When will we annex mexico?

>End mexican immigration, cause they'll all be Americans
>crack down on drug criminals in mexico
> le 56% only becomes perfect le 50%

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...Not a bad idea actually.

only the north area

This, I wouldn't want anything south of Durango, even that might be too far.

>The Guatemalan wall would be shoter and cheaper


Broke: Annex Mexico
Woke: Invade and kill every Mexican in sight and colonize the territory

>tfw polk didnt annex it and kick them out a century ago

The Panama wall would be even shorter.


We should, It's our destiny! Canada is also American soil!

>128 million more mexicans
no thanks

It'll be a violent annex, we should wipe them all out and take their land. Chase off the survivors into Columbia.

We have to get all the race traitor faggots in the government first, who will continue to subvert every attempt by white males to organize for their own interests.

We don't even want the mexicans we have now though.

I predict in 20 years all Hispanics will be considered white

Pass. Canada is far more beneficial.

>>End mexican immigration, cause they'll all be Americans
Mexican will alway be Mexicans (Except chicanos fuck those guys)
>>crack down on drug criminals in mexico
>Implying drug cartels are not run by CIA, USA Goverment and Mexican Goverment
>> le 56% only becomes perfect le 50%
If you consider Mexicans have almost 0% nigger, asian or jew blood at all, maybe it will increase to 58% or so
Even with all your weapons, budget and technology, it would be a nightmare invading a country the size of Mexico, the weather, the mountains and forests in the center, the jungle in the south, and stuff like disentery and infections it will create more casualties than you would believe.

Also all Americans are usually pussy faggots who can even stand 10 minutes under Mexican summer.

Our country is incomplete until we have conquered the continent. where are your balls soyboy?

Of coarse there won't be enough whites in america for the leftists to make the villians.

oh please save us for princess cuckdeau

No, I looked it up you're le 33%

>not wanting to annex both Mexico and Canada

Kill yourself and listen to the words of John C. Calhoun. There were very good reasons why implementing the entirety of Mexico was stupid idea. Not only that, but Mexico should be grateful we never turned them into our puppet like we did with Cuba and the Philippines.
>The next reason assigned is, that either holding Mexico as a province, or incorporating her into the Union, would be unprecedented by any example in our history. We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of holding them in subjection, or of incorporating them into our Union. They have been left as an independent people in the midst of us, or have been driven back into the forests. Nor have we ever incorporated into the Union any but the Caucasian race. To incorporate Mexico, would be the first departure of the kind; for more than half of its population are pure Indians, and by far the larger portion of the residue mixed blood. I protest against the incorporation of such a people. Ours is the Government of the white man. The great misfortune of what was formerly Spanish America, is to be traced to the fatal error of placing the colored race on an equality with the white. That error destroyed the social arrangement which formed the basis of their society. This error we have wholly escaped; the Brazilians, formerly a province of Portugal, have escaped also, to a considerable extent, and they and we are the only people of this continent who have made revolutions without anarchy. And yet, with this example before them, and our uniform practice, there are those among us who talk about erecting these Mexicans into territorial Governments, and placing them on an equality with the people of these States. I utterly protest against the project.

Canada has a lot of untapped resources that they are too concerned with the environment to tap into.

I agree, Canada first, they have resources that will help us when we invade Mexico.

Canada First. Mexico can be territories at best.

>>The Guatemalan wall would be shoter and cheaper
plus the nigger tier countries further south send worse people. They get through Mexshitco and into US easily. Cut em off early. Kill half the country eliminating the drug cartels and I'm good.

Last time i checked the US invaded and won.

Lmao beaner mexshitco has less of an economy than Texas. We could starve every city in 3 months and wipe out 95% of the population.

I want nothing to do with mexico, tbqh.

But user, imagine how the country would look spanning the entire continent!

It's probably more like 45-55% considering historical immigration patterns, population genetics of non-Indian mexicans, ongoing emigration of mexico's indian underclass to the US and the life expectancy difference between indians and everyone else in Mexico

But it doesn't really matter

>dude the US will suffer casualties from 19th century diseases and shit

Maybe if our army was the mexican army. This is like Canadians trying to argue they'd hide in the forests and become snownigger guerillas.

>never turned them into a puppet
Lmao yeah right.


lol Canadians are even more soyboy than the USA.

he isnt wrong there was quite a bit of attrition on both sides, obviously not bad compared to European wars, but still pretty considerable.

Faggot UN Agenda 21/TPP bullshit. You had your chance pedo kikes. Now DOTR

We occupied Mexico City, it would be even easier to do this time around considering you guys don't even have tanks

The average Mexican has 5-15% sub-saharan African ancestry, you fucking retard.

what why NS but not NB?

its loosely based on some things Polk proposed so it probably not complete or accurate.

No thanks. I don't want to be forced to accept all of Central America as citizens for being born in US territory. Let's just play geopolitical chess by funding drug cartels and destabilize them so they're powerless to affect US politics while keeping their refugees as cheap manual labor and second class citizens

All hail the empire

>Maybe if our army was the mexican army.
I never met a single American that came to Mexico and didn't get sick in the first 2 days.

>The average Mexican has 5-15% sub-saharan African ancestry, you fucking retard.
>American education

>We invaded Mexico city while you where busy fighting France and having an internal Civil War at the same time.
Oh wow, what an accomplishment! I bet you are proud you invaded fully armed and technologically advanced societies like Irak, Vietnam, Afghanistan

"An autosomal genetic study which included the states of Mexico, Morelos, Puebla, Queretaro and Mexico City determined the average ancestry of the central region of Mexico to be 52% European 39% Amerindian, and 9% African"


>A Mexican of any level of Mexican "Education"

>5 states
Imagine if DNA studies in America picks only Michigan, NY and California
>2011 samples
>52% European
Fucking shit, we are 60% Amerindian, we are not European that much

Remember these studies are made by (((them)))


This study was performed by Mexicans, tons of other studies say the same thing, go get your DNA tested, you're part nigger, almost all Mexicans are.

