What does Sup Forums about fredriech niestschze ?


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Fryderyk Niecki*

At least learn to spell before typing your first sentence

he said some cool things

hes not the nazi l33t mast0r that people on the internet seem to claim he is if you actually read his works

Zarathustra is his best work, id start there.

The father of postmodernism. The guy who verbalized the disgust the jews have for all races and gave the green light for satanic murders, pedophilia and completely amoral living.

A piece of shit. Good writer though.

>hated anti-semitism
>hated nationalism
He would have hated our ressentiment-fueled white identity politics

>he said some cool things

"It's not enough to tell men the truth [truth being neitzsche's opinion] you have to seduce them"
consider yourself seduced, brainlet.

>Zarathustra is his best work, id start there
Confirmed for never having read Nietzsche

I interested in reading his work, but I wouldn't know where to begin.
I also heard you need to have read some other philosophers to understand his references.

oh ya, Neitzsche was a freemason (satanist)

'Truth' according to Nietzsche:
>A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms—in short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.

He is the father of postmodernism


zarathustra is a poetic masterpeice and everything else nietzsche writes is autistic shit that your philosophy 101 teacher criticized and made it out to be everything that he believes.

Read Zarathustra to understand the superman, and will to power, and eternal recurrence, and you will understand Nietzsches other works.

Everyone else fuck off.

>I also heard you need to have read some other philosophers to understand his references.

Neitzsche is retard level philosophy. it's actually anti-philosophy. Philosophy was written in the era before neitzsche- gibberish after. You should read aristotle, plato des cartes, kant, hegel

I'd say yes to this, but it would probably be better to start with Beyond Good and Evil and/or On the Genealogy of Morals.
Zarathustra has a lot of his ideas inherent in it that could be easy to miss on a first read.
I'd say, once you've understood Master/Slave morality, Resentement, and Nietzsche's Subjectivity, you're good to go on reading Zarathustra.

Nice mustache.
Read beyond good and evil if you want a grasp of him.

>I also heard you need to have read some other philosophers to understand his references.

You do, and a lot of the stuff will go over your head. I understood maybe 5-10% of The Genealogy of Morals and Beyond Good and Evil, but still feel it was worth the time. Start with those, and then consider Thus Spoke Zarathustra after those two.

I wouldn't start with Zarathustra without having an understanding of him first.

i met a catholic philosopher that said either god exists and natural laws exist or Nietzsche is a prophet.

choose 1 OP

And how could I forget the will to power.

Just start with The Antichrist and Beyond Good and Evil. Then On The Genealogy of Morals.

>zarathustra is a poetic masterpeice

you're a brainlet faggot. Neitzsche is like a sociopathy test, if you're a subhuman narcissist, you love neitzsche. If you have a mind and a soul, you recognize that he's a psychopathic satan worshiping kike lover that had really good prose but really amoral and degenerate ideas. The decline of Western thought began with that faggot

Poles are the most appreciated members of pol on Nietzsche threads
Burgers stay the fuck out

>And how could I forget the will to power.
Because it's a perversion of his writings, you thick cunt

People that rave about neitzsche are puppet for professors. They love him because any idiot can understand him (opr think they do), and because they don't have the mental capacity nor the education to understand real philosophy.

You should be careful of the ideological heroes they push on you in college. Some people are too naive to realize that.

Bretty funny thx for my sides

>will to power

the basis of postmodernism and the captivity of the human mind. There is no truth, there is no such thing as morality, the only thing that matters in life is possessing and expressing power.

Degenerate as fuck. It's no wonder every social scientist in every college in America livers and breathes that ideology.

that's rich coming from you canuck
I actually started with On the Genealogy of Morals. Wouldn't recommend doing that though

>Just start with The Antichrist and Beyond Good and Evil. Then On The Genealogy of Morals.

Or alternatively, ignore the kike shills attempting to degrade you intellectually and read real philosophers.

He preaches that adversity is good.
And it is.

For the most part, we about him.

>Bretty funny thx for my sides

day of the rake faggot

Except its true.

Go back to your noble lies, enlightened one.

Utter nonsense. I know that people who don't know anything about philosophy are confused by the difference, but Nietzsche wasn't a philosopher. He was, at best, a humanist. He rambled incoherent, unstructured nonsense that didn't even pretend to approach being logical, without a thought to validity and a disdain for soundness.

He was a dude with a mental illness who would'a been a decent writer, if it weren't for all the mental illness.

Look at the canuck post... 0 christcuck retard ranting
Look at the burger post... well that's pretty much it.
You guys are insufferable faggots on these threads and its always like that.

>He preaches that adversity is good.

Who gives a shit? The entire thrust of all of his work is that every man should live as an amoral, kike loving satanist. People that like neitzsche are either ignorant of the psychopathy of his work or they are scumbags.

>he guy who verbalized the disgust the jews have
You're a faggot if you think freemasonry has anything to do with satan

>Go back to your noble lies, enlightened one.

go back to your whitey hating communist professor, brainlet.

Kant's absolutism is gay and unrealistic

>He was a dude with a mental illness who would'a been a decent writer, if it weren't for all the mental illness.

