How do we get back to 80s level health and well being...

How do we get back to 80s level health and well being? Can there be new laws limiting what food or drinks you can buy if you go over a certain weight?

kill all negros and expel all bean-people

Are whites not obese?

we have to add a fat tax. But corporations have such a stranglehold on our country that it would be impossible to pass. Also representatives can't talk about the obesity problem unless they want to ostracize 60% of the vote

Fat tax.

yeah but killing nigroes is good too

also obesity isn't a problem if we cut all public health funding and regulations, which we should do.
Also let me sell game meat you fucking statists.

op had a subject and you derailed, smooth move faggot

>60% of the vote
I guess they could set the limit high enough that only those people who are already physically unable to leave their house to vote would be impacted.

>Can there be new laws limiting
No, fuck off.
>we have to add a fat tax
No, fuck off.

Outlaw high fructose corn syrup

How is the free market solving this problem?
You can't say it's letting them remove themselves from the gene pool since that's clearly not the case.


fat sharia death squads

you shoot anyone obese

More like this.

That python probably will not have to eat for a year.


If you led the world why would you give a shit if your people were fat or skinny, there's a labor surplus, every year more jobs are replaced by technology, and the majority of jobs that exist don't actually produce anything and the ones that do, production isn't tied to physical fitness. So you want to build a nation of fit people with no wars to fight, no frontier to settle, nothing. If you want to keep it that way then it's in your interest to have everyone too fat and stupid to cause trouble. You might pay more for medical costs related to obesity, but the industry is privatized and in the end someone's getting fucking paid.

That's true of 60% of Americans now too apparently.
Not even (entirely) a joke, I remember NASA was considering using obese astronauts a while back since they could live off of nothing but water for extended lengths of time and make the cost of long distance space travel less exorbitant.

I support the proposal for a fat tax. Creating petition now and mailing senators.

In some country's being over wt. is a status symbol maybe all the fate can go there and show off
there wealth