What bodes well to survive in the current world? Being sober or having a vice like weed/alcohol...

What bodes well to survive in the current world? Being sober or having a vice like weed/alcohol. Where's the off button on this ride

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Alcohol makes me feel like shit but cannabis is awesome. couldn't live without it.

Cannabis makes me feel like shit, but Ampetamines are awesome.

Amphetamines make me feel like shit, but 2d is awesome.

>couldn't live without it.
Clear evidence of cannabis addiction. Consider various methods used for overcoming addiction.

Weed is not physically addictive.

Alcohol is literally the only drug that will kill you while detoxing.


learn to discipline yourself than you will have the power to balance all of the things and live in the moment.

my life is fine I make decent enough money and have lots of hobbies.

amphetamines make me feel shitty. tried low dose adderall for a week and my back started to kill me.



Weed and booze my man.

benzos will kill you too

that being said, alcohol is shit and weed is way better.

I would choke and hate fuck her while wearing lmaopl8 and pointing an AR15 at her head

OP offers you two choices
>be a degenerate
>be a productive member of society
blue-pill af user

2d feels like shit but I can't stop smoking salvia

Anyone that believes those two are the same people is a fucking retard

I think it was Jesus that said:
"Never trust a man with no visible vises."

Salvia is like pure distilled confusion and discomfort


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread of disheveled humanity and compulsion.

not if used right, it's used by shamans for a reason, you just have to be ready for the trip you're going to go on

these guys are fucking idiots, you don't use salvia to get high

Cocaine triggered my diabetes that I was pretty sure I was going to get anyways, stay away from that shit.

Can someone explain a mushroom high

about have of acid, depending on the dose. Don't trust how movies and shit portray it, its not something you replicate. Word to the wise though, have your mental shit in order, if you don't and you take psychedelics that shit is gonna amplify your issues, it might help you fix them but it'll be horrifying

half not have, fuck

Do you hallucinate and see it visually, as in do you feel the fabric of reality twisting and moving as if fluid or is it all just a bunch of bullshit? I was sold the idea that psycdelics make you see shit. I want to see a leprachaun dancing

You're sense of self will distort into something slightly different, everything will start to breath, shadows and colors will get deeper, faces and shapes will start to morph out of leaves and clouds, you'll start to have alien thought patterns about the world around you things will seem new, the mundane extremely funny, and the philosophical extraordinarily deep. Its a profound life changing experience. It also gets you high.

did 3 8th oz of em in college at once with friends. ended up on a gravel road trying to start a signal fire by holding a lighter to a big ass log because we were convinced we accidentally drove to Canada. (lived in Missouri and were like 2 miles from town). Had a paranoia trip, thought bigfoot was disguised as one of my friends and tried to warn the other friends telepathically about big foot. Then I got even more paranoid because I figure bigfoot could read my mind.

there are visuals, but really everyone is different, it's an internal journey so no one can tell you what itll be

for instance when I was on acid I saw the fractals in everything, from the gravel in the street to the bark and leaves of the trees and into the stars, I felt the connections to everything

do 2ci or acid for visuals. If u do too many shrooms either this will happen, everything will look like dots, or you'll puke and sometimes the puke looks red even though it really isn't so you'll freak out thinking it is blood. lol. Really just a waste of time. You will shit your pants the next day.

I watched a painting erase and repaint itself for like 3 hours, while norm macdonald narrated the whole event in my head.

>there's that painting there, painting itself you know. Wouldn't you know it, it's erasing itself again there. Hey look at that! It's doing it again

This is why it is legal. Like morning glory, horse weed, thistle, nutmeg etc... they are all fucking stupid


no that was Buck Strickland

I just stopped smoking weed a month ago m8, its not as hard as you think. But the mindless drones that do it cant because they cant do anything but be complete fuckups.

Weed culture is cancer and attracts the dumbest people ive ever met in my entire life.

facts. It takes away drive, I drink vodka maybe once a week so I don't sperg out and kill jews.