Amerimutt PRIDE

56% meme is about the percentage of Americans who describe themselves as white. Which is absurd, since anyone who knows the US knows that whites are at most 20% of the population. The vast majority of Americans are mutts with European coloration.
amerimutts = non-white traits + European coloration.

example of amerimutts: Miley Cyrus, Cameron Dias, Round Rousey, Chuck Norris Chris Weidmann, Andrew Anglin, Sarah Palin ...

>Being mixed & Looking Amerimutt

>Black people looking Amerimutt

>Family Secrets: “Amerimutt Like Her” Author Learned Her Black Mother Spent Her Life Passing As White

>Amerimutt family embraces celebrated black ancestor
>Meet The Woman Who Learned That Her Mother Passed As White

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Show your real flag, Hans.


Spics are not amerimutts

Show your face ,amerimutt.


Guess my non-white traits, and I'll tell you if it's true.


hey what you doing there schlomo

>non-white traits
this is as white as it gets in USA