have hijacked America so much. Yes it’s the land of the free, but that means free from the state and being dependent on yourself and your community. Non-whites overwhelming vote for bigger and bigger government, therefore the state grows, therefore freedom goes. White America was probably the coolest time in modern history. Now, I can’t say the same. I can say the same for my country too, but America is the new Rome without a doubt. And like Rome it has been exploited. The whites around the globe need to unite, that’s the simple fact if we want to survive, if we want freedom to be victorious.
I agree, take the best ideas of facism and libertarianism, kick out the usurpers, and return to *our* culture.
I nominate our flag to be Betsy Ross (A.K.A. first flag of the United States), possibly combined with III or Gadsden like pic related
jews and niggers
>natsoc germany was like the America
Thats just plain retarded
If only we listen to jefferson
Ask yourself why we have so many commies too
Americans like LARPing
I don’t like being around jews and niggers too but that doesn’t make me a natsoc. Hating Jews and niggers is as American as apple pie
America has no culture.
also those movies were made in spain dumbass
>I mean we have our own badass culture
I agree on everything but what he said about the Germans.
Classic American culture (the one before 1950) is extremely similiar to National Socialist Germany. There's a reason why the first and biggest financial backers of the NSDAP were primarily Americans
he wasnt
he pretended tho
your culture is pop culture
if that is no culture is up to debate
National Socialism is a political system which works everywhere.
Found the kike.
>implying there was never an American National Socialist/Fascist movement.
Ironic you'd say that, as what passes for culture in America is kikery.
Ideology isn’t culture u mongoloid
But yeah we shouldn’t dress up and larp as brown shirts
>also those movies were made in spain dumbass
they were made in Italy, dumbass
REICHSAUTOBAHNEN was started for the cancellor before hitler asension
you are wrong kid
three centuries ago humans would have called ideology culture
America is gay and was founded by Satanists on Enlightenment ideals lol.
Gas America
We need to return to the Constitution not further overthrow it
The Republic will rise again
Whatever le 0% face
Nac soc are larpers likely muslim
Hitler helped make it develop though, as the charts show.
>world socialist party
>natsoc is a germany thing
Seems like most Americans aren't aware of their heritage.
>American pro-Nazi movements such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund played no role in Hitler's plans for the country, and received no financial or verbal support from Germany after 1935.[87] However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within by means of propaganda.[88][89] In addition, in an effort to gain Native American support, the Nazis classified the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans,[88] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than fight against Germany
>everyone who's Christian is catholic
Also I feel like there's a lot of other Slavs who are natsocs
>inb4 Hitler hated Slavs
Have you ever heard of the Ustase, Estonian, Latvian, Romanian, Polish and Greek SS divisions also the POA, Cossack volunteers and pic related
Niggers - maybe. Kikes - I don't know. I've been forever dogged by cuckservatives for shitting on Israel, (((our greatest ally in the Middle East))).
Because hardworking white Americans see the American continent for the insanely deep potential it possesses but watch it be squandered by welfare faggots and shitty minorities. This continent could be Atlantis^2 if it had the right leadership and system of incentives.
Adolph hated the "one-drop" rule for America's niggers. His standards were far more lax when it came to considering who was and wasn't a Jew.
Tl;dr: Hitler was a Jewish Catholic shill set up to fail and to bring in communism by the Rothchilds and Vatican.
Stop trying to meme this shill back into his failed existence, faggot.
because they're seen as the extreme #1 evil in the world when they're really not so people just own it as a fuck you
Henry Ford's "International Jew" came before "Mein Kempf", and is still relevant today. It's like he was writing about Soros and those behind him. Their MO and agenda never change. They are described perfectly in the Protocols of Zion as well.
This. The idea that antisemetism makes you a nazi is a Jewish trick because most Americans hate nazis
Because I’m not an edgy teenager
Hitlerism is an international white supremacist concept. It is only natural that racists in a multicultural society like America would have to adapt something like that instead of a nationalism based on ethnicity. Concerning the symbols this is has mostly to do with the shock value and the perceived machismo of displaying them. This being for the most part an underclass phenomenon. Much of what Spencer is about is moving away from those symbols.
You're confusing National Socialism, the political system, with National Socialism, the ideology. One is the government of 1930s Germany and the other is a belief in the superiority of an ethnically-homogeneous nation, which asserts that the well-being of the volk as the ultimate good.
In terms of their policy towards banking and international trade, it absolutely is. I wasn't talking about internal policy on government vs private business. Again, don't be dense. I never said we'll be natsoc, I said we'll reflect certain qualities that are inherent to nationalistic governments.
Good pic OP
Germany did not come up with natsoc, user. He only implemented it.
Anglos deserve more credit
I think Germany is a pretty cool guy, eh kills Jews and doesn't afraid of anything
Isn't he?
I wonder how many newfags won't get this meme
Even though it's a recent as fuck meme