>An autosomal genetic study performed in the town of Metztitlan in the state of Hidalgo reported that the average genetic ancestry of the town's autochthonous (indigenous) population was 64% Amerindian, 25% European and 11% African


I just want Baja California. That place seems like it would be the perfect vacation destination.

>Another 127 million welfare recipients.

no thanks

That map is perfect.

>That place seems like it would be the perfect vacation destination.
Dude that's like the shittiest beach in Mexico, Cancun and those places near Caribbean is where is at.

>An autosomal DNA meta-analysis of the aforementioned study done in 2015 found a similar profile "After conducting the meta-analyses, the Mexican population has a pooled 31%, 6%, and 62% of European, African, and Amerindian ancestry proportions, respectively


>A study made by the University College London which included multiple Latin American countries and was made with the collaboration of each countries' anthropology and genetics institutes reported the genetic ancestry of Mexican Mestizos was 56% Native American, 37% European and 5% African making Mexico, after Peru, the country with the highest Amerindian ancestry.


>Nahua-speaking Indigenous peoples from the state of Veracruz have a mean European ancestry of 42% and an African ancestry of 22%.


Yeah, please do and hurry before we get a leftist maniac in office.

Its because Mexico barely has it colonized, most of the state is pristine like it was when Americans first arrived in California. Theres like one city in the South which is full of Tourtist and then the next city is Tijuana which is on the border. Everything in between that is just wilderness and old Oak forest that Mexico never logged for some reason and jesse venturas house that is off the grid.

No. We need to kick some fuckers OUT. Commifornia, Florida, and Mississippi to start. We need to cut the cancer out not attach more. And Utah is on notice. That cult is one inch above Scientology. We need to thin the herd. Let the crap states become part of Mexico or Canada. We don't need 'em.

Kicking California out and THEN annexing Mexico might be cool.

Lmao you can't even do this to the current ones.

Soon. the north American union is coming, its what the globalists want

Theres so much real estate in that state that it could pump up the American economy with a new housing boom. Trump should offer to buy the state from the Mexican goverment.

Only the north and south, the center has too many Mexicans

Fuck that. I live in a city with mexicans. Fuck those fucks. Let mexico burn in hell while we laugh on top our wall.

Considering how hispanic America is gonna get, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys request to join the union. I mean after all, once the language barrier is gone the barrier to annexation is lowered.

It would certainly swing NA left if the news keeps attacking white males and forces white males to embrace white pride leaving mexico alienated and voting completely blue just like 97% of black women.

Canada is a more valuable resource, but any kind of mexico+usa combination would fuck us hard.

Yeah but can the economy tank the hit?

They basically already are. Fucking wake me up inside.

F that!

Mormons are among the best people and the among the whitest. But I agree they've been cucking a lot.

>actually thinking this is a good idea


>they cant illegally sneak into our borders if they're already in it!

Mormons aren't much better than (((them))).

Why would a brown skinned person with half indian ancestry ever be white? Castizos will be white, as they should be.

You'll annex Mexico when Jacob Rothschild tells both the Mexican and American governments to go to war with one another so he can depopulate both countries.

If you think America and Mexico aren't controlled by the same people, you're hugely mistaken.

Sorry bud, you guys are part Negro, the non-Negros came to Texas by the 1800s

>he thinks Mexico is worse off than Brazil
clearly, he is retarded

how deluded can you be

Holy fuck, I need to take the baja pill

Good God thread starter. I'm a big fan of annexing Mexico after stopping the CIA from promoting the cartel driven corrupt government. The southern boarder will be insanely easy to control. The major issue is transition. They cannot become stares right away. They'd start as territories with limited access to travel to States.
The Mexican territories need to prove the ability to integrate into us rule of law while maintaining a standard of English education and literacy before applying for statehood

Now we're talking

Its shit because is not under American Sovereignty

Unless you plan on living in a city that is currently in Mexico this is retarded, because they sure as fuck are going to come live in yours.

Never because the gringos do not like us and we do not want them either.

>US invaded Canada.
>Genocides leftist Canadians (basically over 60% of them)
>Taps into natural resources, no more liberals and natives to protest.
>New Golden age dawns.

If you mean they support them, then yeah you're right. But most Christians have been fooled into being good goys, so that's not unique to Mormons. Other than that, they aren't degenerates by and large.


why don't we just annex haiti and every other non-white shithole in the world?

My y chromosome has been in the us since 1660s. Almost been here just as long as England, before that house of reginar and Roman recruited Frankish generals

Deluded about what? Mexico and America at war, or the fact they're both owned by the Rothschild Banking dynasty/City of London?

You certainly want to come here and set up shop. Tell your family and friends to stay fucking put, Paco.

>Doesn't include any of actual Manitoba

All the race traitors are in the north. You can start there.

Found the Ms 13 shit poster

It would slowly be integrated.

You'd make the U.S. permanently blue. It would become a socialist/communist hell hole in no time.


>He assumes they wouldn't just be genocided

Hey Mexico. We don't fucking want you.

But what we will do is give you back California.

Mormons are even more influenced by (((them))) then other Christians.

why don't you settle all immigrants to california then return california to mexico

This, in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the globalists encourage america to do this on purpose so they can continue to destroy the remains of ''freedom'' in america