So Sup Forums, have you visited the Mecca?

So Sup Forums, have you visited the Mecca?

what anime & manga is this

Isn't Mecca closed off to non-Muslims?

Jisseikatsu, it fucking sucks and makes me want to die.


Yes, I have been there roughly 10 times.

The actual mecca is Comiket. Until you see the steam cloud, you haven't witnessed enlightenment yet.

Yes I went to Maidreamin, looked through stores, bought a figure and played Melty at the arcade. It was fun.

1. Why would I when I get all that stuff for free in a good language
2. Why are you using a trip when there's no reason for you to use a trip

Nah man that's Medina!

Too bad that "Medina" is now a tourist trap. Everything is expensive. You are better off buyfagging on amazon

My first maid cafe in Akiba was @Home.

Did I make the right choice ?

I dunno it's the only one I've been to. It's the kind of experience I'd only care to do once but it was fun.

If I remember right I went to maidreamin, that was a pretty good time. I'll have to see if I can dig up the flyer that I saved from them. They were such cuties

akihabara is dead

I'm a manlet and probably one of the ugliest people you will ever see. I have enough trouble going outside as it is, I couldn't imagine going to another country.

Oh good, I'm in the right timeline.

It was ok.

Is this overrated? Going next summer, don't know what to expect.

I'd like to go at some point or at least learn Japanese to read untranslated manga. One of my classmates at college lived there for a few decades and said the language isn't too hard if you study it enough.

Depends on what you want out of it. It's touristy and commercial but it's still a lot of fun.

We must expand the Japanese Shogunate! Kill and enslave the white-devil! The emperor is the one true sun god!

love your fashion yukio baby