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for anyone looking to buy a home in an area that isn't complete shit, wait 2 more years. The bubble is going to pop, and it's going to pop HARD.
You can thank me later.
This is a good thing.
Exactly, the 500k tax break cap is going to slow market speculation. 2012 - 2016 was batshit, easy money, any chinaman welcome.
I'd love to see housing prices go down.
Lots of boomers hoping for "muh equity!", banking on their fucking house as a retirement plan, will be butthurt. But lower housing prices make family formation more affordable for whites, and that translates to more white babies and a smaller percentage of subhuman voters.
Big win if the prices crash and Trump can somehow avoid the political fallout from it.
Cities pass zoning and taxes that making living in a suburban home unnafordable. Renting is quickly becoming the only option that makes financial sense.
>someone's wife is wearing torn pants
>this couple is supposed to be capable of buying a house
I can't wait. I'm 25 and want to be a homeowner by 30. As soon as it pops I'm gonna swoop in and get a dope ass place on tons of land
My real estate customer is T H I C C.
Please be true I'm buying a house in the next year I want to scoop up some cheap property.
you must be new here. the housing market is global now and it will never pop in places like north america as long as buyers in asia and the middle east are buying into the north american market
But interest rates will be higher. Which is worse?
The only places with land are away from the liberal city-hives. You can already get property cheap the further you leave liburbia.
please crash I need a house by like the end of the year.
Finally ive been waiting to buy a fucking house with my crypto gains
Hells yea.
why do retards think that even if houses cost like what, 100? 250K? that fucking anybody can or should afford these cheaply made piles of shit and maintenance. mortgages are pledges on the death of your earthly daddy. that's fucked. no money? no buy it. and nobody has any money. the minute we go printing fake ass interest payment currencies for these mongs is when the rest of us pay up anyways. muh $10K bitcoin without enough electricity to trade. yaaaaaay. all this shit is depressing and fake
Wouldn’t it be a good time to buy if home sales are weak? I’ll be moving in several months and our neighborhood already has some homes that have been for sale for some time. Our current neighbor is a ghetto black renter, im just tired of it.
mfw soon will buy a house for 1.5 LTC
Says increasingly nervous Canadian as his currency prepares to collapse.
yeah there's just so much supply for that price. this is north korea. all houses are bartering chips constructed by the army
If you save all of those payments between now and then you can put more cash down and pay less (((interest))) regardless of rates.
Thanks Don. You did call the recent bottom.
nice economist magazine cover there mr 2018 king of jew debt and jews and fucking degeneracy and being a loser propped up by "jews" and degeneracy. fucking commies. muh trade wars. muh chinese steel. muh h1b's. muh fuggen tree walls. muh stormy daniels and epstein REEEEEEEEEE
My nigga
No its not a good time to buy. Prices are higher than they were before the last crash.
Not where I live. Not even close. If I don't get out to look at a listing the same day it's posted then it's gone, always above asking price. Get fucked.
Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?." This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them."
this may be true. i was expecting the canadian slump last summer to spread but haven't read anything lately.
all lies. post censored bank statements. and you think anybody will thank Dolan for crashing home prices and currencies and markets and whatever the fuck else. muh precious american psycho and satan frogs. ron paul save us with your flames n sheit
Good. Fucking boomers and gen x should stop using houses as investments and retirement plans.
Its a house. If you get BTFO because you followed /biz/ and bought high, sold low, you deserve to get fucked.
nothing is free. with this comes crashed monies
I bought mine in 2010 for almost nothing
Hope my parents sell their house before it does.
no you didnt
just wait until based chink implement smart contracts it might cost even less
>financial sense
This is how you turn a population into serfs. Fucking jewish tricks.
asians already own all of the real estate in canada; its not a secret. if you live in a city that has any worthwhile characteristics they will own it eventually too. when you are looking to buy a home you will be bidding against a multimillionaire that couldnt care less about the idea of a housing market. not only will they outbid you, they wont even feel it at the bank. there will be no market pop
Not my problem the Chinese have replaced Canadians in Vancouver and you can no longer afford a home. It's not like over leveraging mortgages relative to the economy through over speculation could crash a countries debt structure.
truf agenda 21
People dont realize that the communist utopia of no property ownership mean that you become a perpetual renter from the state. It's not going to stop at houses. want a car? you will have to rent it from the government
Computer? Also rented.
yeah. pensions. food. gas. homes. all gone to shit. steel. aluminum. no homes are made with that shit. needs more taxes. and tax cuts. and trump twitter stuff. he even places twitter ads for positions to replace his own quitting or fired cabinet posts. indictments ahoy
did you outright buy your house? no? youre a retard. let your kids make their own money in this den of shit
I did and I agree with him.