Sounds like Joyce too. Ever read Ulysses? It's schizophrenia.

I'm reading the Will to Power and he seems like he knows the jew all too well. Apparently his sister was an anti-semite too?

I'll just post nice quotes from Nietzsche to try to hide you burgers a bit

The Chinese have a proverb that mothers teach their children from the cradle: ciao-sin, "make a little heart". Such is the fundamental tendency of worn-out civilizations: I am certain that a former Greek, if he came to regard the Europeans of today, would be struck first by our own way of diminishing ourselves; for this reason already we would not be "to his taste".

>You're a faggot if you think freemasonry has anything to do with satan

add freemasonry to what I'm sure is a long list of things you don't know shit about.


>Kant's absolutism is gay and unrealistic

oh yeah, why's that?

His work is about overcoming and becoming something greater than we are through strength of will, determination, force, power, ect

its about living a life that we would not look back and have done it any other way

becoming more than human

Its about getting out the fucking cave

Ulysses was just fine. That and Dubliners? Great, even.

But a house is not a fucking protagonist and Finnigan's Wake can eat a million dicks and thirty-five gallons of sloppy shit, topped off with a forty-ounce of horse-cum.

He hated nationalism in the measure where it bred untermensch who took pride in things they were not, who took pride in comfort.
He was too nuanced for you pleb
As for anti seminism he appreciated the will of power. He didnt per say tolerate judaism as much as he thought it was a good idea.
Way too nuanced for the pleb to read

Because, much like Nietzsche, you lack an argument?

Zarathustra is some poetry-ass faggotry. Don’t listen to this retard. Read Twilight of the Idols, Geneology of Morals, and Beyond Good & Evil.

He hated everything. Because he was dying from syphilis. Which caused mental illness.

Masonry is Judaism for dumb faggot goys.

I took an ethics class and my prof introduced Nietzsche with a laugh, remarking he was trendy and overrated but still worth talking about.

I wasn't really left with too much of an impression of his philosophy. Not really much stayed with me. But, I was intrigued by this quote:
"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine."

Made me start to think that maybe I was living life in kind of a shitty way. I felt like I was letting other people dictate too much of my life, and it really was making me miserable. I realized I should rely on myself when it came to thinking and making decisions. I value learning about him and other philosophers for helping me reach conclusions like this and ultimately improve my own life.

Ohh ohh, heres another one, go be a burger somewhere else.
"And you tell me, friends, that" tastes and colors should not be discussed. "But all life is a struggle for tastes and colors!
The taste is at the same time the weight, the scale and the weigher; and woe to all living things who would like to live without struggle because of weights, scales and weights! "

I'm always amazed at how stupid you neitzsche psychopaths can be.

Neitzsche was a mason, dipshit. He did what masons always do- create the problem, offer the solution. the thing is, you're so credulous that you're incapable of understanding that he created the problem of future nihilism then offered as a solution amoral satanism.

Yes abandon your God and nihilism is the result. But the idea that technology would make religion fade is of kike origin, so if you believe it, you're already sucking a hebrew dick.

funny how the jew religion didn't fade, isnt it?

>the only thing that matters in life is possessing and expressing power.

Or you could interpret it as justification for disregarding the "moral" argument against racialism, fascism, anti democratic thought, as there is no objective truth and "the truth" as it is presented to the average prole is inevitably tainted by propaganda, so why not OUR propaganda that encourages a proud and bold people to pursue their own destiny?

Nietzsche is ruthless will to power.

I've got a PhD in philosophy, leaf-fag. If you think you have something to say? Go ahead and try to frame it. Happy to ruin your little fantasy that Nietzsche was anything but profoundly a douche.

look at professors little parrot! Your gender studies professor would be so proud of you right now!

Yeh I also had philosophy teachers who got confused with theology what can we do about it except larp

>I can spew nonsense and pretend it's meaningful because I lack anything-in-particular to say

More like to become a true man, you have to abandon religion, embrace meaningless existence, stare it in the eye, and still cultivate the will to become great.

Christfags always interpret freeing oneself from religious doctrine as becoming a degenerate.

>Ulysses was just fine

I didn't like ulysses. First of all, you have to read a goddamn manual to explain it since it is full of so many obscure references to turn of the century irish culture. lit, and religion, but secondly because the thought processes of every character was schizophrenic. They were all stephen dadealus.

I'll admit Nietzsche is too vague for the pleb to pick up and for this he is a danger. But I honestly think if you read it properly you could run a pretty civil and non servile society. Which we need. Christcucks are too much about the servile. They spit on the Dionysian because of their Apollonian cowardice while calling it wise.
That's just how it is.

Literally this. Don't waste your time with more of the modern style philosophers who argue that we can't know anything.

A mason? What the fuck? Source.

You know when Nietzsche talks about God being dead, he's saying, that God is dead in the way that he no longer has the vitality and influence in life that He used to have. And he is right. He's not saying that there is no god. Dipshit.

Nietzsche wasn't against God. Nietzsche was against false priests who accumulated personal power, in the name of God, but not really for God. His experience with religion and what he saw drew him away from it.

