Found buried little figure

found this years ago when digging out a palm tree at work, in daytona beach,florida, it was inside a plastic bag idk why i just never threw it out just in case xD anyone knows what the statue means or why would anybody buried it like that in a property?

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trinket from a catholic gift shop, probably made in china, almost definitely worthless

>is obviously Jesus Christ
What the fuck is wrong with you

St. Joseph maybe?

They needed to pass on the curse without directly giving the figurine to someone. RIP OP.

Its Jesus holding wine and bread, which was served at the last supper. No other real significance than that.

It could be one of the 3 kings that you'd put into a navity scene it looks like a little box of something in his hand


that was my first thought but I don't remember bread and a vace ever bieng customary to him

did you finish your homework early, timmy?

Looks biblical, the axe makes it no so much jesus, but jesus in the new testament does all kinds of manly stuff.

why the fuck is this on Sup Forums

This is not B you fucking mongol

yep definetly st Joseph. apparently he's buried upside down during construction work. never heard of this custom before

tiene cocaina adentro amigo

He was a carpenter.

>never heard of this custom before
Italians do this too, but they use real people.

Probably some shitskin ritual over lost keys or something.

People buried the saint so their house would sell. It's a custom.

>Daytona beach
Some homo probably plugged that desu. Hope you washed your hands

Ok, in Catholicism, St.Joseph is the patron saint of workers. The statue is like a blessing at a construction site to protect workers, similar to how a traveller wears saint Christopher.
The jug and bread are symbolic of service.

That is a statue of St Joseph the Foster father of Jesus, it is a practice among Catholics and anyone devoted to St Joseph to bury a little statue of him in the yard of a house that they are either trying to buy or sell, He actually has been extremely helpful to folks who do this and obtains their transaction, I believe that he is the patron saint of Realtors

St Joseph is the best realtor in existence

This is a St.Joseph statue. Some catholics bury it when doing construction work. My family buried one in the backyard when we were trying to sell our house.

The catholic lost keys ritual is the "Tony Tony Turnaround". Or is this something weird that only my neighborhood did?

It is an old superstition that if you bury a statue of St. Joseph upside down it will help you sell your house faster.

This practice has been condemned be respectable clerics as base superstition, btw.

Cucks like to anally stimulate themselves with his statue as well. Read it on Steemit.

He's got a hatchet too


It's st. Joseph. it's a Catholic thing when you are trying to sell your home

go back to

Came here to post this. Congrats OP. This one is on the house.

>Some catholics bury it when doing construction work. My family buried one in the backyard when we were trying to sell our house.
sweet mary's cunt you catholics are retarded

My mother buried one when she tried to sell her house. Funny thing is it was in Vancouver, I really doubt she needed help from Joseph. Chinese people were banging her door down all day. One literally had a suitcase full of cash he opened up before she could answer the door, and told her she could have it if he could sell her house, and that there were more cases to come it she said no.

It's a St. Joseph statue and you bury them with the hope that it'll help you sell your property more quickly.

Lmao my Italian sides

cocaine statue