So. Much. This

So. Much. This.



I'm against spics

...and coincidentally making legal immigration effectively impossible.

Cuck. All immigration is demographic warfare.

Hold on Hitler
>Literally every liberal

Illegal immigration has been legalized in the EU you potato nigger.

>not hating all brown people and potato niggers too

>jew gets digits of truth
kek has abandoned us

>tfw too dumb to hate people who are different from me
teach me your ways

>being invaded and demographically destroyed is okay as long as its condoned by corrupt, treasonous government officials
What an insanely stupid appeal to authority fallacy.

>tfw too dumb to recognize the reality of human genetic variation and by extension the fact that third world trash are incapable of contributing to Western society and will only destroy it utterly as they grow in number
Fixed, dummy.

the greatest journey starts with a single step

Is this place so reddit now that people can't see I'm being sarcastic because I'm using a retarded reddit phrase?
It's not about hate, it's about reality. Other groups understand themselves as groups and act in that way, or do to a much greater degree than whites at least. If you're white, or one of the possible subdivisions of white and you're not taking your own side and encouraging other whites to take their own side you'll lose to the people that do.

>thinking the law is right
lmao how stupid can protastanfaggots be?? So you are saying if trump legalized all migration you will have no problem? WOW not surprized, because it is coming frm a state cuck

I'm against animeposters

Hear hear.
This potato nigger gets it.

Good for you my friend

Is that so? The Merchant makes illegal immigration legal. Voilá...Merchant wins.

Those are "Democrats are the real racists"-tier arguments user...

Isn't this a self defeating argument? Does it not imply that by giving everyone equal access/more focused attention towards betterment that everyone can truly reach equality?


>if you treat a wolf nice it will act like a poodle

>cucked by the government and their (((borders)))

Try again

The catalog is such shit and OP is a faggot.

Winter chan keeps me safe. Migrants don't like living in a place where they can't run from the cops for most of the year because of the snow.

Why is equality so important? Why is there an obligation to take a relatively small percentage of them into our countries to babysit them whilst we dysgenically give the 60IQ ones in Africa enough support that their population is going to be like 10 billion by 2100 (not sure of the actual figure but it's more than the 250 million in 1950).

You have yet to make an argument. The differences between wolves and poodles are genetic. The reason pitbulls are more aggressive is genetic.

I presented my argument and then you said something completely retarded and irrelevant

Since we're on the subject, can I ask a question about European immigration? Why do they take in so many Muslims? Couldn't they have just imported a fuckton of Catholic Filipinos and South Americans or Indian Hindus to work for shit wages instead?

I’m against everything brown.

>tfw god gave us a boost in defence

Fuck immigration from shitskins. The only non whites welcome are the east asians


>a chihuahua is a doberman

>Tfw I was chilling on the curb listening to music and then some Asian tourist girl walked up to me and told me I was cute and whatever
Yellow fever is real guys

>not an argument

Yeah, you can treat a wolf like a dog, but it'll be harder to make him act like a dog. That proves that genetics are a factor.

>it's literally an argument though

ok but like there are intelligent black people too my man

Fuck that all immigration needs to stop. We're fucking full

Most of them aren't, though...So why keep them?

Why should we keep you?

Maybe we should get rid of him. That doesn't have any bearing on his question though.

Nigger what

That's fair

*squeaky toy noise*
Just go back...

What objective criteria should be used for who deserves to live or not? I say everyone below 150 IQ should be executed

You know "illegal immigration" is just an alt-right dog whistle, right?
>inb4 it's just a coincidence that you call Hispanics and Africans "illegal" immigrants but immigrants from Europe are "legal" immigrants.

I'm not suggesting you kill anyone, gobliínée. Why are you niggers so violent? Just kick stupid niggers out.

>The kikes just make it legal

Wow good job. What a panzie approach to things.

I'm not black I'm a girl

This is proof you lot don't have banter

What an idiot you are.

i'm against immigration

I'm against African or Mudslime immigration

Democrats are the ones suggesting merit based immigration

Obama deported people at a faster rate than Trump


Then why the fuck are you attempting to debate people? Women are so fucking stupid every time they speak. Get back in the kitchen, it's the best place for you.

how are all dogs equal, you fucking idiot? stop dodging the question

And post tits

where? the ocean? there's no unclaimed territory left, and if we don't want them, other countries probably don't want them either

If they really dindu nuffin then I don't see why other nations wouldn't want a bunch of English speaking people to come over.

Debating with women: Never do it

I'm against all immigration though. I don't give a fuck if it's "legal". If you're a nigger or an Arab or some shit, it's automatically morally illegal anyway.

But your argument didn't follow logically from the graphic you were responding to.

I'm against shitskins coming to America period. We got WAY too many shitskins already. We should only allow white people to come here.


My philosophy is "FUCK OFF WE ARE FULL"

How many other jews are in Ireland anyway? Is it just OP?