If Hitler was so smart why did he declare war on America?
He gained literally nothing from it except helping his enemies.
If Hitler was so smart why did he declare war on America?
He gained literally nothing from it except helping his enemies.
Other urls found in this thread:
>where is Pearl Harbor
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Let's see what our uncle had to say about it.
Hahaha oh man he fucked up big time when he declared war on us.
Read the declarations sometime, compare the whiny virgin Euro way of writing in Hitler's declaration vs. the CHAD JOINT RESOLUTION.
>The Government of the United States having violated in the most flagrant manner and in ever increasing measure all rules of neutrality in favor of the adversaries of Germany and having continually been guilty of the most severe provocations toward Germany ever since the outbreak of the European war, provoked by the British declaration of war against Germany on September 3, 1939, has finally resorted to open military acts of aggression.
>The German Government, consequently, discontinues diplomatic relations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances brought about by President Roosevelt Germany too, as from today, considers herself as being in a state of war with the United States of America.
>JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring That a State of War Exists Between The Government of Germany and the Government and the People of the United States and Making Provisions To Prosecute The Same
>Whereas the Government of Germany has formally declared war against the Government and the people of the United States of America: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United States and the Government of Germany which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Government of Germany; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States.
>cheering on ZOG and the destruction of the european race
fuck being american is really blackpilling sometimes
That's full of lies and half-truths though.
Plus it doesn't make up for the idiocy of giving the US an excuse to enter the war.
>lets fight for the european race
>by killing more europeans than any other war in history
Naziboos fuck off. America is a libertarian nation.
Ya im totally sure america's a real nice guy and would never declare war on the ally of the person they just declared war on
You Americans are hurting my brain
>what is the German Japanese alliance
>what is the Axis powers
he didn't that's not how it happened. he fucked himself the most by invading the soviet union.
This, this is why our countries will never have good relations with you
Go full Nationalist, user
America is number one. Everyone else can become the United States of the Earth or radioactive slag lmao
If he didn't invade the soviet union then Stalin was going to bumrush him straight to Berlin, except this time without the fight.
He probably should have told his nip friends not to bomb the US then.
untrue, they held a non-aggression pact that hitler violated.
>show your allies you stand with them and that treaties still mean something
>america was already declaring war on germany via proxy like they still do today
>declares war so it can be in the open and the german military can take the gloves off
I mean it's not that hard to understand the reasons when you think about it.
Because Stalin was going to violate it first???????????????????????????????
go back to your daycare please
>let's logical fallacy
>post hoc ergo propter hoc
your never-was ideology will never be america, 2006 hipster
The japs and nazis were allies and because the japs attacked the burgers, the nazis also had to declare war on America. Just like in ww1
(((THEY))) declared war on Hitler long before troops even hit the ground because he was succeeding without (((THEIR))) banks
>ally with japs that sign a neutrality treaty with the soviet union, so there was no real point of an alliance to begin with
>japs attack usa
>decare war on usa
Germany trying to fight the us or the ussr was insanely dumb. Under no circumstance could German defeat either one, even in a 1 on 1 scenario.
Libertarianism was invented by Jews in the 20th century. The founders were aristocratic republicans who literally owned niggers as farm animals. Nothing to do with your Jewish meme ideology.
Hitler was controlled opposition, dumbass.
Anyone who threatens Great fucking Britain can kiss my fucking leaf ass
Libertarianism existed in the Wild West and American frontier.
No it didn't
2 reasons:
1. America was already in the war. They were funding the UK and the USSR.
2. They attacked Japan; an ally.
Despite this I still believe it was a mistake.
>inb4 reddit spacing
Fuck off.
lol, yes it fucking was.
Now you're just a larping faggot, but I agree with that most of America is full of worthless entitled white people these days. Haven't won a single war since even if it's for ZOG. Lets also not forget they came in at the tail end during both WW's to claim glory that wasn't earned. The casualties would have been in the millions if they came in just a year earlier.
>They attacked Japan
>Declaring war on America
You should know by now user, Jews are the war wagers. By ways of deception they shall force nations they control to fight proxy wars.
This video from the man himself only scratches the surface.
he declared war on america because he was hoping helping japan with america japan would start an eastern front against the USSR learn some history before you shill
>Great Britain
Not so great anymore is it cuck?