My man.
I bought a place in 2012, sold in 2017 and bought a big house on acreage out of the city. The homes around me varied about 15% in price during the 08 crash, compared to the place in 2012 which moved down 70% when I bought low, and up 220% when I sold high.
Flip inner cities on dips.
Buy country and hodl.
waiting for statements. let's go. chop chop. get on one of your insured and like 62 chequings accounts. put a black bar on top by shooping it. and let's go. prove it. prove your mortgage. prove your "home" valuation. prove even insurance payments. i doubt any and all of this :)
The only option is build more houses
Lease Depreciating assets.
Buy Appreciating assets.
People don't into basic accounting.
> Equity market bubble collapse
> Dotcom 2.0 bubble collapse
> Meme coin currency collapse
> Trade wars
> war
> Real estate bubble collapse
> Pension fund collapse
> Boomers cleaned out right as they begin trying to cash out
Crashing w/ no survivors
>leasing a car is good; renting a house is bad
go crash everything. homes and money are intertwined. all debt. theyll come steal the food right out of your mouth. and probably everybody else's. for now. youre going to stay in your debt house under a bridge in those circumstances? maybe a tall building is better. maybe innawoods is better. not your betty boop bankster shit
Of what, how to real estate? Or you want me to scan my titles to 4ch?
Don't forget the next pandemic, we are 100 years since the last one and is right on time for a culling.
it's easy to claim it. easy to doubt it. easy to prove it. i see nothing. where's the 22 trillion in debt not counting derivatives come from? from you. so let's go. prove your big money debts. you wont
i told you what to do. do it. or dont
>hey user, i know you've been saving for years to afford a house to move out of your van, but just wait 2 years until you finally do. trust me bro.
So if I quit renting and live on the streets for 2 years I can get a house? Awesome I'm doing it!
well i hope not, our house is about to sell and my mother owes me 27 grand
>still using (((banks)))
If you can afford to buy a house right now, go ahead, buy one.
But if you can afford to buy a house right now it also means you probably will be able to in the next 2-4 years and you are better off waiting for a market correction.
The choice is yours.
Lmao I am closing on a house in the most prestigious neighborhood of my hometown. And it's coastal.
Even it the housing bubble pops, too, I won't be underwater because I put enough down to ensure that I'll owe less than the place's lowest price during the previous recession.
We're going to need a monarchy soon.
Ok so how can we gain from this , what do we short ?
Liberals will spin this as being Trump's fault, you can count on it. It will influence some normies.
I aleady have a condo but I got it before prices rose again (got it early 2012) so I should be OK long term even with a pop I hope.
There's a 3rd way with cars, which I do.
Since I own my own business I only buy SUV's over 6klbs. You can take a full tax write off in the same year. Next, since you probably have other plant assets to depreciate, and you may not be making big bucks, this is the advice I gave to my gardener.
Plot prices on standardized vehicles, like the X5 or F150 over the course of years, typically and especially with Euro's you'll see a 'depreciation valley', where a car about 6-7 years old slows it's rate of depreciation. This might mean you find a $120k SUV around $10-20k with low miles. You get a car at the bottom of the depreciation curve, and with a lifespan of only a few years, your adjusted cost per month can be under $150, which is cheaper than leasing and no mileage limit.
I predicted this
Housing was never supposed to be this investment that always gained money big league. Boomers with houses from the 80s/90s made major gains.
Imagine actually believing this
Sell now to the next twelve months and go into more stable real estate, or rent and wait. You've gambled up the banks money, take the winnings and leave the casino.
> claiming to know anything about accounting
> not knowing the average residential cap rate in the US is 8%
The US was a lot better when only property owners could vote.
How do sub minimum wage workers live here?
