
yo fags 23&me thread
are you fully white? prob not lmao
american mudshits


77.3% lol

low effort slide thread designed to subvert and distract discussion on Sup Forums by a UN Meme flag faggot. Dont give DNA to companies


unlike (((you))) I'm actually white

my mother's mother may be 100% jewish but
none of you 100% guaranteed are 100% white, especially cos you're americans.

Whiter than you, Shekelberg.


Whiter than you, Kikesteinberg.

Wow and I thought the Anglo meme was just that, a meme.

>none of you 100% guaranteed are 100% white
I literally got my DNA tested kike. I am 100% white. Even without the DNA test, I can trace my family back to England and Scotland. No nigger lovers in my family, we were poor farmers, not plantation owners.
>especially cos you're americans
amerimutt meme is jidf psyop confirmed

prove it fag

Didn't Ancestry.com admit in an interview that they put in African results just to fuck with people?

fucking kek

see you fucking retard

>UN Meme flag faggot
Nothing wrong with meme flags. If you are so desperate to point it out then you probably were already going to derail the thread with Sup Forums tier memes like poo in loo or sopa de macaco

Regardless, the North African would make sense in the context of a heavy Italian/Greece heritage.
I think that was 23&me either way.

i made this thread you fucking retard cuck
your african is showing



you're 0.01% jew
therefore not pure??
come join me in gas chamber u fucking faggot kike

>22.7% Jewish

>hahahaha being

>putting "hahaha" in greentext
welcome to Sup Forums you leddit fucking cancer nigger
kill yourself you inpure mongrel american fag

Seriously. How new are you?

>Seriously. How new are you?

hahahhuuuuhhahauuuu ya broooo r u white bro
[meme about op being a faggit and choking on 6 millino dicks]


Can I be in the ethnostate Anons?

>giving your DNA to a third party company that admits to fucking with the results to piss off racists