>Haven't won a single war
Lol what is your definition of winning a war?
>being this retarded
>because america was owned by kikes and hitler got in over his head before his ideas properly made the academic rounds among the majority german ancestry americans and woke todays white identity movement. He was first horseman on a slow reel revolution. triggered by the fulfillment of requisite knowledge as civilizations harvest from the tree of life reached its apex. why gen x,y,z? because this is the end of an era and dawn of aquarius. moonwalk the astral plane in purgatory.
the us was already in the war providing millions of tons of aid and "volunteer forces" (eg: Eagle squadron) to the British the only thing they hadn't done was open a front and they were hoping to do that eventually
Remember when America said it was "Neutral" then continued shipping war materiel to Britain?
The problem facing Jews is not that Hitler was 100% correct in all strategic decisions but that his current followers have had 70+ years to examine his method and perfect it. Hindsight in this case is 14/88, Schlomo, and time will never forget what your "people" have done. In your lifetime you will see the re-established and perfect Reich, I give you my word. Power beyond your comprehension are working to establish Perfect Peace Profound, and the Enemy will find itself slayed by the sword of righteousness.
He expected Japan to declare war on the USSR and make the soviets fight a two front war and distract their armoured forces from the west.
If he had dealt with Britain first as Britain was less than 3 weeks from losing air superiority when the tactics changed to targeting cities in response to small RAF raids on Germany, then the navy would have been a sitting target allowing an invasion of the home islands and then attacked Russia aswell as order women into the factories at full war economy(Until mid 1944 Germany was STILL making luxury civilian goods for the homefront when Britain and Russia changed everything to the war effort in 39 and 41 respectively) then the war would have been very different with millions more men ready to fight after being freed from the factories and hundreds of factories and workshops pumping out war supplies.
To be fair the inner circle are as much to blame as Hitler if not more so. Hitler was heavily influenced by his inner circle who were nothing but sycophantic feudal lords fighting each other.
The lucy spy ring didn't help either. 10 highly placed soviet turncoats(only 7 are known) feeding every order about the eastern front to the Soviets from 1941-1944 when they were found and executed.
These are the names you should spit on for betraying their nation and allowing it to be raped and butchered by (((them))):
>Major General Hans Oster, chief of staff to Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the head of Abwehr (German military intelligence)
>General Erich Fellgiebel, head of communications at the German High Command (OKW)[
>Lt Gen Fritz Thiele, deputy head of communications at OKW
>Colonel Rudolf von Gersdorff, chief of Intelligence, Army Group Centre
>Colonel Fritz Boetzel, chief of Intelligence Evaluation, Army Group South-East (Athens)
>Carl Goerdeler, a politician; ex-mayor of Leipzig and head of the conservative opposition
>Hans Bernd Gisevius, German vice-consul in Zurich and an Abwehr officer
Ah well. Learn from mistakes.
America was literally created on the ideals of liberty, because the Founding Fathers did not want to implement European monarchy which had totalitarian control over its citizenry.
Advocating for America to turn into a totalitarian fascist dictatorship, based on a non-American ideology no less, is foreign subversion and you will hang along with the communists when we clean up this country for good.
America was for European men,women and children only until the Civil War ruined everything and allowed (((them))) to finally take full control.
look at this faggot
> freedom aint free son
We declared war on the Japs, Hitler in turn declared war on us seeing as the Japs were their allies. The US was considered mediocre at the time so it wasnt anywhere as suicidal as it would be today.
If Jews are so smart why does everyone hate them?
>President Harry S. Truman's Executive Order 9835 of March 21, 1947, required that all federal civil service employees be screened for "loyalty." The order said that one basis for determining disloyalty would be a finding of "membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association" with any organization determined by the attorney general to be "totalitarian, Fascist, Communist or subversive" or advocating or approving the forceful denial of constitutional rights to other persons or seeking "to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means."
Reminder that McCarthy and HUAC investigated fascists as well as commies. You are both the same and anti-American at your core. You will not change this country into your cuck dictatorship because you have strong man fantasies.
Fuck off.
>being an ally means that you are forced to declare war on whoever your ally does.
