Can you post more Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:



The future is bright, #lambright2020


I can post the aesthetic but there are no nazis in them








anyone here? should i keep going?

This has got to be the dumbest shit I've seen in my god forsaken life

personally my favorite one. thanks man













last one for my countrymen

Look in a mirror faggot.

can anybody send some fashwave music my way? i'm a dumbass and didn't save anything from other threads






What are you some faggot middle schooler who compulsively rolls his eyes at everything that's not done ironically?





this is now an /abo/wave thred


























BLACK SON isa cuck meme. Swastica came from teh CATHOLIC CHURCH


Christianity is a Religion of cucks. Embrace the truth.



















Begone, you leftwing parasites.




Why do you guys make niggerbeats? This is real white music youtu.be/iDEdZfnULIg


How is Fashwave different musically than new retro wave? It seems like the only real distinction in most Fashwave (Xurious or Cyber Nazi) are the visual aesthetics.



What's sucking dick like?
You fucking leaf cuck scum cunt,
Enjoy your internationalist capitalis JEW overlords while jamal and chang fuck your girl.



Joseph retro Stein on YouTube puts other producers music on his channel