I believe in God. I am not a leftist. And I still think Nietzsche had some cool points. Not everything he wrote I take as Gospel, but his ideas are important.

Mustache Matt!

Yeah, I took a seminar on Finnigan's Wake. Maybe if I'd taken one on Ulysses, I'd hate that one instead.

If you knew anything about his life you would not post his mustache picture.

All of you faggots seemed to have missed the entire point of Nietzsche. His entire philosophy is to be not held back by the expectations or limits of others. Adversity breeds strength. The phrase is rather popular on Sup Forums
"Good times build weak men. Weak men build bad times. Bad times build strong men. Strong men build good times". This quote could very well have been a summary of Nietzchan thought. It is our duty to ourselves to improve ourselves, to take whatever society throws at us, and keep on marching along. If you seek to achieve something, put your all into it. Let nothing stop you. Be the superman you could be, and if you fail in doing so, take it like a man and pull yourself up again. Nietzsche is then unwitting father of Fascist and Nationalist ideals of Self Improvement and National endeavors. None of this of course, can be truly gifted to the man himself. The thing with Nietzche is that what HE thought his ideals represented is less important than how OTHERS interpret them. Discard some of his ideas, keep the others, and you have the solid basis for self improvement and a truly heroic response to the world around you.

>What does Sup Forums about fredriech niestschze ?

I'll answer your question with a question:


>being this much of brainlet on Nietzsche
Here, this what you are all looking for his opinion on Jews m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dAHeeHcMf0

>"And you tell me, friends, that" tastes and colors should not be discussed. "But all life is a struggle for tastes and colors!

translated from psychotic to english- "all life is the pursuit of physical sensation"


Empathetic weakling. Empathy is the downfall of our people. Grow a pair and realize we must be cold and calculating in order to secure our survival.

you're right, who gives a fuck about the opinions of people on pol

Says the enlightened UberBurger, somehow also saying nothing.. stroking his framed PhD and basking in the feeling of superiority his dominance of anonymous Image boards gives him.

here's your (you), you self actualized alpha.

Then why are you here, retard?

He wasn't vague. Nietzsche did not possess any supernatural insight about which he was being cagey.. He was incoherent. Because he was mentally ill.

Nietzsche is spot on. Christianity is weak
>love your enemy
The Overman is now the way forward for men.

>A mason? What the fuck? Source.
scroll up to the picture of neitzsche doing the hidden hand.

Finally someone in this thread who has read Nietzsche.

Sorry if I cant find the English text as they should be because you're so fucking kiked Id rather use google translate

you're using the incorrect word. empathy is the ability to understand why a person thinks a thing, it doesn't mean condoning or forgiving. empathy is vital for persuasion

why is anyone here, genius?

except he just recognizes the truths this way. he is not obsessed with destroying the truths of the powerful like postmodernists, in fact, he prefers when the powerful force their truths on the world

Nah bro. Didn't say everything I wanted to hear so he's a kike and stuff, dude. Get with it dummy.

seem like you don't quite understand Nietzsche's philosophy

bro you call me a psychopath but you just let your schizophrenia show

Nietzsche hated anti-semites and he hated being associated with them. Will to Power is his sister's fabrication

all of my /thread


Do you have preferences? Because I'm sure you would prefer to have wealth than be poor. Unless you purposely live life antithetical to your personal idea of success.

You're apparently too smart for this place so why don't you fuck off to reddit where you came from, you fucking kike.

What an argument my burger
For some part he was coherent. When he gives historical references and does a pretty good job at explaining how the christian morality comes in part from people like socrates. Yeah pretty fucking rational imo.
If you are christian your opinion on the matter is divinely biased. Who cares what you think

What should I read first from Nietzsche?

>But I honestly think if you read it properly you could run a pretty civil and non servile society.

you stupid, stupid motherfucker. Western society IS based upon the works of Neitzsche. John D Rockefeller Jr. created our modern educational system in the inter war years, and as the guiding force of education, he created the social "sciences", which are offshoots of the works of Neitzsche. How the fuck did you think post modernism became the driving ideological force in our colleges?

after you, A'isha

What am I supposed to be posting an argument against? You made some nonsense claims based on nothing. There's literally no response possible to "invisible pink unicorns live on mars" that doesn't boil down to "nuh uh!"

>Nietzsche hated anti-semites
That’s funny, because he sounds like one here m.youtube.com/watch?v=2dAHeeHcMf0
He didn’t hate them, he hated how they complain about the Jews and never done anything about it. You haven’t read him, just admit it memeflag.

>t. Cuck hipster

I'll send this one again :
"And you tell me, friends, that" tastes and colors should not be discussed. "But all life is a struggle for tastes and colors!
The taste is at the same time the weight, the scale and the weigher; and woe to all living things who would like to live without struggle because of weights, scales and weights! "

Just how is it connected to what we have^
We do not embrace adversity. At all. We embrace all perishing in a multicultural melting pot christian style.

Nietzsche is pretty famous for his rejection of Wagner based on Wagner's antisemitism. This isn't a secret, user. Go to school.

Well then his sister seems to be pretty knowledgeable

The genealogy of morality is a good one to start