China will collapse

>china will collapse

Myth or truth?


Massive bubble economy.

They're building ghost cities for gods sake.

>china will collapse
If China manages to transform itself from a producer society to a consumer society before the collapse of the West no, it won't collapse. Otherwise yes.

China is long overdue for political upheaval. Only a matter of time before 100 million chinese die again.

Only 100 million? My prediction is around 700 million, 50% of their population.

CNN confirmed
98% chance China will collapse when Tru- Xi takes off- Xi is reelected for a third term.

China is buying the entire worlds production of gold every year.
World governments have printed hundreds of trillions of fiat dollars since the 2008 financial crisis.
When the government printing/borrowing bubble bursts, china is going to go on a gold standard and force them to settle trade imbalances in real money or real assets.

Tops this off with them being relatively high iq and mostly racially homogenious.
The future is chinese.

It's true myth all right

chinks will colonize the planet, dude


myth Canada and USA will more likely collapse before them. Mainly because China doesn't have to face a multiracial problem like in the west. Which affects political voting patterns and those non-whites will vote to make western countries suit their interest over those of whites.

pretty much. anglos have lost their ethnic solidarity. since nature prefers the strong, the chinese have the future in their hands.

I'm so confused by China. They are buying in millions and millions in the Balkans, India, Pakistan, and Iran, all for the "one road one way" plan to make a new silk road into Germany, but is it actually possibly?

Like they are juggling 19 different warring countries and are investing a fuckton into countries that are basically investment black holes (Greece and the Balkans) just for a project that assumes Europe wants their shit quicker.

And on top of that they have the Nicaragua Canal going on that is gonna rob that poor socialist clay from 25 years of actual trade, and trying to colonize Africa again, but is it actually working? Is it really worth it?

Now with eternal Mao 2.0 in power, is it viable, especially given how much shit they have going on in the South China Sea?

>wish away blacks, muslims, and jews
>monkey paw curls
>chinese world

Maybe they got so much money they just want to throw it everywhere around the world.


This. And they have slowly begun to become consumers. You can see the swing in food demand being controlled by China now. The middle class is growing and seeking higher quality foods. Still bigger tier level but if they made it from straw huts into skyscrapers in 50 years. It’s only a matter of time.
I see it in the food industry. Food prices swing based on demand in china. USA is no longer the price determinator in food it is china. If china likes a new product , it goes there first because it can catch the most profit via volume sales than it can in USA.

When you have money to spend, it's easy to take risks.

Truth. Their GDP is dropping like a rock and their economic growth is unsustainable.

It's over for the western economy then.

Forgot to add. For example. Tuna consumption is rising in china. If they demand tuna more , then tuna will be wiped out.
China the way the people behave are like LOUcsts. They’ll like sometime and demand it into extinction. (Rhinos for example).

Maybe China isn't so bad. You can keep stomping on it, but it's all give. It just stays China. You can't build it up, but you can't break it down either. In a funny way, China has the edge.


Not quite yet because if we really do pick up more internal production we can soften the spike in prices. In my particular profession. Ive seen Seafood prices spike to unreal levels because of strong demand for particular items. Such as Swai, tuna, Lobsters, crawfish and salmon. They get preferential treatment because it is an untapped market.
Also - tilapia the fish they export the most , is so shitty people there don’t want to eat it. So it’s being dumped on the us market killing any other exporter country. Tilapia has become so cheap that it may be the cheapest protein source around.

Yeh , thats the main reason leaf , racial purity

Not 6k years of civilization and meritocracy


Yes, until they become economically dependent from the US, which is about to happen after Trump's tariffs force the other countries to trade with China.

all their projects are working

>they droped the nicaragua carnal, they just bought panama

about greece, they are using it to sabotage european legislation that can harm them

>their gdp is dropping
>they beat all expectations even theirs last year

only a ancap can see an amaizing plan like that bad, if the housing bubble pops it will be like free houses for hundreds of millions

It's fucking huge amount of people living in China's cities now. No wonder if the food prices are spiking. LOL has this ever happened in human history?

we need to glass china before its too late

it may already be

All nations collapse.

You think any of our current governments will exist in 300 years?

EU will collapse before china

Maybe the current communist regime but I seriously doubt China is going anywhere.

Determined by too many variables to predict. Either replying with true or false is ignorance.

China is historically comprised of over a dozen kingdoms filled with sub Asian ethnological demographics that hate each other. There are active attempts at rebellion everyday and open warfare in some of their boarder territories, of course the Chinese government covers up these little realities with their state run propaganda.

> china is going to collapse because they eat too much tuna


China will collapse regardless if they reform their economy or not due to separatists and standard stability but, in what form is yet to be determined.
It could shrink in size or simply become more confederate.

To further add to this if China falls the Uyghur will take some of the north, Tibet will return and Hong Kong will become independent although Macau is questionable. Plus the ethnic and cultural divide of China is enough to fragment it into little pieces.

A killer virus would spread through china like wildfire.

They don't have enough medical resources to protect 1.4 billion people

Plus i am only taking into account local/national politics and economics there are many other things that can take China down like plague, Famine etc.

You will be safe from your mongol cousins. Americans should be getting prepared and stop worrying about muh Russia.

To be honest China is a Paper Dragon nothing more.

>Myth or truth?

Traditionally, China changes governments every 50 years.

The various dynasties throughout history, the boxers, Mao, Ping.....They will move to total democracy by 2030 and rule the planet while the US languishes in its Jew-driven socialism.

Time to learn mandarin

ghost cities,

government builds them to grow regional cities. locals ignore them and go to major cities.

i'm moving to a small city of 110,000 people in a week, moving from brisbane pop, 2.1 million.

can't wait, too many fucking people around, feel like a lemming. can't imagine what chinese feel like in china, 1.4 billion people. OMG!

Their water will be undrinkable and poision the agriculture within the next 10-20 years if they dont stop the devaluing of their currency to attract production.
Screencap this, china will go imperial by 2030 to keep %10 gdp and slave labour.

Not saying this sarcastically, but have you visited the mainland?

I have and it was honestly overwhelming and shocking how big they have gotten.

The amount of commie blocks was staggering. Skyscrapers EVERYWHERE. The amount of people flushing in and out of public services like buses and trains and subways was just mind boggling.

Really put a lot of into perspective.

>is it viable

yes. if you look at the map of belt and road, much of it runs through some of the most dangerous regions in the world. the goal is to pacify those regions, giving them jobs and hope instead of having them to turn into terrorists

id say people in rural china are alot more friendlier and hospitable than the ones in the city,

chinese have become really soulless, it's all about status and every one for themself mentality.

i'm see that same attitude in our countries now, it's pretty disgusting. young women are the worst. selfish bitches.

>can’t imagine what chinese people fee like in china
Probably chinese

They've said these things for decades. China has not yet collapsed. Cultural divide has nothing to do with it.

It's also the reason why authoritarian government is the best type of government for China. It keeps the nation together with an iron fist, while also building up nationalism.

everything will collapse, look at rome

no country lasts forever. of course they're going to collapse, it's just a matter of when

The Ghost cities are definitely a problem

explain to me the logic behind anglo countries calling to free tibet when they themselves are colonizers. looking at you burgers, aussies, leafs

>50% of their population.

retarded. not even the taiping rebellion killed that many chinamen.

Everytime China collapses, it just unifies again. It's been following this pattern of 400 years of unification and then collapse for a millennia.

right, but that wasn't what OP was asking. his question is analogous to will the USD collapse?


Chinas inevitable and impending collapse will always happen in the next closest tens of current year plus five