What is wrong with people? I just went into a Tim Hortons (inb4 Leaf), wearing my MAGA hat, to order a coffee...

What is wrong with people? I just went into a Tim Hortons (inb4 Leaf), wearing my MAGA hat, to order a coffee. The girl with thick rimmed glasses behind the counter asked if I was wearing my MAGA hat seriously.

>me: yes
>her (in a short, barely audible voice): cool. my parents were deported.
>me: What?
>Her: They were Canadian. They had Visas and the "Trump Regime" (!) deported them
>Me: oh well

My coffee was cold. Relevant molymeme video

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Had people over a party in Boston, they stole my Trump flag out of my room.

fucking mongrels man

How could Trump deport them?

They want to USA? They weren't Canadians?

What race was she?

She was white. I mean, its not like the Trump regime, as she called it, could deport them unless their visas had expired, or some LEGAL reason like that. You cant believe these people or expect them to interact with you rationally. My response, "oh well" was the correct one.


I like where this is going


they got raked.


I live in the North End and aside from the occasional tourist, lots of people loved my MAGA hat and several people had trump signs in windows

Why didn't you ask for a manager and tell said manager that this hoe was giving you flack over your goddamn hat. I guarantee that she'd be reprimanded, and they'd probably give you something for it too.

She should be happy Trump reunited them with her

hm... so donald trump and his posse got all up in this ladies parent's grill and was like "yo give me them (legal visas that allow you in the country)"
and they was like "nuh uh, DRUJMPF! you can suck my maple cock cuz we ain't leavin,"
then trump got all steamed and deported them.

I just wanted a coffee. By the time I realized it was cold was I was already driving away,

>Deported by Trump
Excuse me but what the fuck?

Yeah, all the Trump voters I know IRL are lunch money cases, too. They all got fucked with in school and continue to get fucked with in adulthood, similarly to you it sounds.

>people being fucked with all their lives take a stand by voting in someone who's opinions are counter to the current narrative
>the left STILL can't figure out how this happened
Better bully the average white man some more, right? That'll go well for your side, I'm sure.

>Trump brings families together

Liberals are a special kind of hateful. In 2017 a guy I dated and loved very much died. A mutual friend called to console me, and kept pushing politics. I finally gave up and told him I was voting for Trump. He screamed a lot of horrible shit at me and hung up. I didn’t feel comfortable attending the funeral, largely because his ex-wife was a crazy bitch and always gave us hell (LEGIT mentally ill) but also I did NOT want to have to deal with that guy again. Anyway, I was given absolutely nothing, no letters or cards I’d sent, no gifts I’d given him, NOTHING, because the ones who were trusted to handle his personal belongings were raging liberals. One of them had PROMISED to give me a few things, but when I shared with him how the other guy verbally abused me over being pro Trump, he stopped talking to me and I received nothing. I hate liberals.

I totally understand what happened - you thought voting for a blowhard would make you feel tougher by proxy. And yet, here you are, still yourself, stuck with your same old problems, forever a lunch money case.

Liberals burn with intense hate and jealously for anything good and beautiful

Do you really think you can shame or insult anyone? You're shit is profoundly weak. The snideness gives away your act, faggot. Your impotence is practically palpable thru your comments.

Why does she hate both Canada and America? Isn't Tim Hortons a nice place for her to work?


What the fuck is up with all these people wanting to come here? It's not like Canada is some 3rd world ghetto.

You know what's funny? His oddly specific use of the phrase "lunch money case" marks him out to the AI that the social justice types have used Sup Forums to train. He's going to be identified on whatever other websites he posts on by his speech patterns, and classified as a Trump supporter right along with the rest of us. He has already become the thing he hates, and he doesn't even know it yet.

Apparently you've never been to Toronto.

They think Sup Forums cares what a bunch of trannys think

I haven't but I have a hard time believing it's worse than our cities.

If the border patrol can't catch them, why does a frumpy SJW with an old gopro and an entry level DSLR think she can?

Cambridge is so cucked.

>My coffee was cold
You go back to the counter and say your coffee is cold and you want a new one. If they bitch, talk to a manager. If they balk, talk to the GM or contact the consumer hotline that Tim Hortons likely has for complaints about stores. Climb the ladder.

It's basically China.

That's a shockingly legitimate criticism of his policy.

Apparently they weren't here legally. They have to go.

There was a movie with Ryan Reynolds and that famous skinny woman with no tits about a Canadian tryna get the green card.
Betty White was in it too.

The Proposal

What? That non Americans don't get to just break into our country whenever they want?

Toronto ain't bad. Currently living there. A decent city stuck with a 1950s subway system that was constructed before they ever thought the city would grow to the size it is today.

And the city's like 51% non-white, so racists are up in arms about that. Oh, and it's fucking expensive. Montreal is superior.

No will ever protest white people being deported. If they did it would be labled as alt right.

*no one

The second wall will be to the North

Pretty soon, Canadians will consider just being white racist.


Don't take it the wrong way, but your city is seriously depressing with all of those carbon copy skyscrapers with people packed in like sardines.

The first wall should be on the Canadian border. Muslims are a much greater threat to our lives than Mexicans are

Cambridge is full of fags and degenerates. the liberal colleges absolutely ruined what was once a decent town

You’ve just shown why this thread is shill and loss of time.

>our country
t Moved to America during childhood

For legal reasons.

It's not like Trump is breaking laws. He's just enforcing long-standing laws that have been neglected. Trump is a law and order president, not a "fuck the laws, let's just do what politically expedient" sort of president , like every president before him.

I’ve seen a place selling these hats at west Edmonton mall, been thinking about getting one.

Then why do you think you get to stay? You had your time here, and now you had to go back.

>not spiking those bottles with arsenic

>law and order
das rayciss.


Where though?

Wtf fuck is a lunch money case?
Toronto is filled with PoCs but it’s not Is level violent. Give them enough time and guns and yeah they’ll get worse. Aboriginals/redskins/chugs are the real violent ones here

First thing that happens when you dip below 50%

>modern leftists
aren’t the biggest bunch of social misfit mutants the world has ever seen, it’s actually those damn Drumpf people

Aaaaarrrgghhh should not have included don’t know how that happened

Pretty sure shes barely interested in Mexicans but scoring brownie points at the ASU Cronkite School of Journalism... aka SJW Propaganda Politburo

Actually she should be arrested.

Shes aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise. She should at least pay a fine.

>The epic story of the time user got cold coffee.
>The coffee shoah isreal!!!

I know people who drive out in the desert and look for these drops, then load it up, take it back into the city, and give it to homeless Americans who actually deserve it. The Mexicans have their own country, they should stay in it.

You should just dissolve exlax in a few then the wetbacks will never trust it again

>deported to Canada
Oh The humanity

Ex lax and dehydration is very dangerous btw

Fuck Illegals niggers.
Got my student visa denied even if im a wealthy bastard here in shitaly and even if i went thorugh all the processes. All because fucking illegals make everything harder for people like me to go abroad and study. Fuck YOU.

>be canadian
>get deported even though you have the proper papers

Trump showing the leafs what's what