Testosterone Levels

I knew the problem was bad, but those stats that Tucker Carlson just put out were mind boggling, especially how much T-levels have fallen for the average male. List everything you know to raise them or reverse the damage being done. I need data!

Obviously diet is the major I'm aware of-you need lots of meat, but a lot of meat is also filled with hormone right?
Less frequent masturbation

What else?

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>not taking super male vitality

no Whey it is worse than Soy
That too

don't be a fat american, that's probably the best advice for your T levels

zinc, fenugreek and vitamin d

mens multivitamins have very small amounts of these each, so instead buy them individually, you'll feel manlier in a week guaranteed.

low zinc diet is a main cause (meat, shellfish etc)

low sun exposure is another, using sunscreen blocks the skin absorbing vitamin d.

I'm actually underweight ironically...but I've gained roughly 4lb to 5lb this month after a conscious effort of diet and consistent lifting.

good tips thanks I'll check out...are they expensive? I keep reading about endocrine disruption inhibiting normal hormone production...what can be done about that?

Hmm I probably need more sun although I do consume a good bit of Vit D in my diet

Whey is bad too? wtf just about the only carb I eat to help gain weight is brown rice with every meal...I might start trying quinoa

increase your thyroid health.

alot of people have a underactive thyroid, this is basically like the idle switch of your body.

vitamins aren't that much, probably cheaper in the US than here. probably get a few months worth for $20 bucks. just make sure you get the ones with the highest amount in them. alot are mixed with fillers.

sun/uv exposure is the higher dose of vitamin D by far, without taking pills.

I got mine tested and was at 800 something. And I get shit sleep and have a bad diet, so if I fixed that I could probably hit 900 or 1000

That might be worth doing, how is it measured I've never researched it...what's considered normal or sufficient and what is low end or high end?

okay good to know...guess I'll get some sun each now

I actually believe I have an overactive thyroid, I've always had a hard time gaining weight no matter what I try...I wonder how this would affect my T-levels

that would mean you have a hyperactive thyroid.

you can fix that, go see a doctor

Exogenous testosterone is the only way to navigate the perilous (((environment))) we live in.

lift heavy
the thicker the neck the higher the t

Nice try, kike. Would slicing off my nutsack also increase T-levels?

zinc. take with food, that ain't no joke. bazooka-barfed the first few times before reading instructions. was a raging sumbitch, but hammering gash like a madman within a week.

1. take sunlight
2. apply to testicles

yes i do it, and no i'm not joking (and desu i don't care if it's bs or not, cause it feels great)



in the EU we have much of the American processed garbage banned.

yet, our T levels are still low and we love watching our women get fucked by brown men since that's the only thing that gets use rect.