This only applies when attacked. I.e. Defense. Fuck off naziboo
>if I change my flag and contradict what it stands for, he'll look dumb. I sure showed him
>If Hitler was so smart why did he declare war on America?
It was inevitably going to happen anyway considering Japan's alliance with Nazi Germany.
Also, you have to understand, that during the early stage of WW2 America wasn't the superpower it came to be after the war. America was just another great power among many.
Hell, both the UK and Japan had a larger and superior navy than that of the US, but what really made America win was it's manufacturing ability coupled with two oceans as a form of defense.
>Under no circumstance could German defeat either one, even in a 1 on 1 scenario.
Actually, it could defeat both in a 1 on 1 scenario. Nazi Germany had the most powerful military in the world by 1939. However, Germany never recovered after the disaster that was Stalingrad, the bloodiest battle in human history. Couple that with a couple of bad military decisions like halting the advance towards Moscow to help forces in Ukraine and it ends badly.
was going to make fun of you, but your post was blessed by divine digits.
the usa has been dead sence the civil war anons
the kike has ruled us and fuck us over
> this time we win by whatever means it take
>This only applies when attacked.
The US sending tons and tons of not only aid but military hardware to the UK to fight Nazis isn't an act of war?
Don't you remember how you exploited the UK and gave them your shitty Destroyers for their military bases in the Caribbean? The UK received an insane amount of military and humanitarian aid from the US while it was fighting Nazi Germany.
Hitler couldn't ignore you for too long. You were the kikes selling weapons while others were fighting. The US has no honor at all.
user. I'd like you to expand upon this if you will.
Take pic as context
What is the cultural context of this piece of art?
>If Hitler was so smart why did he declare war on America?
He didn't, Pearl Harbor was a false flag by the Jews to frame the Japanese in order to get America on the side of the globalists because they we're going to lose the war.
>Reminder that McCarthy and HUAC investigated fascists as well as commies
Yeah, McCarthy was an incompetent drunk and his closest advisor was a gay jew.
>hiding behind a meme flag
>calling statements lies and half truths
You have a source for America's navy being fewer than Japans? I know Britain was number 1 and Japan was number 3. I was pretty sure America had the second largest navy in the world at the beginning of ww2
Do you have any proof of this?
he wasnt that smart, germany would lose to soviets alone because of army numbers and resources
WWII was just a german genocide
>If Hitler was so smart why did he declare war on America?
because he wanted to kill as many white people as possible.
>what are the Venona Papers
McCarthy was right all along
No evidence Stalin was going to do such a thing.
Whites died to create America from literal darkness of total British world dictatorship.
Anyone complaining about white people is probably either a disgusting Jew rat; or they are of the monkey races who don't know how close (((they))) have come time and time again to finishing us.
Nope. Germany could easily beat them 1 to 1. The only reason they won is because of their ridiculous number of troops because the USSR miserably lost most of its battles during WW2 if it wasn't for the allies.
Hitler made the mistake of making military decisions on ideological terms.
He thought America was too full of blacks to be a threat.
He thought the British were cousins and would seek peace.
He thought the Russians were inferior and could not survive an attack.
All wrong choices guided by his ideological views.
Well, I wouldn't blame his take on Soviets not being able to take an attack. The Soviets were doing miserably bad throughout the whole war and still lost territories when they outnumbered the enemy. When Stalingrad came, they had already learned from the countless mistakes.
You have to remember the jews took control of our shekel supply in 1913. Before WW1 even started America was already lost.
wtf am I looking at bro?
I'm pretty sure that's emma watson
The U.S embargoed Germany and was supplying their enemies you retard.
You're a dumb commie mong, the Soviets were building up a massive army to invade Europe before the Germans even attacked. In fact they attacked way too late the Soviets were already rolling out more tanks than they could destroy.
he wasn't
>‘The gentlemen in London and Paris
>won’t undertake anything against us this time either,’
>‘I will see to that. This Polish conflict will
>never, never, never result in a European war.’
>‘I would have to be a complete idiot to slither into a world war –
>like the nincompoops of 1914 – over the wretched Polish Corridor.’
Sup Forums here. You are an idiot.
gasp! trips! what does this mean?