This is the future you have chosen.
I plan to keep my car 10-12 years due to this. Once your car is 5 years old you’ve already been raped by the curve so you may as well ride it out. But after 10-12 years is when electronic gremlin shit starts to occur.
I don't have any debts.
I have $600 outstanding with PayPal but I'll pay that before I'm charged interest.
Why are you so angry at me?
>he doesn't live with his parents before buying property of his own
>he doesn't plan to inherit the family property that his ancestors have owned for generations
This is why we shouldn't be allowing shitskins and losers to immigrate here.
If I did sell it would be a major endeavor with all my crap since its a large 900sqft condo... so if I did it would take the rest of this year to be ready also remember, one catch is if I tried to sell now... demand is already low now. The time to sell was probably last fall.
Boomers going to learn the hard way no one wants their shit mcmansions.
I didn't know we were talking about investment properties. I'm a dirty flipper in central cal where prices are schizophrenic.
They're going to turn them into apartment buildings or something. I promise.
Those are total shit. The houses that are good are from the 50-80s and have concrete walls and shit. Well at least its that way in south florida. Since basically houses that old have gone through natural selection via hurricanes. Only the strong survived.
>But lower housing prices make family formation more affordable for blacks and Latinos, and that translates to more black and Latino babies and a larger percentage of subhuman voters.
If you're under 500k I would think demand would be pretty high.
There's moving companies that can help, I moved a 1600sqft place in about 6 hours with a team of 4 packing everything for me.
Fuck I hope it pops here and all the chinks leave the market and cause the biggest fucking crash Australia has ever seen. All those dumbcunt tradies who have over extended with their six boats and four jetskis will be left sucking dick to pay them off.
this is among the worst things. i'm casually looking for a small home/condo since I have cheap rent and am in no rush. but anything owned by people aged 55+ has not been taken care of and if it isn't falling apart then its simply outdated by 30+ years.
I don't think it'll be as bad as 2007. Certain cities are still desirable to live in not only because of culture (SF, NYC, etc) but also because of jobs (DFW, PHX, etc) and those markets will have steady housing markets because of the jobs that are being created.
The rest of the country isn't really that much in a "bubble", more of a sugar high that will crash soon.
I think the housing market will crawl down from the insanity that it is (see below link) but it won't crash the way it crashed in 2007.
LA is perpetually fucked. I'm not gonna buy a house if it means I have to go back to a 1+ hour commute. Maybe if I leave California I'd buy a house elsewhere.
Besides, I don't even need all that space.
I hope it will. It will make me feel better about not having enough money for a mortgage yet. It will be sweet if the bubble pops right when I have enough saved up to buy.
I was so relieved when my parents told me they just offloaded their house to some sucker, I didn’t think they would beat out the millions of other empty nesters that are about to flood the market. We are going to see an unprecedented drop in values nationwide. Entire neighborhoods are going to go vacant.
LOL US MILITARY family here. Female family members are in DAR. Fuck off newfag
Stop teasing me that we'll actually get some happenings
Jesus, somebody needs his pooper rotorooted.
You're depressed just kill yourself
and yet the value of my property has gone up fucking 200% since drumblklumpfgt got in.
Bah...I'm a hippy stoner with a $1000 truck and $4000 trailer and a girl with flowers in her hair.
I have zero debts and work part time.
Let it crash lmao
for any leafs in the urban housing markets so much THIS
Just don't take out any debts as you figure your shit out my dude. The majority of people have shit credit.
I work in mortgages. Most of the foreclosed homes (especially non-homestead investment properties) were bought for pennies on the dollar at private auctions by foreign investors, holding them in elaborate shell corporations and LLC's. We're approaching the ten year mark for many of these properties. The current high prices are unsustainable because we have an affordable rental and purchase shortage in this country based on wage stagnation, so most two family households in the US cannot afford much more than a $300,000 home. Once these investors panic, stop paying the property taxes or HOA dues (we're already seeing a lot of this) they'll begin to sell off fast and for more than half of current asking.
Local ordinances are fucking bullshit. Im literally supposed to get a permit to paint my living room. Makes me want to dump used motor oil in my backyard.
What do you think of the exclusive focus on Class A new starts?